Candles Books of Shadows Candles


Rose oil is not indicated for use during the first four months of pregnancy.

Roses Can Relieve Anxiety, Headache, etc

Adapted from Aromatherapy for Everyone, by P.J. Pierson and Mary
Shipley (Vital Health Publishing, 2004).

Be sure to use essential rose oil, not a synthetic fragrance.
Undiluted rose oil is very costly, but even essential rose oils that
have been diluted with other, less expensive oils still possess
therapeutic properties.

For allergies and asthma, use 3-4 drops in a diffuser or 8-10 drops
in bath water regularly.

To better bear anger, depression, grief, jealousy, and resentment,
use 3-4 drops in a diffuser.

To alleviate anxiety and nervous tension, use 2-3 drops in a carrier
and massage on body, or add 8-10 drops to bath water.

To ease headache and migraine, use 3-4 drops in a hot or cold compress
(whichever works best for you). Can also use 3-4 drops in a diffuser.

To restore libido, use 6-8 drops in a bath, or use 2-3 drops in 1
of carrier oil and massage on body.

For overall skin care, mix a few drops in a carrier oil and massage
on body. Can also be mixed with water and applied to face;
especially good for mature and/or sensitive skin.

February 28, 2006

Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

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