Candles Books of Shadows Candles

You Can Have Beautiful Hair

by Ramakant Mishra

How many times have you admired someone's thick, glossy hair and wondered how she does it?

According to Maharishi Ayurveda, hair and nails are the by-product of
bone metabolism, so your diet must nourish the bone tissue. At the
same time, your diet must also purify the fat tissue, because healthy
bone tissue depends on healthy fat tissue. Thus, taking care of the
fat tissue and simultaneously nourishing the bone is the key to hair and nail health.

Maharishi Ayurveda recommends certain types of food for strengthening
hair and nails. Eating more sweet, juicy fruits, cooked greens, and
leafy green vegetables with a bitter taste will help. Seasoning the
vegetables with equal parts of fenugreek, cumin, turmeric and
coriander, sauteed in Ghee, will also purify fat tissue and
strengthen bone tissue. Adding fresh shredded coconut to your diet
and always using healthy fats such as olive oil or Ghee in cooking is also recommended.

At the same time, it's important to avoid foods that are difficult to
digest and create ama (digestive impurities). Stay away from
excessive amounts of refined sugars, ice-cold drinks, cold foods
straight from the refrigerator, leftovers, processed and packaged
foods, unhealthy fats and heavy, deep-fried foods. It's also
important to follow the diet that provides balance for you as an
individual. You can call MAPI at 1-800-ALL-VEDA to get a copy of the
guidelines for the Vata, Pitta or Kapha pacifying diet. Exercising
regularly with yoga asanas (yoga postures) will also help balance fat metabolism.

Avoid using harsh commercial shampoos and conditioners that contain
DEA, sodium laurel sulfate, or other such chemicals, as these can
strip the luster from your hair and cause deeper imbalances. Natural
hair products
, rich in plant extracts that are good for the hair,
will provide nourishment, moisture and balance to the hair in
addition to cleaning it.

It also helps to massage the hair with warm oil. If your hair is dry,
massage your head at least twice a week, otherwise, once a week is
enough. A warm oil massage stimulates the scalp and helps moisturize
the hair and scalp.

An ayurvedic herbal formula containing Eclipta alba, Heart-leaved
Moonseed and Phyllanthus Niruri, which are known as keshya herbs in
ayurveda provide powerful nourishment for the hair. Amla-Berry
(Indian Gooseberry) which is famous in the ayurvedic literature for
improving hair and nail strength is another herb recommended.

Note: The material presented in this article is for educational
purposes only and is not to be used to treat, cure or mitigate any
disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician.

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