Cichlid634's African Cichlids
        Welcome to my Cichlid Home page.  I really enjoy the African Cichlids from the Rift Valley in Africa.  I have put together pictures and information of the fish that I have, also those that I no longer have.  Most of the information is from what I have learned but there is also information taken from various sources.  I am NOT and expert, but I have learned many lessons about keeping and raising Cichlids 

         I am located in the Tri-cities in Eastern WA. state.  It was very hard to find new species of Cichlids in this area but one local store is working very hard to bring in new Cichlids.  Chris and Carols living World pet (200 N. Volland, Kennewick, WA.  Phone (509) 783-8411.  They do not do mail order of any kind, but if you are looking for something they will do there best to get it for you.  They also have a wide variety of  salt water fish, tropical fish, reptiles, birds, spiders and bugs.  Be sure to check them out if you are ever in the area.

         At this point I must thank some very important people to me.  My Wife and 3 kids are the greatest, thanks for all your help and understanding.

          Thank you to Bill and Charlene Heinson also Susannah & Alfonso for helping me get this web site going and for just being really great friends.

          Thank you to Cichlid Press and Ad Konings for allowing me to use pictures from the following books.
"Tanganyika Cichlids in there natural habitat"
"Malawi Cichlids in there natural habitat" 2nd addition
"Lake Victoria Rock Cichlids" by Ole Seehausen
All of these pictures have a copy right and you must have permission to use them.  You can get these books and many other by visiting Cichlid Press.
Armke's Rare Aquarium Fish has also given be permission to use there pictures.  Than you.

                                        Cichlid Anatomy 101






Thank you for stoping by.  Please check back for updates.
Please check out my other web site on Persian cats.  I have pictures of our cats and links to other well known catteries.

This is me Terry AKA Cichlid634 07/02/2000

    If you have comments or suggestions about my web site please email me.

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                                        This site was made by and is maintained by, Cichlid634. 

Thank you Susannah Pincheira for all your your help. 
Border picture by Cichlid634 Of my female Julidochromis Marlieri.

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