Cincinnati Smith Family

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4/17/2006 - OK, so we are T-minus days to Koen's grand arrival. We have a developing story though... we are thinking about changing his middle name from Michael to Benjamin. We have decided to wait until the little guy is born to make the final decision. Nothing is set in stone right now, but will be very shortly. Jaime is having more intense contractions, but Koen is going to have to wait until after tonight, since 24 is on tonight and Jaime and I can't wait to see what Jack Bauer and Secretary of Defense is going to do with the President, since he's crooked. Anyway, we are all excited to meet Koen. We had an Easter dinner yesterday, which was fun. Aunt Sue graced us with a prego-requested Apple Pie that was very tasty. Saturday night was an adventure! Kirstyn slipped on the deck and somehow managed to get a splinter stuck under her big toenail all the way to back. I was able to get most of the splinter out, but there was still some left near her cuticle. So Jessy, Kirstyn, and I loaded up to go to the ER, which was packed with bleeding kids and old folks. Seeing that the wait would be loooooong, we opted to jet over to Florence, KY to the urgent care center. There we waited for about 45 minutes in the waiting room, where Kirstyn decided to make up here own language. Said language must be a comedy language, because each new word was followed by delirious laughter. Finally we made it to the doctor's office, where he walked in and after looking at the splinter for all of 2.1 seconds, said there was nothing they could do there and we'd have to take her to the hospital to get the splinter removed. Arg, thankfully Aunt Sue said it should work it's way out on it's own. So we're carefully monitoring the toe to ensure an infection does not manifest itself. Well, that's about it on the Smith Family front! Stay tuned, the next update should be a birth announcement. Take care all!!! Ben, Jaime, Kirstyn, and Koen...

3/31/2006 - Here we go... it's getting closer and closer to "the day!" Jaime is very ready to be un-pregnant, and I think I am MORE ready. Just kidding, I love you honey! Anyway, Kirstyn is doing well, the past week she has not had any accidents overnight and has been very good at school. Her teacher gives them a sticker if they are good and help out. With the exception of one day, Kirstyn has gotten stickers for two months in a row! Last month she got all stickers, which got her a movie of her choosing. She choose a new My Little Pony movie. Also, I was in Portland, Oregon last week for work and she was so good for Mommy, she got the new Mermaidia (Barbie Farietopia) movie, which she has not stopped watching. Kirstyn is still into the dress ups, but I am sure as the temperature gets warmer she'll be more active outdoors, as we all will be. We are all looking forward to the warmer weather! Jaime and I registered at the hospital last night, so we should be good to go when it's time. The official due date is 4/22/06, but rest assured, we'll keep you posted as the events unfold. That's about it for now, until next time... Love to All!!!!!

2/10/2006 - Well, not too bad, only a couple months into the new year with the first update. Sorry guys we've been pretty busy with the house and getting ready for baby Koen. Time has been flying. Koen sure is a kicker, there is lots of movement going on the belly. It seems like Jaime is getting up every 10 minutes to use the facilities, maybe that's cause she is, LOL! I framed up a wall on the lower level of the house over the past month. It's now ready to paint, woo-hoo! Last weekend we started on Koen's room. There were some crazy bad squeaks, so I pulled up the carpet and fixed the sub-floor and that did the trick. This weekend, all the electrical receptacles and plates will get overhauled, and then we'll just need some furniture for the new comer. Kirstyn is getting impatient, just about every day she asks, "is my brother out yet?" When Jaime and I think is funny, but after 5 weeks of it, it's kind of lost it's luster. Kirstyn has been doing really well in school... she can almost count to 20, and she's starting to recognize letters. "K" is fir Kirstyn... every time she see one. She's also getting a little to big for her britches, using the "no" word a little more than a 3 1/2 year old should... The NCAA Basketball Tourney is just around the corner and soon after that, we should have the new addition about a month later. Well, that's it for now... Until next time! Love to all, The Smith Family!

12/25/2005 - The family had a really nice Christmas this year. Kirstyn got lots of Barbie toys. She really like the Pegasus Barbie cloud playset! And her Minty Christmas (My Little Pony) movie. Jaime got a new watch and some sweet smelling perfume. Ben got a scrolling saber saw and some cool stuff to deck out "The Texan" (Ben's poker room/bar) with  stuff like a neon sign and some coasters. Since we have the addition to the family (Koen), Ben decided to suck it up and join the MVS (Mini Van Society), an elite group of dads that have exceptional taste in modes of transportation. Anyway, just wanted to wish all our family a Merry Christmas! Love to all! ~Ben, Jaime, Kirstyn, & Koen...

12/12/2005 - We have decided on a name for the little boy... Koen Michael Smith

12/10/2005 - Well, Jaime went to the doctors yesterday for the sonogram, and we found out the baby is 11 ounces and has 10 fingers and 10 toes. I know everyone is anxious to know the gender so, without further ado... IT'S A BOY ! That's right leave it to me to break the infamous Raymond "girl, girl, boy" cycle!!! The only thing I have to say is I only take cash from those that had money on it!!! Just kidding... I'll take a check. ;)

11/19/2005 - Check out the new pics of the house. These are pictures of the upstairs living room, dining room, and kitchen. Basically the only rooms that are clean enough to take pictures of! Well, back to the grindstone...

11/18/2005 - We've moved into the new house and we really like it. A special thanks to the brother-in-law Kevin for helping lay the laminate floor the night before the move. Thanks, man. Kirstyn is liking her new house a lot. The two car garage is nice for the cold weather that's rapidly coming. In fact we experienced our first snow "flurries" yesterday and some this morning, so winter has arrived. Jaime and I have already had some interesting home-owner experiences. The first being we locked ourselves out of the house. Another special thanks to Karen for missing one of her favorite shows to bring us an extra key ;-) The second was the washer episode. Apparently there was a ziplock bag in the basin that went overlooked by yours truly, which caused a brief waterfall into Tigger's litter box, which was a dandy to clean up. No harm done. This week Cincinnati is hosting the undefeated Colts of Indy, which should make for one heck of a game, since the Bengals are doing so well this year... You can guess what I'll be doing Sunday... WHO DEY!!! At any rate, nothing else is really new, just slowly unpacking boxes and stuff... I will be taking some pics this weekend and should have them up in the next week or so. Take care, talk to you guys soon!

10/31/2005 - It's official, we have purchased out first house! We should be getting the keys and taking possession today. Once we get in the house, we'll get some more pictures to show everyone.

10/25/2005 - We have a house under contract, and should have the closing in the next few days... We are really exited about the new house. If you need the address, please email us at [email protected] Click the picture page for, well duh, pictures. We are also expecting the final installment of our family April 20, 2006! We have not found out if we're having a boy or girl, but should sometime in December when the doctor schedules the sonogram. We'll keep you posted. Right now we have a boy name picked out, Koen Michael, but haven't settled on a girl name as of yet. We'll keep everyone as up to date as we can! Also, check out the picture page for pictures of the house!


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