Welcome to my new site. I'm Cid Highwind aka MVegeta. Enjoy my new site!I have a favor for those who goes here.Please don't steal the stuff from this web site without the owner's permission.This site best viewed 800X600 Pixels
Thank you.
I hate Roken! Yes, I do, and if you're reading this, Roken, which I know you're not, but just in case, you are a P\/ssy...
Old News
Chocobo Tutorial and "Hosting" Section added  3/01/04 By Cid Highwind
Hello, all...I've added a RPGMaker 2000 Tutorial on my "Tutorial" Section..It's the one I used on my first Chocobo RPG Game... And..I've decided to put up a "Hosting" section for those who want to host their work in this site....For more information, go there!That's all!
2)Mugen USSJ
Yes, shitheads!!You guys are a bunch of Stealing idiots...If you guys didn't steal, then I would appreciate you all better than ZGTEAM. But, no stress...Zgteam is stupider than you..That's why....you're number 2!
Selphie Edit  2/20/04 By Cid Highwind
Today I've added a sprite edit of Selphie from FF8.
It's on the Mugen Edits section.
Menu Frame added...  2/09/04 By Cid Highwind
See a Frame in the left side of the screen? Well
there it is.......I am just too lazy to copy and paste
edited menu bars into all my pages since Geocities
sucks eggs so I added this....
Bad news.and new forum!.  2/01/04 By Cid Highwind
Bad news everyone, Zgteam was defaced by ixode...
he's a fagmeister....even though I don't like Zgteam and that I took a risk in the forums saying crap to them, I still don't like people who hack sites who are harmless...Also,.I've put up a new message board!
check it out on the "site" section.
ChocoboRPGGameReleased!  1/26/04 By Cid Highwind
I've made a cool rpgmaker2000 game of ChocoboTutorialGame.Check out Games On RPGMaker Section.
Cid Animation Edited  1/16/04 By Cid Highwind
I've edited Cid's animation to make more frames showing him jumping back to the 1st frame.
Tifa Animation added!   1/15/04 By Cid Highwind
Where's all the other News?, you might ask... It's up there!I didn't want to shitload this page full of news so I made an extra page with them. I will delete 'em if I run out of space. So anyway, enough of that, I've made a Tifa Animation Gif. If you don't know where it's at, then you're blind! Wait, if  people are blind they can't see this site well...Well, that's all for today.
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