Sonic Chronology:

*Reference Dates:
Usually, the dates mentioned in the comic are in relation to the present or various events - “10 years ago”, “5 years later”, etc. As the exact year of “present” events is never even stated, this makes coming up with proper dates quite a challenge. However, there are a few dates mentioned in the comic, as well as birthdays that correspond to specific ages for specific characters. On their own, these would not be enough, but various “Data Files” and replies in “Sonic Grams” have given more dates and ages. Unfortunately, dates given both in and out of the stories don't always fit together properly, forcing one to choose which dates to believe, and which to ignore.

I have built my timeline from the following data points:

In issue 157, Anonymous gives the year as being 3237. This is one of the few times an exact date is given in the main body of the comic, and I am tempted to use it. However, in order to accommodate this I will have to change the year numbering for most the timeline. Thus, these changes will have to wait for a later version of the timeline.

*On the "SEGA Data Files"...
While I have attempted to follow the dates provided in the Sega Data Files where-ever possible, in some cases the information presented in the stories contradicted that provided in the Data Files; in those cases I have chosen to go with the stories. In particular:

*Other Dating Conventions:
When a character refers to something as taking place "10 years ago", "100 years ago" or "1000 years ago", I have chosen to place the event exactly that many years ago, unless more specific information is provided.

I have included events known to have happened in other Zones. (This includes all alternate/possible futures.) The only exceptions to this are Sonic Underground and Sonic X (which are known to take place within the same multiverse as Archie-Sonic), as chronicling entire separate series is beyond the scope of this timeline.


I would like to thank the creators of the Sonic comic for making such a fascinating comic, without which this timeline wouldn't have even possible. I would especially like to thank Ken Penders, whose stories told the bulk of what is seen in this chronology before and after the main series. I would also like to thank the Okudas, whose Star Trek Chronology was the inspiration for this chronology. (And when I say, “I'd like to thank”, what I mean is, if you're one of the people mentioned, and you're reading this page, this is my “Thank You.”.)

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