ancient ways of life

Witches and Herbs

"In my garden grew plenty of thyme
It would flourish by night and by day
O'er the wall came a lad
And he took all I had
And he stole my thyme away.."

The old word used for the knowledge of the secret properties of herbs
is "Wortcunning"; and this has always been a particular study of
witches. Witches use knowledge of both the medicinal and magical
properties of herbs in their craft.

Herbalism is a very ancient craft, utilised by many civilisations,
including the Greeks and the Egyptians. The famous Eber Papyrus,
which was found buried with a mummy in the Theban Necropolis,
contains a great many herbal recipes, and the simples it prescribes
include a number of substances still used by herbalists and witches
today, including elderberries, mint, myrrh and onions.

In such centres as Toledo in Spain, where European and Islamic
cultures mingled, medicine was studied as well as magic, alchemy and
astrology; and so the knowledge of Eastern drugs, such as hashish,
derived from the hemp plant, was combined with the knowledge handed
down from the old classical writers. This knowledge gradually
filtered down to the village wise women or witches, mingled with
traditions derived from Norse, Celtic and pre-Celtic sources.

The village witch was a herbalist, spell-caster, interpreter of
dreams, healer, midwife and psychologist. In times where there were
no, or very few skilled, doctors, she was the people's only resource
against injury and disease.

The time when magical and medicinal herbs were gathered was ruled by
astrology and particularly by the phases of the moon. Constructive
magic was undertaken at the waxing of the moon; the waning moon was
utilised for spells that were destructive or to banish things. Herbs
which were to be put to good purposes were gathered at the full moon.
Herbs used for dark purposes would be gathered in the dark of the
moon, just as the witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth used "root of
hemlock digged I' the dark".

Please note that this herb list is neither exhaustive nor to
be treated as a magickal grimoire of cure-alls. Do not consume any of
these herbs unless you have consulted your general practitioner or
doctor, or preferably, a suitable qualified herbalist.

Alder Whistles entice the Elemental Air.

Burn for prosperity.

Put whole root in a blue/white cloth bag and hang in the window for a
protection against evil.

Protective, purification, entices spirits to aid in spell
working. A pillow stuffed with anise seeds is reputed to keep away

Bury in the garden on Samhain as food for the departing spirits. In
Cornwall, a large apple was given to each member of the household at
Samhain for good luck. The wood may be made into wands for use in love
spells and rituals
. Also used for health and to attract unicorns.

The wood from this protective tree can be used to make brooms and
healing wands. Ash leaves beneath the pillow are reputed to induce
psychic dreams. Ash is also linked with prosperity.

Used in rituals to promote wealth and prosperity. Carrying basil in
your pocket is reputed to attract money into them. Also used for
protection, love and to repel negativity.

Bay Laurel
The leaves can be burned or chewed to induce visions. They
may also be put under the pillow to induce prophetic dreams. May
also be used in purification and wish magic.

Used in spells to promote success.

Used for protection and purification. Wards negativity.

Used to promote health, protection and prosperity.

Returns evil to the sender.

Tea aids psychic powers. Carry leaves for protection.

Add to tea for clairvoyant dreams.

Use to sweep the circle for purification. Hang indoors for
protection (N.B. This plant is not popular with faeries, and may
drive them away.)

Creates a psychic bond between cat and "owner".

Use in prosperity charms and rituals. Induces sleep. Tea
brings tranquillity and aids meditation.

Aids creativity.

Burn for spiritual and psychic powers, protection, and success.

Hang on house entrances for protection. May be used in spells
and charms for prosperity, purification and protection.

Burn for wealth, purification and to ward negativity.

Sacred to Hecate. Used in rituals to honour the Goddess in
her Crone aspect. Roots and leaves may also be used for healing
and may be carried for safe travel.

Used in love spells and charms. And old love spell is to
take seven coriander seeds and grind them in a pestle and mortar,
chanting "Warm seed, warm heart, let them never be apart", three
times. The drop the crushed seeds into a glass of wine and share the
drink with your lover.

Prevents theft. Burn for protection.

Decorate the house with daisies on Midsummer's Eve to win favour
with the fairies and bless the home.

The seeds of this plant draw money. The leaves may be used
for protection and the flowers for love.

