March Madness
Stage Combat Workshop

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Yes, it's that time of year again: Cincinnati's March Madness 2009 is almost here! Check out what March Madness is all about and be part of the sixth annual stage combat workshop in Cincinnati!

Class times and location now included below!

Suggested Hotel list on REGISTRATION page!

What is it?

This March Madness is a weekend of training in stage combat. This is the sixth year the workshop has been teaching stage violence in the Greater Cincinnati area! Through the various courses offered, you can learn how to create safe and believable fights for the stage. All instructors are certified in the Society of American Fight Directors.

What is Stage Combat?


Stage Combat is the study of safe choreographed stage violence. This is also considered acting training. We are simply "actors with large props". The goal of the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD) is to create the ILLUSION of violence and the REALITY of the acted moment. This workshop is a brief look into what it takes to create a safe and beleivable fight. To learn more about the Society of American Fight Directors, check out their official website HERE.

When and Where is March Madness?

Saturday, March 14, and Sunday, March 15 2009.
Registration from 8-8:30 (both days)

Morning meeting and warm-up at 8:30 and classes begin at 9:15

Both days will conclude approximately at 5:15

March Madness is always located within the Greater Cincinnati area. This year, the workshop will be held at
Northern Kentucky University

Nunn Drive

Highland Heights, KY 41099

Registration will be in the Corbett Lobby, on the Second floor of NKU's Fine Arts Building

(Get Directions and Map HERE)

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Who can participate in March Madness?

ANYONE! Whether you've been doing stage combat all your life, or have yet to work in stage combat, we have a place for you! Classes range from beginning to advanced, so we'll have a spot for you regardless of your previous experience.

Copyright 2007 Cincinnati March Madness

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