Sonic Chronology:
The Reign of Robotnik Begins


    * A group of Arctic Mobians travel south to visit friends and family in Mobotropolis.
    -- Sonic 26: “Way, Way Past Cool”. Prior to the coup.

    *Day 296: Sonic races Tommy tortoise
    --Sonic 117. One day before the Coup.

    *Day 297: The Coup
    Amadeus Prower discovers Warlord Julian plotting to take over the kingdom. Julian captures Amadeus and roboticizes him. A few hour later, Amadeus' wife, Rosemary, gives birth to a son, Miles Prower.
    Warlord Julian Kintobor of the House of Ivo rebels against King Acorn. Naming himself Doctor Ivo Robotnik, he takes over Mobotropolis, and renames it Robotropolis. The King gives his sword to his niece, Rosey, and tells her to hide it. Shortly after this, Robotnik captures the King. Robotnik banishes the King to the Zone of Silence and uses his roboticizer to turn the population into his robotic slaves. Among those roboticized at this time are Sir Charles and General De'Coolette.
    Rosey and Princess Sally's tutor Julayla escape with Sally and several other children: Sonic Hedgehog, Rotor Walrus, Antoine De'Coolette, and the infant Miles Prower. They take the children to the hidden village of Knothole, in the Great Forest. Also escaping to Knothole (and perhaps helping the women and children escape) are Col. Stripe, Mp. Bones, Private Scales, Spot Long, and Sir Peckers.
    The alien Bem rescue Amadeus and Rosemary, and take them to the Bem homeworld. Amadeus is deroboticized. Miles is presumed dead, as Robotnik would have had no reason to roboticize an infant.
    --Super Special 9- "Eve of Destruction"; Sonic 43; Sonic 142- "The Original Freedom Fighters" Part 1. Bem from issue... uh, I'll look it up later. Date from Sonic 112- "Data File 3" is 297/ 3225. In SatAM, Day was 13th, year was 3224. (See Notes.)

    *An alternate take on the Coup, and the founding of the Freedom Fighters, can be seen in Sonic 0: “Oh No – Robo!”. This story was superseded by a simpler version of what's given above around issue 16, and is now out-of-continuity.

    * In the escape from Mobotropolis, or shortly after it, Antoine saves Bunnie's life. Bunnie (and her family?) move(s) south, to the Southern Region of Mobius.
    --Rescue is from Sonic 46; Bunnie's living in Southern Mobius is from issue 3.

    * The group of Arctic Mobians who had been visiting Mobotropolis seek refuge from Robotnik in a deep cave, along with a visiting Antarctic Mobian, Flip the Penguin. They use some of Robotnik's discarded machinery to create an artificial Arctic Zone.
    -- Sonic 26: “Way, Way Past Cool”. Shortly after the coup.

    *Athair's Tale
    --Knuckles 11

    *Robotnik's slaves attack the Floating Island
    --Sonic 116- "Ultimate Power" Interlude

    *Robotnik's forces attack Dulcy's Dragon Colony. Most are roboticized, but a few escape, including Dulcy. Glint leads them to Mount Vesuvio, and the dragons join other dragon refugees in the caverns below.
    -- Sonic 155: “Price of Flame” part 1.


Col. Stripe, Mp. Bones, Private Scales, Spot Long, and Sir Peckers form the first "Freedom Fighters".
    --Sonic 142- "The Original Freedom Fighters" Part 1. Date is speculation -- I assume it would take a while to build Knothole; and there is also an implication in the group's conversation that it's been a while since the coup by time they start fighting back.

*Day 186: Amy Rose born
    --Sonic 112- "Data File 4"


    *The Freedom Fighters rescue Sonic when he ends up too close to Robotropolis.
    --Sonic 142- "The Original Freedom Fighters" Part 1. Sonic was five during the coup, and seven when he was rescued. Given Sonic's Data File birthyear of 3220, this would take place in 3227.


