Oils at Herbs Rule!!!!
Aromatherapy: Natural disinfectants and antiseptics

Some EO's are natural disinfectants and antiseptics.
For example, a drop of tea tree oil in vinegar makes
an effective general germ-killer.
Oregano oil is well-known for its antiseptic properties.
A few drops of either in your dish or laundry soap can help kill germs
if you're cleaning something especially grimy.
Be sure to rinse well!

Add a few drops of eucalyptus to your laundry soap to kill dust mites.
Put a few drops of EO in a spray bottle for an excellent air and fabric refresher.
Put a few drops of oil on a cotton ball and tuck into your
furnace/air vent, your pillow, or anywhere you'd like to freshen.
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Special Thanks
"Mercurii Dimecres"

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Aromatherapy: Natural disinfectants and antiseptics
Fri Apr 3, 2009

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