Candles Books of Shadows Candles

Perimenopause Naturally:
An Integrative Medicine Approach
by Tori Hudson, N.D.

Perimenopause: signs and symptoms

Many women begin to experience an array of physical,
mental andemotional symptoms long before
they meet the definition of menopause.
These changes that occur
over a time frame of several years,
usually from around age 40 to 51,
mark a transition period called

A narrower definition would
be the shift a woman experiences
from regular to irregular menses.
On average, the onset of perimenopause
occurs around age 47, with the average
duration being 4 to 5 years.

Perimenopause is a time of instability and unpredictability.
Oestrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate and decline.
Women's hormone levels are changing not only
in their total serum blood levels,
but also in relationship to each other.
Aging also contributes to many changes
like weight gain, alterations
in metabolic rate, and outlook on life.
Factors such as age, stress, and body weight also
begin to play a larger role
inthe production of the hormone estrone.

The signs and symptoms of perimenopause include
menstrual irregularities and changes in the amount
of blood loss, hot flashes, night sweats,
vaginal dryness and vaginal thinning.
Women may also notice skin changes,
fatigue, decreased libido, decrease
in arousal and orgasmic response,
mood swings, weight gain and joint paints.
Other symptoms include depression, anxiety,
changes in memory and cognition,
sleep disturbance, hair loss on the head,
hair growth and acne on the face,
heart palpitations, nausea, headaches,
urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence.
Perimenopause may be the time when beginning
stages of osteoporosis and heart disease appear.

Symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe.
Initially, they may vary
from subtle and infrequent to overt and daily.

Some women will have no significant menopausal symptoms
except in the menstrual cycle and others will have
symptoms that are progressive and problematic
for years to come.
Individual assessments and recommendations

Natural therapies for perimenopause: the scientific facts
Soy Isoflavones
Red Clover Isoflavones

Black Cohosh

Combination products
Other Botanicals
Natural Hormones



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