    *Locke declares Knuckles' apprenticeship completed. Locke travels to the Island's Forbidden Zone and leaps into a wall of flame. Knuckles assumes the position of Guardian.
    --Sonic Vs Knuckles- "Fathers and Sons"


Elias leaves Haven
    --Knuckles 21

    *The Original Freedom Fighters are betrayed, roboticized, and sent to the Void.
    --Sonic 143- "The Original Freedom Fighters" Part 2. Not long before Super Special 5- "When You and I Were Young". (Given that the portal depicted was more like that used to send the King to the Zone of Silence than the one that sent Robotnik and Sonic into the Void in issue 30, one wonders if it might not have been the Zone rather than the Void that the OFF were sent to.)

    *Sonic Super Special 5: Sonic Kids

“When You and I Were Young, Sally”
Sonic, Sally, Antoine, Rotor, and Tails form the second Knothole Freedom Fighters
-- Fact that they were inspired by an earlier group revealed in Sonic 142 & 143- "The Original Freedom Fighters" Shortly after the defeat of the Original Freedom Fighters, and shortly before “Sonic: The Arcade Game”.

    *Sonic: The Arcade Game
    --Knuckles 26-28- "Mighty" back-up story. After “When You And I Were Young”... Described as “six or seven years ago” in 3236. Sonic also says “Our elders have been carrying the fight until recently,” implying this to be not too long after the defeat of the Original Freedom Fighters. Robotnik does not recognize Sonic, which places it before “Stop... Sonic Time!”

    *Mighty meets Knuckles and Vector
    --Sonic 120- "Days". After “Sonic: The Arcade Game”

    *Sonic Super Special 5: Sonic Kids

“Stop... Sonic Time!” (main story)
Tails gets his sneakers
-- After “When You and I Were Young”

    *Sonic Super Special 9: “Zoneward Bound”
    Winter Time: The Freedom Fighters' first "Zone" experience.
    --After “Sonic: The Arcade Game” (referenced in this story) and “Stop... Sonic Time!” (Tails has his sneakers). Unfortunately, Sonic's conversation with Robotnik implies that they haven't met since the coup; this must be considered an anachronism.


Monk exiled from the Floating Island
    --Knuckles 30


    *Fiona breaks free of Robotnik's prison, and meets Nic the Weasel.
    --Knuckles 28- "Below the Belt". Two years after “Sonic: the Arcade”.

The Freedom Fighters hold their Annual Picnic this year at the Mobius Pond.
    --Sonic 10- "Twan With the Wind". Date actually given as "6431; Time: 09.93", but I have arbitrarily re-interpreted that.


    *Day 46: In another zone, Robotnik captures the Freedom Fighters and turns them into cyborgs. The Freedom Fighters fail to be bent to Robotnik's will, and use their new strength to challenge Robotnik. In desperation, Robotnik roboticizes himself, becoming Robo-Robotnik. Robo-Robotnik overwhelms the Freedom Fighters, and the resistance is “terminated”. Sonic flees onto the Cosmic Interstate in search of help.
    --Sonic 19. Date given in Sonic 108- "Data File 10". It is surprising that Cyber-Sonic apparently spent two to three years traveling the Cosmic Interstate, as issue 19 made no indication he had been traveling for very long.

    * A flock of Mobian Eagles is forced to flee Robotnik. In the confusion, Cyril the Eagle is separated from the flock. Cyril comes to believe that the rest of the flock was captured by Robotnik, while the flock assumes Cyril was captured.
    -- “Years” before Sonic 12: “The Bold-Headed Eagle”. Exact year is arbitrary.

    * Rotor finds the Mobian Tree of Wisdom, and moves it to his greenhouse. He nurtures it, but is only able to get one fruit to grow on it. The fruit of the tree is said to make one super-intelligent.
    -- “Years” before Sonic 14: “Tails' Taste of Power”. Exact year is arbitrary.

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