Better ways to live.


Black Walnut
juglans negra L.

English Walnut
juglans regia

Remedy to help to protect against outside influences
in general, and against the effects of change in particular.

Walnut types are people who are fulfilling their purpose
in life but who under the influence of the opinions,
theories or beliefs of others, or of external
circumstances in general, may be led to doubt their path.

They are not like Cerato people, who actively seek out
the opinions of others,
but instead may be affected almost despite themselves.

As a remedy against the effects of change,
Walnut is useful at all the transitions of life,
from being born to teething to going to school to puberty
to marriage to childbearing to retirement and beyond.

It helps to break links with the past so that the person can move
forward with confidence and without undue suffering.

Dr. Bach's description

Recommended by
Lady Elaine™,

Animal Nutrition Center

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