ancient ways of life


soup-puree "assorti"
50 gr fatless beef,50 gr chiken fillet ,100 gr carrot,150 gr cauliflower,30 gr onion,10 gr butter oil,100 gr milk fatless,1 egg,salt by taste.
wash meat,clean from pelicles,separate from bones,pour over a cold water and cook to readiness,removing a foam.
salt add by taste.
boiling meat 3 time to mince meat.cean carrot,onion,wash.cauliflower wash and divide on a inflorescences .cut vegetables,like pieces and put in a slow fire to readiness or cook in steamer.knead a ready vegetables to puree ,taking mixer,add salt by taste.milk and oil-warm and mixing add carefuly mix in puree and cook 5-7 min/dilute to a necessary consistence puree taking water or broth and cook on a weak fire stiil 15-25 to a room temp.add chiken egg,shake.for patients with chronic intestine disease add in puree rubing meat,and mix.serve,like warm.

vegetable pudding"cloud"
30 gr pumpkin,30 gr beet,30 gr carrot,20 gr manna,20 gr fatless cottage cheese,100 gr fatless milk,30 gr fruit fatles yoghurt,15 gr butter oil,salt,
sugar by taste.
cottage cheese to mince meat 2 time,rub with sugar,shake egg-white,mix in his in cottage cheese to a receiving a once mass,after rub through sieve.carrot,beet,pumpkin clean and wash ,from pumpkin remove seeds ,shred and put in milk,by taste add sugar,after knead to receiving a one mass,or mixing taking mixer.boil milk,add sugar,salt by taste and mix in manna,cook without nubbins,mixing on a weak receiving mass taking mixer mix in cottage cheese mass and vegetable puree.individually shake white-egg with sugar,and shake his in pudding.
add oil in pot and put in pot pudding.put on a steam bath on a weak fire and leave to readiness.pudding will be ready,when he is a dry.serve ,like warm,pour over yoghurt.

meat puree to a breakfast time
80 gr fillet fatless beef,20 gr liver chiken,20 gr carrot,100 gr fatless milk,1 egg,15 gr butter oil,25 gr fatless sour cream,
salt by taste.
wash and cut fillet,and liver,like a middle pieces.clean carrot and wash and liver chiken and vegetables add milk/like in 2 finger size/,put in to readiness,add salt by taste.cook liver/cook beef in salted water.boiling meat and liver to mince meat 2 time.mix liver force meat ,vegetables to a one mass,add milk,shake ,taking mixer,leave for stewing on a slow fire 5-7 shake in liver force meat to puree consistence.serve,like warm with vegetable,groats garnishs,add sour cream and decorate a green.

kasha from cereals mixture
"tasty with carrot and pumpkin".
20 gr rice,20 gr manna,
20 gr buckwheat,
30 gr carrot,
30 gr pumpkin,
140 gr milk fatless,
butter oil,
sugar by taste.
clean pumpkin,remove seeds,carrot clean,wash and shred.
vegetables put in milk to readiness ,add by taste sugar,
after knead theirs to a one mass.
rice and buckwheat grind in cofee-grinder to a one mass.mix rice,
buckwheat and manna.
boil milk add sugar and salt and carefuly mix in groats
without nubbins,cook,mixing,on a weak fire to readiness.
add oil, and leave for 15 min. serve, like warm.

garnish vegetable "air wonder"
100 gr cauliflower, 50 gr potatoe, 50 gr carrot,
150 gr squashs,2 egg,200 ml fatless yoghurt,
50 gr hard cheese, green petroselum curly, celery, salt,
pepper by taste.
clean vegetables from peel,wash,cut,like cubes.cook on a water bath or in steamer.knead to puree kind,add salt,pepper by cheese.cook sauce,for that shake ,taking mixer eggs,add yoghurt,shake.wash green,cut.vegtable mass mix with sauce and put in pots,sprinkle cheese and put in oven for 25-30 min.serve,like hot,decorate green.

cutlets "from chief"
50 gr fillet salmon,50 gr fatless beef,20 gr potatoe,20 gr carrot,100 gr milk fatless,1 egg,15 gr bread,15 gr oil butter,20 gr fatless sour cream.
salt by taste.
fillet for cutlets is must to be fresh without bones and peel.
wash his,cut ,like pieces.potatoe,carrot wash,clean and and vegetables put in milk/size in 2 finger/to readiness,add salt by taste.cook beef in salted water to readiness.boiling meat 2 time to mince meat.mix fish,vegetables and force meat to a one mass,after soak in milk a dry bun,to mince meat her and add in force meat.mix egg and also add in force meat,after that form cutlets.put cutlets in a pan ,like greasing butter oil and cook on a stean to readiness.serve,like warm with vegetable,groats garnish,add sour cream by taste.



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Jerry Garcia {1942-95}


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