Issue 146

Editor-in-Chief: Richard Goldwater; Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick; Editor: Mike Pellerito

by Spaz
Shadow, in the shadows... Looks pretty cool, actually. And this is the first issue in quite a long time without Sonic on the cover... 8.5/10

"The Good, the Bad, & the Unknown" Part One: "Prototype"
Written and inked by Ken Penders, penciled by Steven Butler, lettered by John Workman, colored by Jason Jensen.
Summary: Sonic and Shadow fight, then Shadow runs off to meet with his new friend, Isaac. (A robot created by Clarke and Niven... Ha, ha, very funny...) Shadow reminisces about how he found Isaac, while Bunnie, Tommy, Tails, Rotor, and Fiona (who's latest fashion experiment is boots and a corset...) search for Sonic. Meanwhile, Eggman unleashes the latest model of Metal-Sonic...
Critique: The art is Butler's usual above-par work, but I don't know what to make of the story. Not only are Sonic and Shadow still replaying the old Sonic/Knuckles fights, but what are Rotor and Tommy doing on the mission?! And why does a 10,000 year old robot have the same design as Eggman's "E" series?! (Speaking of "ten millennia", I see Ken has begun the latest Chronology revamp...)
Score: 7/10

"Out of Your Shell"
Written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Ron Lim, inked by Rich Koslowski, lettered by Vickie Williams, colored by Jason Jensen.
Summary: We discover that Rotor and Tommy are roommates, and that Rotor's room is a mess. Tommy cleans it up. (This takes place before the previous issue's "Harbringer".)
Critique: Ron spent too much time on the art last issue, so he skimped this ish... The story is another good "not much happening" story.
Score: 6.5/10

"Circuit Me"
Written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Al Bigley, inked by Michael Higgins, lettered by Vickie williams, colored by Jason Jensen.
Summary: Sally and Nicole switch "bodies", but it wears off after a few moments.
Critique: This story had a lot of potential... but if the lack of an explanation for the switch weren't bad enough, it ends just when things were getting interesting. Oh, and Bigley's art is absolutely beautiful -- except for his pathetic attempt at Sally...
Score: 4.5/10

Letters: Feedback on "Love & Loss" and the end of "M25YL: Part One"
Fan-Art: Pics from Evan and Zach Zimmerman, Brittany Wolfe, and Sarah Davies. The pic by Sarah is quite good.
Start: People loved M25YL & L&L, and M25YL will be back. In the mean time, there's plenty of Shadow goin' round...
Off-Panel, by Mike Gallagher (writer), Dave Manak (drawings), and Eugene Delecrow: Commentary on Mike P.'s letter answering habits...

Final Thoughts
The first story was about what I've come to expect from Archie. The second was pointless, and badly drawn, but an okay read. The third was a confusing mess of good and bad art, and good and bad storytelling. Oh, and the cover is cool.
Final Score: 6.625/10

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