ancient ways of life



Yule is also called the Winter Solstice - Dec. 21st.
Yule comes from the Norse Lul meaning wheel.
Yule is the time when the Goddess gives birth to the Sun God.
It also marks the birth of the Oak King, God of the waxing year.
The Yule Log is an important rite on this night.
A log bought into the house is kept burning all night.
Afterwards, the ashes were scattered in the fields to ensure a good harvest for the next year.
Keep a small pice of the left over Yule Log to use as kindling at the next Yule.

Lore -
One traditional Yuletide practice is the creation of a Yule tree.
This can be a living, potted tree which can later be planted in the ground or a cut one.
Appropriate Wiccan decorations are fun to make, from strings of dried rosebuds and cinnamon sticks for garlands, to bags of fragrant spices which are hung from the boughs.
Quartz crystals can be wrapped with shiny wire and suspended from branches to resembl icicles.
Apples, oranges, and lemons hanging from the boughs were customary in ancient times.
Many enjoy the custom of lighting the Yule Log.
This represents the rebirth of the God within the sacred fire of the Mother Goddess.
As the log burns, visualize the Sun shining within it and think of the coming warmer days.

Colors -
Red, Green, White and Gold

Symbols -
Evergreen trees, Yule Log, Holly, Eight-spoked Wheel, Wreaths, and spinning Wheels.

Deities -
Newborn God, Tripple Goddess

Stones -
Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet

Ritual Oils -
Rosemary, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Saffron, Cedar/Pine, Wintergreen & Ginger.

Food -
Nuts, Apples, Pears, Cakes of Carraways soaked in cider and pork are traditional fare. Wassail, Lambswook, Hibiscus or Ginger tea are great for the Simple Feast or Yule meals.

Did you know...
While both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December. Female reindeer retain their antlers until after they give birth in the spring.

Therefore, according to every historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, every single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen - had to be a girl.

Sun Mar 9, 2008

Winter Tonic Elixir

1 teaspoon gingko root, chopped
1 teaspoon astragalus, chopped
1 teaspoon ginger, chopped
1 teaspoon hawthorne berry
1 teaspoon echinacea leaves, chopped
1 teaspoon schizandra berries
1/2 cup honey
1 quart brandy
1 decorative bottle

Place herbs and brandy in a bottle. Store in a cool, dark place,
stirring daily for 1 month. Take 1 teaspoon a few times daily when
feeling under the weather.

From Sun Rise Herb Farm


     2 cups juniper berries (cedar or balsam needles)
     1 cup peppermint leaves
     1 cup winterberry leaves
     1/4 cup spearmint leaves
     1 tsp allspice
     3/4 tbsp orris root
     3 drops eucalyptus oil, optional

Mix all ingredients together in a covered jar. Let is set for a week
or so before making into sachets.

**source unknown**

Winter Solstice Spell for Healing
From Wiccan Magick: A Seasonal Guide to Wiccan Religion and Ritual

Adorn the Altar with Mistletoe and Pine Branches and place a gold
candle in the center. Burn Frankincense or another appropriate
incense. In a small cauldron (or other similar container) place a
ripe apple, three bay leaves and a pinch of rock salt or sea salt.
Light the candle, visualizing the rebirth and return of the God
banishing the cold of Winter. Recite this Solstice Chant:

     "Geese and standing stones and mist,
     Baying hounds and hooting owl,
     Sparkling Stars, and snow is crisp,
     Herne is here, bring forth the Bowl."

As this is said, sprinkle spring water into the cauldron using a
sprig of evergreen, visualizing the strength and healing power of
Herne's rebirth. This power flows into the Apple, energizing it with
all the power of the God. Lift the apple from the cauldron. If the
spell of healing is for another, visualize this person receiving the
healing power within the apple, picture them gaining strength,
becoming well. Replace the Apple into the cauldron and finish with a
chant of thanks:

     "May the Goddess of Night,
     Fair Lady of the Moon,
     and the God,
     great horned hunter of the sun,
     May the power of the stones and the oceans,
     the Winds and the Flame,
     Bless me this night in my sacred work,
     Which is right and just in your name.
     Blessed Be."

Saturday, December 18, 2004


"What a long, strange trip it's been..."
Jerry Garcia {1942-95}


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