CiceroGolden's Look at TOB
This page is designed to display an analysis of data made available at "The Other Board" (TOB) of escort and massage activity in the Colorado area. CiceroGolden is in no way affiliated with TOB, but avails himself of the rich data available there.

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The Other Board exceeds 1,000 reviews in its database.

The value of reviews to the ASP - Hobbyist community:

Reviews are a hot topic.  They can make or break an ASP. They can help hobbyists steer clear of negative experiences. They can identify someone to be seen. Yet their usefulness is limited.  The reputation of an agency is often an indicator of expected result. Many fine ASPs  don�t allow reviews, thus require scrutiny of their website or availability advertising to help make a decision.

So, the end result of reviews is that they identify both ends of the spectrum, who definitely should be seen and who definitely to avoid. The ASP�s in the middle, with either few but good reviews, or many reviews (6 or more) but average rating, still should be seen, but secondarily.


Here's an analysis of 1,030 reviews

Who was Cicero anyway?
Crystal Clear Analysis
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