Books of Shadows


Vervain Herb Blue C/S (Verbena officinalis) 1 lb: K

Vervain Herb Blue C/S (Verbena officinalis) 1 lb: K

This is Frontier's nitrogen-flushed double wall silverfoil pack. Some Frontier packs are double wall wax-lined paper. Used as an infusion, decoction, extract and tincture. Blue Vervain is recommended by the herbalists as an ease to depression following illness. Blue Vervain had many uses in Native American culture. The seed are edible when roasted and are ground into a powder and used as a piñole flour. The leaves and roots are useful in intermittent fevers. A very strong infusion is emetic. An infusion of the plant is a good galactagogue (increases breast milk) and used for female obstructions, afterpains and taken as a female tonic. The infusion is used to help pass kidney stones and for infections of the bladder. Used as a sudorific sedative and taken for colds and coughs. Also useful for insomnia and other nervous conditions. Recent medical research has detected the presents of iridoids, verbenin, verbenalin, bastatoside, and other chemical constituents, the verifiable actions of which give credence to Vervain's traditional applications. Grieve's classic 'A Modern Herbal': 'It is recommended in upwards of thirty complaints, being astringent, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, etc. It is said to be useful in intermittent fevers, ulcers, ophthalmia, pleurisy, etc., and to be a good galactogogue. It is still used as a febrifuge in autumn fevers.' 'As a poultice it is good in headache, ear neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. In this form it colours the skin a fine red, giving rise to the idea that it had the power of drawing the blood outside.' 'A decoction of 2 oz. to a quart, taken in the course of one day, is said to be a good medicine in purgings, easing pain in the bowels. It is often applied externally for piles. It is used in homoeopathy.' 'Fluid extract, ½ to 1 drachm.' King's 1898 Dispensatory: 'Vervain is tonic, emetic, expectorant, and sudorific. In small doses a tincture of verbena relieves gastric irritation.' 'As an emetic and sudorific it has proved beneficial in intermittent fever, given in warm infusion or in powder. In all cases of colds and obstructed menstruation it may be used as a sudorific.' 'Taken cold, the infusion forms a good tonic in some cases of debility, anorexia, and during convalescence from acute diseases. It has been reputed valuable in scrofula, visceral obstructions, gravel, and worms.' 'The following application has been recommended as effectual in promoting the absorption of the blood effused in bruises, and in allaying the attendant pain: Take of vervain, senna, and white pepper, of each, equal parts. Make a cataplasm by mixing with the white of eggs. Dose of the powdered root, from 20 to 40 grains; of the infusion, from 2 to 4 fluid ounces, 3 or 4 times a day, or oftener if it is desired to cause emesis.'

verbena officinalis



Blue Vervain

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