Early Days
Paddys Day
New York
Central Park
Mothers Group
Hello, my name is Ciara Isabelle Cotter. I was born in Mount Sinai hospital at 8:32 A.M. on Tuesday the 13th of January 2004. I weighed in at a whopping 6lb 14oz or 3130g.
Hanging out
New York 2
I have no real hobbies as of yet but I do like to suck my thumb. On the right hand side are links to some pictures of me. So please click there to see me.Also you can leave a message on my guestbook by clicking on the guestbook.Sign GuestbookView Guestbook
My christening
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My mommy is from Sweden and my daddy is from Ireland. That's all I know for now.
I'm a poser
Hej, Last month we made the big move to Sweden.It's pretty cold over here but a lot of fun to be near my family.Of course we never do anything easy in my family so when we arrived here we left straight away to go to Ireland.There I saw all my pappas family which was awesome.One Day we went to the local church and this priest put water on my head and said welcome to the family.How many familys have I got?My mommy got a job last week so kow daddy is looking after me full time (I don't think he knows the language over here as he says silly stuff to people) so far he managed to lose my dummy after only one day, this will be a testing time.I made pappa promise to update pics of me so you can see me grow (I can do a lot of things now and have a cute smile).
Talk to you soon,.
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