Caution - seeds are poisonous. Wards negative thoughts when
used as wind chimes. The wood should not be burnt, as it is sacred
to Hecate. There is a folk tale that you can see faeries in elder
trees at Midsummer. Berries may be made into Esbat wine. Flowers may
be added to a candle spell dedicated to Hecate at the new moon.

Burn as incense to aid meditation.

Attracts elves and love.

Traditionally brought for new mothers and hung near the
cradle to keep away flies. Also used for protection and hung over
doors at Midsummer.

Burn inside for protection, outside for rain.

Wards sickness. Wards accidents in travel.

Poisonous. Grow in the garden for protection of house and

Used for protection, blessing, spirituality, meditation
and power.

This is sacred to Hecate. Use the flowers as an altar
offering and the cloves for protection.

Use to promote love and success.

This makes powerful wands. May also be used in fertility
magic and protection.

Use for wands, healing, protection and luck. Forked branches
may be used as divining rods.

Acts as a good protection if planted around the house.

Use in prosperity spells and charms.

Promotes health and aids sleep. It is unwise to us hops if
you are depressed as they are reputed to induce melancholy.

Use for purification and to ward negativity.

Believed to guard and protect the house that it grows over.
Used as a good luck charm in conjunction with holly.

Use in love spells.

Use in wind spells and for protection. Also helps psychic

Attracts elves. Use in bath for purification and to promote
calmness. Also used to aid love spells and psychic awareness.
May be used as an offering at Midsummer.

Add the root to cleansing baths. Carry to attract love.

Use in marriage spells. Also make a dream pillow from
marigolds to induce clairvoyant dreams. Mix with water and rub
over the eyelids to see faeries. Also use for protection. Pick
in full sun.

Use to encourage love, protection and wealth.

Use for protection and prosperity. Use as an altar offering
to helpful fairies.

Good for divination. Rub fresh mugwort onto crystal balls
and magic mirrors to increase their strength. This should be
picked at night during a full moon. A pillow filled with mugwort
will induce vivid dreams.

Use to encourage health, protection and fertility.

Used for protection and wards negativity. Also burn for
purification and consecrations (usually combined with frankincense).

Burn for prosperity. Carry a nutmeg to increase psychic
powers and prevent rheumatism.

Use for making wands. Burn oak leaves to purify the
atmosphere. Acorns draw money. Burn the wood to promote good

Used in protection and healing. To encourage recuperation
from an illness, cut an onion in half and leave it in the
patient's room overnight. Remove the onion in the morning
and throw it away.

Use orange peels to promote love. Orange incense may be used
to aid divination and encourage good fortune.

Used for purification and protection.

Use in love spells to attract a lover.

Use in prosperity spells.

Use in protective charms.

Brush an outdoor area with a pine branch to purify and
sanctify the area. Burn for cleansing. Use pine needles in
money spells. Put pine needles in a bath for a cleansing bath.
Pine nuts may be eaten or carried to aid fertility.

Use in love spells. Drink a tea of rose petals for
divinatory dreams.

An all-purpose herb! Burn for purification. Wards
negativity. May also be used for protection, love and health.
Also may be used for blessings or consecration. Grow rosemary
to attract elves.

Use rowan wands and amulets to promote knowledge. Make
incense of rowan leaves and berries to aid divination. Use a
rowan fire to call on spirits for help. Grow rowan to protect
the home and help inspire you. String the berries together and
wear as a necklace for a healing charm.

Use for blessings, consecration, protection and health. Use
rue to make altar oil. The smell of fresh rue clears the mind
of emotional clutter.

Use to promote protection, wisdom. Sage is especially linked
with health.

St. John's Wort
Wear to ward off fever and illness. Use as banishing
incense. Use in protective charms. Wear to feel courage or
increase willpower.

Burn for protection and to ward negativity. Also use at Full
Moon Esbats.

Star Anise
Burn for psychic power or to increase good fortune.

Use to promote good health.

Wards negativity. Burn for purification. May be used in
healing spells.

Vervain / Verbena
Use in magical cleansing baths and purification incenses.
Hang above the bed to ward off nightmares. Also draws riches and

Use to encourage fertility and wealth.

Willow wands may be used for healing spells. Burn willow
bark with sandalwood for divination, love and protection.

Used in love and marriage charms. Put in marriage bouquets.
Also wards negativity and offers protection. May also be used for

Written by Ceri, Mabon 1998.

Sunday, January 16, 2005


"What a long, strange trip it's been..."
Jerry Garcia {1942-95}


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