Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 136

Review by Chronos

Editor-in-chief: Richard Goldwater; Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick; Editor: Justin Freddy Gabrie; Assistant Editor: Mike Pellerito.


By Patrick Spaziante, Nelson Ribeiro, and Jason Jensen

Sonic holds the limp form of his father, while Bernie and Uncle Chuck look on in sorrow. Powerful picture (and I love the detail on Jules’ mechanical form…)


By J. Axer, colored by "the Art Department".

A review of the first Tommy story and last issue, with a detailed (and oddly posed) pic of Sonic.

"The Tommy Trilogy" Part two: "The Infiltrator"

Written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Art Mawhinney, inked by Andrew Pepoy, lettered by Jeff Powell, colored by Jason Jensen. Special thanks to Robert Leffler and Takuma Hatori at SEGA Licensing (uh-oh!).

We start with a cheerful morning in the Hedgehog household. Sonic arrives back from an unspecified mission, dead tired and heads straight to bed, causing his father to criticize his rudeness.

Tails heads for school (he has finals today—nice detail), while Tommy heads for Sonic’s room.

Jules is suspicious, and follows him. A good thing, too—this ain’t Tommy, it’s an android duplicate! (Told ya’!)

Jules intercepts Tommy, and gets a drill in the chest for his troubles. Sonic, having woken up during the short fight, goes into spin mode, and cuts the android to pieces. He then races to Uncle Chuck’s, with Jules… but it’s too late. Jules is dead.

(This part moved a little fast for my tastes, but this might just be me—I’m a fast reader.)

Not willing to accept his father’s death, Sonic races to the Power Ring pool, grabs a ring, races back, and wishes with all of his might for his father to be healed.

…Next page, it’s another day, and Sonic and Uncle Chuck are discussing the previously chronicled events, feeling relief that Jules is okay. But, when Uncle Chuck comments on the android’s recent construction, Sonic leaps to the conclusion that the real Tommy is really still alive…

Well… It was all good, until the last page. I mean, if Jules really was saved, why don’t we see it? My guess is that SEGA said they didn’t want Sonic’s dad to die, thus forcing the final page to be redone. Hence, the "special thanks" at the beginning.

A more minor detail—"Robo-Dyne Systems"… Come on! As if the Star Wars, Star Trek, and Transformers references weren’t enough, now we have Terminator references!

"Mobius 25 Years Later"—"Girl Talk"

Written by Ken Penders, penciled by Steven Butler, inked by Jim Amash, colored by Jason Jensen, lettered by Vickie Williams.

Sally and Julie-Su are chatting about Sally’s upcoming visit (with J-Su’s chef, a Koala named Abby, adding her own commentary), when Lein-Da calls. It turns out that not only are J-Su and Lein-Da on speaking terms (J-Su even calls her "sister"), but Lein-Da and Sally are friends! (My, how things have changed!). The three chat about various matters, until Lara-Su shows up. When Sally mentions that Prince Manik has a crush on Lara-Su, Lara complains that he’s too young—and begs "Aunt Lein-Da" not to tell Rutan. (Interesting. Very interesting.)

Lein-Da declines an invitation to join in the visit, and hangs up. Finally, we end with Abby announcing her plans for the upcoming meal—"Escargot soufflé with Clam pie." As Lara-Su comments, "Eewww… Gross!"

On a side note, Sally mentions that she and Sonic were married 19 years ago, and Sonic became king 17 years ago. That means, we have about six years (Mobian time) until Sonic and Sally’s marriage. This makes it unlikely Sonic and Sally will get back together right away, but it also means that their marriage will likely be the first marriage either of them has. (Some had suggested Sally might marry Antoine first, seeing as how they’re both currently available, and the King had implied it was their destiny.)

And on an artistic not, I notice that Sally is dressing a lot more like her mother these days (as opposed to in "In Your Face", where she wore the same boots and vest she did as a teen, along with a simple tiara.). It looks good... but it does make it hard to remember this is Sally we’re looking at…


Written by Romy Chacon, penciled by Ron Lim, inked by Nelson Ribeiro, lettered by Vickie Willaims, colored by Jason Jensen.

Knuckles is sorely tempted to disobey the King and head to Angel Island, but he finally resists the temptation.

Yeah, that’s it.

Oh, and the Lim/Ribeiro team comes through once again, with art that’s actually somewhat impressive (though Knux is out of proportion on the first page).


Off Panel by Manak and Gallagher.

JG can’t get enough Sonic X.

"This Just Out!"

JG is leaving the comic, at long last. (I don’t think I’m the only one who felt he overstayed his welcome.) So, who will be taking up the reigns, to lead the comic to never-before-seen heights? Why, none other than Assistant Editor, Mike Pellerito! (Oh, shit. We’re doomed!)

Letters by Ryan Annis, Dione Kitane, Jeremy Corren, ShadowFan24, and Shray. Also, Find Your Name In Print.

Sonic Fan Art

Sally by Matt Colvin; Sonic, Knuckles, and a Chao by Ruman Randhawa; Tails and… um, I think it’s that fan-created sister of Tails… by Chole Schneider; and Shadow by Joshua Lawrence.

Final Thoughts:

I hope, I really, desperately hope, that Mike Pellerito is better at editing (and managing the story-flow) than he is at answering letters. If not, then the comic is on the road to a disaster of epic proportions. (And they probably might as well kiss my money goodbye—I have too many other things to do with it to waste it on a comic that is drifting further and further away from its potential.) …

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