Name: Charles Lee Ray A.K.A �Chucky�
The main character and my hero, Chucky�s been scaring the shit out of people for almost twenty years! Obviously, his debut was in the original 1988
Child�s Play, and we have been blessed by Mr. Brad Dourif for always providing the voice for
our favorite killer doll. Chucky is easily likable� what with his arrogance, sarcasm and foul mouth. In short, he�s absolutely hilarious! Chucky is the only first real horror movie villain to have a personality and dictate what goes on around him. He�s really just too cool.
Hell-bent on transferring his soul back into a human body, Chucky is always after someone. Originally it was young Andy (Alex Vincent), the poor little six-year-old boy who received Chucky as a birthday present from his mother. John, a man also credited as �Dr. Death�, taught Chucky the art of voodoo when he was still human, and that was how he was able to transfer his soul into the Good Guy doll. The only way Chucky can become human again is if he places his soul into the body of that who he reveals his true self to.
Name: Tiffany Ray A.K.A �Tiff�
Tiffany made her debut in the wonderful
Bride of Chucky. Apparently, before Chucky had transferred his soul into the Good Guy doll, he and Tiffany had been in the middle of a relationship. The night he was �killed�, Chucky
had left a ring on the fireplace that Tiffany had later found. Chucky had actually stolen it off of one of his victims and kept it to sell, but Tiffany had assumed then that Chucky was planning on proposing to her. After hearing of the killer doll that had supposedly been possessed by her love, Tiffany spent years searching for it. She eventually found him, brought him back to life, and no sooner did the two get into a fight when Tiffany found out the truth about the ring! Chucky had even transferred Tiffany�s soul into the bride doll she was mocking him with!
Even though they fight a lot, the two stick together. Tiffany gave birth to their first child, Glen, at the end of
Name: Glen Ray
Gentle and kind, the last thing Glen wants to do is be a killer! Orphaned after Chucky and Tiffany died at the end of
Bride, a man named Psychs somehow got a hold of him and used him as a ventriloquist dummy, giving him the name "Shitface". While
sitting in his cage one evening, Glen saw Chucky and Tiffany being �interviewed� about their new movie starring Jennifer Tilly. Seeing that Chucky bore the same �birth mark� (the �Made in Japan� marking on his wrist) Glen knew that he found his parents! He soon set out for Hollywood, bringing Chucky and Tiffany back to life by reciting the spell on the back of the necklace they had �left for him� (the Heart of Damballa).
Glenda Name: Glenda Ray
Not much is known about Glenda (yet). But if there is another Chucky movie, we�ll probably learn all about her. All we know so far is that, unlike her brother, Glenda is evil and had apparently inherited her father�s knack for violence. And wouldn't we all love to see this lovely little lady as a DOLL...?
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