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Asthma information on symptoms and treatments

The following article gives information about the very uncomfortable condition of asthma.

It is true that modern society and pollution has increased asthma levels around the world but you
can fight back and help your body increase is defences against asthma.

Firstly, what are some asthma symptoms?
Asthma is a condition in which the muscles of the bronchi (the air tubes of the lung) contract in
spasms, obstructing the flow of air and making breathing very difficult. In fact breathing out is
also very difficult and often more difficult than breathing in.

Asthma can often be triggered by a number of factors, including allergens (house pets, dust etc.),
pollution, infection, emotional trauma or physical exertion. Some of the symptoms of asthma can
be: difficulty in breathing, an increase in pulse rate, wheezing-especially on breathing out, a
dry cough, a sensation of tightness around the chest.

The reason that brochospasms (contracting lung muscles) can be triggered by allergies is that
histamine, the chemical most responsible for allergy symptoms, seems to play a role in asthma
attacks as well.

Cigarette smoke, industrial chemicals, aspirin and indoor pollution amongst other things can also
trigger an attack.

Two types of asthma
Asthma is divided into two categories: intrinsic (meaning inside or within), for which there is no
identifiable cause for the attacks and extrinsic, which is caused by something (external factors
usually inhaled) that triggers an attack.

Duration of an asthma attack

An asthma attack may be brief or last for several days. Typically, an attack begins within minutes
after exposure to a triggering agent. Some patients have only occasional or "seasonal" symptoms,
while others have daily symptoms.

Asthma is a life threatening condition in a number of cases. Many people have died due to a severe

Asthma relief
While certain herbs, home remedies or natural medication may help in relieving the condition, it
is imperative to listen to your health practitioner.

If you are on medication, natural medication can assist, but should not be taken as a complete
substitute. Believe it or not, research has shown that coffee, tea, caffeinated drinks, cocoa and
chocolate all contain caffeine as well as other compounds that may help fend off asthma.

Coffee has been shown to be a potent bronchodilator. If caught without your medication, a few cups
of coffee could assist in an emergency.

All the products above contain natural anti-asthmatic compounds - theobromine and theophylline.

These chemicals help stop bronchospasms and open constricted bronchial passages. There are of
course variables depending on the strength of the brew etc. But on average coffee is the most
concentrated form of caffeine, followed by tea, cola drink & cocoa then a chocolate bar. However
there are side effects to high consumption of the above, and these should be used only in
moderation, and/or in an emergency. Coffee addiction is not advocated.

Minimise exposure to dust and chemical
You should try to reduce levels of dust around your home and workplace.
Dust can trigger an asthma attack very quickly.

You should consider getting special anti-asthma bedding. This includes pillows and special bed
sheets which "seal" your mattress. Dust mites and bed mites and the droppings from these creatures
can be very allergic to asthmatics and efforts spent reducing them are usually well spent.

Reduce or avoid dairy products
One thing a person with asthma should stay away from is dairy products. Dairy products can
constrict the bronchial passageways. Many people who eat dairy products notice that after they eat
it, their noses and/or sinuses are congested. Or they wheeze or can't breath as easily.

Many dairy products such as milk, butter and cheese can cause excess phlegm and mucus to be formed
in the body. This makes breathing even harder. Try eliminating these products from your diet for a
while to see if you notice any difference.

Ginkgo biloba, goldenseal and echinacea - Treatment
Ginkgo Biloba is an excellent herb that is good for fighting allergies. It is particularly helpful
with asthma. Ginkgo is anti-inflammatory and relaxes the lungs. It has been used in Chinese
medicine for hundred of years. Taken as either a tincture, a tea or in capsule form.

Echinacea and Goldenseal combine well to help fight chest infections: asthma, flu and colds. Also
consider adding more garlic to your diet or taking a supplement. Garlic is a natural antibiotic
and expectorant*. In some asthma patients the mucus glands in the airways produce excessively
thick mucus which further obstructs the airflow. As garlic is an expectorant, it can help with
these symptoms.

*expectorant: promoting the secretion, liquefaction or expulsion of sputum (mass or salivary
matter ejected from the mouth) from the respiratory passages.

Nettle tincture
Stinging Nettles (Urtica dioica) can be an excellent treatment for allergic nasal symptoms. For
centuries, cultures around the world have used this herb to treat nasal and respiratory troubles:
coughs, runny nose, chest congestion, asthma, whooping cough and even tuberculosis.

Four hundred years ago British herbalist Nicholas Culpeper claimed that nettle roots or leaves,
used in juice or tea, were "safe and sure medicines to open the pipes and passages of the lungs".

A scientific study recently published in America, showed that nettle was a potent antihistamine.
The leaves of the young plant, best harvested from May to June and before flowering begins, can be
used fresh or dried, as a tea. They can even be eaten as a vegetable, lightly steamed they have a
similar texture to spinach. Fortunately the sting is lost after cooking!

Cayenne pepper
Cayenne is another of natures' wonderfully powerful herbs. Also know as Capsicum, the botanical
being Capsicum frutescens.

Cayenne is the species of capsicum that is used for its stimulant and antiseptic actions, as well
as its antispasmodic properties. It will get the blood pumped around your body, strengthen your
heart, clear your arteries and release muscle tension.

Cayenne is a wonderful herb for a healthy life.

Liquorice herb
Liquorice is another expectorant and anti-inflammatory herb making it excellent for lung
. Also very soothing on the throat. As a syrup or tincture it could reduce the incidence
of asthma attacks.

A few cautions on liquorice - do not use large doses and/or long term use as it can cause sodium
and water retention, headaches, lethargy and high blood pressure. Avoid in pregnancy.

Consider doing a detox program
A thorough detox program can be a foundation
for good health and this can be done quite quickly.

Asthmatics should consider doing one twice a year,
especially in Spring time and at the beginning of Winter.

Other possible asthma treatments
Aniseed was first prescribed for coughs by Hippocrates in the fifth century BC. The Greeks used
aniseed in teas, to treat asthma and other respiratory ailments, as it is a mild expectorant and
antibiotic. Aniseed contains creosol and alpha-pinene two chemicals that help to loosen bronchial

Fennel seeds also contains these chemicals and in higher quantities. Fennel is also known for its
antispasmodic qualities. And like the nettle was highly prized by the Romans. Other herbs that
contain the two aforementioned chemicals, listed in descending order, are: parsley seed,
coriander, juniper berries, ginger, dill, tarragon and yarrow. A delicious tea could be made with
a combination of these herbs, or taken in tincture form.

Lobelia also known as Indian tobacco and pukeweed, was smoked by the Native American Indians to
relieve asthma. It features extensively in American Indian medicine, and with good reason as
lobelia is a powerful and wonderful herb.

It contains a number of active ingredients that are anti- asthmatic, it is a respiratory
stimulant, reduces muscle tension and spasms. In large doses it causes vomiting and has been used
by some herbalists for that very reason, to remove old infected puss and mucus form the lungs.
Lobelia can be used internally to treat asthma and chronic bronchitis. As a tincture it is an
effective aid to asthma treatment.

Other herbs which have healing properties with regard to asthma are: Thyme is used as an
expectorant for congested lungs and reduces muscle tension. Helpful with asthma if taken regularly
Great Mullein has anti-spasmodic and expectorant properties. Herbalists consider it effective for
a great range of respiratory ailments, including bronchitis, asthma and catarrh. Vervain is
helpful in asthma as it relieves chest tension.

A prolonged attack or severe asthma that does not respond
to simple remedies requires immediate medical attention.


Copyright © 2000 - 2005 P. Topham:
U.S. Nutritional and Herbal Researcher - All Rights Reserved

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