Behind the scenes: At every party you bring this video to, there's always that one skeptical kid in the back who doesn't want to believe it. "It's staged, they paid him, they knew her, he was faking that fall..." Here's everything YOU need to know about the film and what made it what it is....

The Hanus Ass Viking

The hanus ass viking the hanus ass viking is really ryan dunn with a wig. While they were setting up the 16mm film, a tour bus drove by full of old icelandic people going to see a nearby waterfall. Just imagine what they were thinking...all they saw was people filming a butt naked viking on a deserted road 50 miles from civilization.


"That is Kinda Out of Control"- As hard as it is to believe, neither brandon or ryan dunn got sick from having shit and piss on their faces.

Truck -The 4wd truck they rented in iceland had the tailpipe ripped off from driving up an incline. The dumbass at the rental place didnt even notice it.

Table Adventure -The thing ryan and jess are being towed on was a table they found in a cave.

Jess on Van - Jess's face landed less than a foot from a large pile of sheep shit in the clip where bam slams on the brakes and jess slides to the side of the road after being towed on the table. (its really hard to see because it was dark out)

Red Car Stuck - Jess and the gill almost fell off a 20 foot cliff in the little red car. Both back tires were hanging over the edge (in the video it shows them trying to push the car back up the cliff)

"There she is, that's fuckin Bjork"-
The gill rang bjorks doorbell but nobody answered. Bam says he saw bjork look out the window. She was probably scared because they kept yelling bjork! bjork!



The scene where bam skids off the road into the trees, he ran over a boulder and ripped off the exhaust system. If you listen closely you can hear the big ass rock rolling under the car. The broken windsheild was from when jess and bam crashed into a huge soccer goal. (Bam accidently taped over the footage.) They told the rental car place a branch fell on it.


When bam got hit by a car he had huge black and blue welts on his shins from when his shins hit the hood of the car.

Bam's Death-Defying Jump into a Tree
Some lady on the street told bam that she knew a girl that comitted suicide by jumping off the same ledge that bam jumped off into the tree. So I guess bam would have died if he missed the tree. "But ya gotta better the film."
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