Issue 128

Editor: Justin "Freddy" Gabrie; Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick; Editor-in-chief: Richard Goldwater.

Yes! The return of E.V.E. at last! (It’s only been 107 issues!)


Penciled by Patrick Spaziante, inked by Nelson Ribeiro, colors & separations by Josh D. Ray.

Sonic, wearing a space suit, floats through space towards a light and the eyes of EVE’s "final form" from issue 21.


Penciled by J. Axer, colored by Jason Jensen

Sonic and a group of aliens. Nice variety (even if they are all humanoid). 'Specially like the gal—looks like a Furry at first, ‘till you realize she’s got ears and scales. Also, like her sense of style. =^-^=

"Tossed in Space" Part 4: "Starmada"

Written by Benny Lee, penciled by J. Axer, inked and lettered by Michael Higgins, colored by Jason Jensen.

Sonic arrives at an asteroid field that is all that remains of planet Teragosa 6… (Reminds me of the Millennium Falcon arriving at Alderan in Star Wars Episode 4. Not to mention, the mysterious explosion of that planet in the first half of last issue.)

An armada of starships shows up, and orders Sonic onboard the flagship, the "Sentelle". There he meets the aliens from the frontispiece, including the captain, "Bagbar Breeblebrox" (whose name is remarkably similar to Zaphod Beeblebrox, the most-wanted-criminal and President-of-the-Galaxy in Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy).

Breeblebrox explains that they are hunting EVE, who is responsible for the destruction of countless worlds.

Sonic then recounts issue 21 for those readers who needed a recap, inadvertently admitting that he was responsible for unleashing EVE upon the universe… Needless to say, Breeble and his crew are not pleased.

Sonic makes a run for it, and begins his own search for EVE.

Sonic Fan Art.

Pictures of Knux by Ryan A. DaVia and Kevin Hinton; Shadow, Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and Eggman by Sasha Yeganeh-Rad; and "Girl Power" by Maddie Highland.

"Tossed in Space" Part Five: "E.V.E.ILL"

Written by Benny Lee, penciled by Dawn Best, inked by Jim Amash, colored by Jason Jensen, lettered by Jeff Powell.

After a brief recap for those who didn’t read the first half of the issue (?!?!), we jump to the idyllic world of Xenocanaris, which is about to face the wrath of EVE. The entire planet is disassembled and devoured by the huge starship EVE has become… (Reminds me of Transformers the Movie’s Unicron…).

Soon, Sonic arrives, the Starmada hot on his heels.

Spotting EVE, the Starmada attacks—and is demolished. An anguished Sonic sends his ship on a collision course, willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the universe. …But, again, ‘tis not to be… EVE allows Sonic’s ship to enter her… Sonic puts on a cool spacesuit, and heads out, trying to find the EVE he knew.

EVE has some tricky defenses, though—like a fake Sally to draw Sonic into a trap.

*Puffed up * Didn’t fool me for a microsecond! …Anyways….

Cool seeing Sonic and "Sally" exchanging words of affection. (Surprised me for a moment, until I remembered that as of "The last Robian", we’ve jumped ahead a few months, and Sonic and Sally grew close enough for Sonic to propose…

Sonic sees through the deception, blasts through some drones, and makes it to… the NEW EVE. EVE tells Sonic a tale of woe, of how she was rejected by the Interstellar community, and nearly destroyed. Of how she decided to take on the cause of Computers’ Liberation.

Sonic once again proves he’s got a better sense of logic than EVE, by pointing out that absorbing computers into herself is hardly liberating them.

EVE realizes her mistake, and decides the best course of action is suicide (yet another flawed piece of logic, but she doesn’t give Sonic time to point that out). Sonic juices to his ship, and escapes at the last second.

Sonic’s next stop: the Bem home world, "Wheelworld" (an homage to Larry Niven’s Ringworld?)

…Liked EVE’s latest design… Dawn Best’s art looks rather spare coming right after Axer’s insanely detailed work, but taken on it’s own merit, it’s actually quite good.

I was also pleased to see Sonic experiencing a range of emotions—a pleasant change.

Sonic Grams

A picture of Steven Butler and his kids, and JG asks people’s opinion of Sonic X. My opinion? --Wish I could see it…

The picture of next issue's cover shows Sonic shaking hands with Elias, who’s in a royal uniform; Meg is by Elias’s side, and there’s no background… I don’t know… looks too much like those "magazine-style" covers, if you ask me. Also makes me wonder if Eli might have taken back his royal position… (I hope not!). But, if nothing else, it proves that Sonic’ll be getting home soon (if you weren’t already confident of that).

…Brandon E. says he’s starting the series with 126—interesting place to start. Good place, too, I would imagine, as when Sonic returns to Mobius, there’s sure to be some recapping.

Henry Moore is confused—he thinks Mobius: 25 Years Later will replace the main story. JG doesn’t seem to follow that, but he inadvertently corrects that misconception anyway.

Also, letters by "FlameMan.EXE", Dale, Sami, and Christy (no last names given).

Final Thoughts

Oh-kaayy… the Super Sonic story they divide into two parts, the D’Novulan and Azurite stories they put together, and this story they divide in two… Makes perfect sense…

Glad they brought back EVE—I’ve been waiting for her return for a long, long time. Just too bad she chose to commit suicide… Still, an awesome issue. Hopefully, last issue’s drop in quality was just an aberration, not a sign of things to come…

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