The ollie is the basis of every single trick in skateboarding as we know it today. It's one of the hardest tricks to get down good, but once you do, it's so easy, you even need to think about it when you do one. One of the biggest reasons that they're so hard at first is because you need balance and you need to bend down. First off, put your foot on the tail so that it lines up with the arch. For the other foot, it's kind of a personal preference, but I like to put it right in the middle. Next, you're going to want to bend down, and you're going to have to do this next sequence in one fast explosion: Snap the tail, slide your front foot up, throw your arms up, suck up the board, level out, and land. It's a good idea to start these out on a carpet or grass, then work your way up to moving on concrete. After you have this mastered, work your way up to nollies and fakie ollies and switch ollies.
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