Let Your Kitchen Be Your Drugstore

The use of foods and herbs for treatment of ailing bodies goes so
far back in time that no one is sure when it began. Our more recent
ancestors in colonial America all had their "yarb" patches as their
forefathers did in Europe. A woman was not a good wife or mother without her
"home remedies,'' many of which were the same used by the frontier doctors.
The following foods are some which they used for good health or to regain
it. There are many more for each specific problem, but these are some of the
easiest to obtain. Some you will find the grocery store with the spices and
others you will find in your yard ..... But always be sure you know what you
are picking, if your yard is where you get them.

Some Common Herbs and Foods For Familiar Ailments

      Remedies like Grandma used to make with herbs are usually used in teas
unless otherwise specified and foods are eaten. Foods should be eaten as
usual, continuing until problem is gone. Raw food may be pureed in blender
and eaten pureed.

Apples - In brandy for coughs (mix pureed apples with brandy and use as
cough syrup), digestive disorders.
Basil - Stops excessive vomiting, good for poultices for insect bites.
Bay Leaves - Expels gas from intestines and bowels, eliminates cramps.
Caraway - Useful for colic in infants boiled in milk or water, good for
digestion, poultice for bruises.
Carrots - Liver, kidneys, expelling worms, poultices for boils and ulcers
(external) - eaten raw, made into tea or juiced raw.
Cauliflower - Reduces blood pressure.
Celery - Nervine, neuralgia headaches and rheumatic disorders.
Chamomile Flowers - Teething babies, colic, upset stomach.
Clover Blossoms - Blood cleansing, quieting to the nerves, bronchial
problems, whopping cough and cancer.
Coconut - Laxative, Colon Cleanser.
Cranberries - Fevers, kidney disorders, gas.
Dandelion Root - Liver Problems.
Dates - Stimulates nerves, laxative, improves circulation.
Eggs - Builds muscle and bones.
Elderberries - Sore throats, colds and cough.
Figs - Blood circulation, nourishing, laxative, syrup of figs for coughs and
sore throats
Garlic - Sore throats, high blood pressure, colon cleanser
Ginger - Sore throat, sugared for nausea.
Graham Flour - Builds muscle.
Grapefruit - Weight loss, fevers, eliminate mucous.
Grapes - Blood builder, upset stomach, fevers and rheumatic disorders,
eliminates mucous from body - eat grapes whole or drink juice.
Honey - Take by the tablespoon for asthma, digestion, sore throats, coughs,
intestinal mucous, laxative.
Horse Radish - (Eat - not for tea) Nerve stimulant.
Juniper Berries - Urine stimulator.
Lemons - Aids in nausea, blood purifier, rheumatic disorders, laxative,
weight loss.
Lettuce - Insomnia, restlessness, upset stomach.
Marjoram - Coughs, sour stomach, spleen problems, insect and snake bites,
dropsy, jaundice, toothache, headache, indigestion.
Olive Oil - Skin, anemia, weight gain.
Onions - Mucous, coughs and colds, nervousness and sleeplessness.
Oranges - Upset stomach, fever.
Parsley - Difficult urination, dropsy, jaundice, fevers, obstruction of
liver and spleen, expels gallstones, poultice applied to breast will dry up
Peaches - Blood purifying.
Pears - Laxative.
Pineapples - Weight reducer, sore throat, upset stomach
Plums - Liver, laxative.
Prunes - Laxative, mucous eliminator
Red Raspberry Tea - Laxative, removes cankers from mucous membranes, stops
diarrhea in infants, allays nausea, helps prevent miscarriage, reduces labor
Rhubarb - (Fruit Only) Laxative and blood cleanser.
Rice - (Brown) Diarrhea, weight gain.
Rosemary - For colds, nervousness, headaches, mouth wash.
Sage - Stomach problems, gargle for sore throat expel worms, stops bleeding
gums, good for liver and kidneys, removes dandruff (rinse hair in sage tea),
will dry up milk in mothers when drunk cold.
Sauerkraut - Indigestion, weight loss, reduces high blood pressure.
Spinach - Blood cleanser, reduces swelling of piles.
Strawberries - Diuretic, fever reducer.
Thyme - Suppresses menstruation, fevers, good for nightmares, reliable
nervine, asthma. With equal parts of sage and rosemary will break the fever
of flu.
Tomatoes - Liver remedy
Turnips - Stimulant, blood cleanser
Violet - Headache
Watercress - Rashes, anemia, blood cleanser.
Wintergreen - Kidneys, stomach upsets, headache, rheumatism, colic in the
bowels, gargle for sore throat, also good for poultices for inflamed area
and boils. The tea can be used as a douche for vaginal discharges.

Fruit Medicines
Astringents - (Contracts Tissues) Blackberries, cherries, cranberries,
pomegranates, pears and raspberries.
Diuretics - (Urine Stimulant) Black Currants, grapes, melon seeds and
melons, peaches and prickly pears, strawberries.
Refrigerants - (Cooling) Gooseberries, currants, pumpkins, melons.
Stomach Relaxers - Apples, lemons, lime.
Pomegranates - In Decoction, repel tapeworm.
Figs - Poultice for boils. (Split open and apply directly.)

Culpeper's Apprentice




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