Candles Books of Shadows Candles


achillea millefolium

NOTE: extended use may make skin light-sensitive
Do not use Yarrow during pregnancy,
for undiagnosed bleeding, or for more than two weeks.

LEAF, The Yarrow plant has been used throughout the ages for its healing properties.
Yarrow is known to help with high blood pressure, digestive problems, and as an antiseptic.
Yarrow can help with varicose veins, and other circulatory disorders.
It has a balancing effect on urine flow, and help to cure bedwetting.
It is used to alleviate muscle pain and headaches infuse as a tea for digestive problems.
Aids progesterone production.
Shrinks fibroids and hemorrhoids, Dries secretions and reduces menstrual flooding,
Regulates blood sugar levels and mood swings
Yarrow tea is a good remedy for severe colds and is useful
in the commencement of fevers.
It opens the pores freely and is recommended for colds and measles.

Yarrow Tea
The infusion is made with 1 oz. of dried herb to 1 pint of boiling water.
It may be sweetened with sugar or honey with a small amount of pepper.

Tea Tips:
Tea - 1 oz herb per 1 cup water.
Drink 1/2 - 1 cup every hour until cold/ fever breaks or bleeding stops

A piece of the plant held against a wound will staunch bleeding.
 An infusion can help to break a fever.
A tea made from yarrow with peppermint and elderflower
can be used to fight colds and flu.


Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

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