Sonic Chronology:
New Mobotropolis
(Sonic 174 - 200)

3238 continued

    Sonic 174: “Union” -- A few days to a few weeks after “Round Up.”
    Sonic 175: "Eggman Empire" -- continues from "Round Up"
    Sonic 176: "Cracking the Empire" -- continues from "Eggman Empire".
    Sonic 177: "Home, New Home" -- continues from "Cracking the Empire"

* House of Cards:
    Sonic 178: "House of Cards" Part 1 - some time after "Cracking the Empire"
    Sonic 179: "House of Cards" Part 2: "Royal Flush"

* Knuckles is ambushed by the Destrutix, and defeated. He is handed over to the Dark Legion, who take him before Dr. Finitevus in the Chaos Chamber. Knuckles is tricked into absorbing the power of the Master Emerald, which Finitevus has hexed. Knuckles becomes the new Enerjak.
-- Sonic 181: "Undone". Implied to be shortly after Knuckles arrived on the Floating Island, but also not long before 181: "Rising Evil". Whether it is before or after 180: "Preparations for War" is uncertain.

* Enerjak: Reborn
    Sonic 180: "Preparations For War" - not long after the end of "Royal Flush".
    Sonic 183: "ashes and dust" - Presumably after giving the report in 180: "Preperations", but hours before Chapter 3.
    Sonic 181: "Chapter One: Rising Evil" - continues from "Preparations For War"
    Sonic 181: "Undone" - immediately following Chapter One.
    Sonic 182: "Albion's Shameful Secret" - During the second half of Chapter One and the first half of Chapter Two.
    Sonic 182: "Chapter Two: Fallen Angel" - immediately following Chapter One.
    Sonic 183: "Chapter Three: Desperate Times" - immediately following Chapter Two.
    Sonic 184: "Chapter Four: Chaos Angel" - immediately following Chapter Three.     Sonic 184: "Anything" - less than a day after Chapter One.

* Sonic 180: "Sonic Rush Adventure: High Stakes on the High Sea"

* Scourge takes over the Freedom Fighters, renames it the Suppression Squad. He ruins Antoine's eye, and "encourages" the group to get stronger and take on new names. Crowns himself King of Robotropolis, then goes on to conquer the world, renaming it Moebius.
-- Sonic 193. Between 184 and 189.

* Mogul Rising
    Sonic 185: "Part One: Needful Things"
    Sonic 186: "Part Two: Devil's Due" - immediately following Part One.

* Sonic 185: "Misfit Badniks: The Soggy Salty Sequel"

* Sonic 186: "Honor-Bound"

* Buns, the Anti-Bunnie, develops NIDS and is kicked off the SS. She goes to Doc Kintobor for help, and he provides her with an Omega Care Unit.
-- Sonic 193. "Not long ago".

* Mogul Wins One:
    Sonic 187: "Mister Popular"
    Sonic 188: "Beating the House" - immediately following "Mister Popular".

* Anti-Mobius Invasion:
    Sonic 189: "A Bold New Moebius" Part One: "Unwelcome Guests!" - not long after "Beating the House".
    Sonic 190: "A Bold New Moebius" Part Two: "Duality" - immediately following Part One.
    Sonic 191: "Metal and Mettle" Part 1 - A few days after "Duality".
    Sonic 192: "Metal and Mettle" Part 2 - immediately following Part 1.
    Sonic 192: "Father and Son" - Night time. After "Metal and Mettle", before "Otherside".
    Sonic 193: "Otherside" Part One: "How the OTHER HALF Lives" - Not long after "Metal and Mettle".
    Sonic 194: "Otherside" Part 2: "Cross-Worlds Conflict!" - immediately following Part 1.
    Sonic 194: "Sleepless in New Megaopolis" - After "Metal and Mettle", before "Hegehog Havoc!". May be during the night between "Mettle" and "Otherside" or may be during the night of the battle in "Otherside"/"Havoc".
    Sonic 195: "Hedgehog Havoc!" Part 1 - immediately following "Otherside".
    Sonic 196: "Hedgehog Havoc!" Part 2 - immediately following Part 1.
    Sonic X 40: "The End" - continuing from Shadow's departure in Sonic 196.
    Sonic Universe 1: "Living Weapons" - immediately following SX 40.
    Sonic 197: "Consequences" - Shortly after the end of 196 (a day after the main portion of the story).

* Sonic 191: "Invaders From Beyond"
--Note: This is the pre-adaptation for "Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood". As it makes no reference to non-SEGA-Sonic elements of Archie continuity, it may be non-continuity. If it is continuity, placement is hard - there is at least one green Emerald in the world (and Knuckles has it), Tails has had a blue plane called the Tornado, and Sonic is said to be out journeying (alone); at no point in the comic have all of these been true at once.

* Off Panel: Sonic Universe 1

* Sonic 193: "Sonic Unleashed!"
-- Note: Sonic Unleashed Pre-Adaptation. In this story, Robotnik had a Space Armada before Super Sonic trashed it, which doesn't fit with the time period following Enerjak Reborn. Likely non-continuity.

* Sonic 197: "Sonic and the Black Knight: Knight Time"
-- Note: "Sonic and the Black Knight" Pre-adaptation. No evidence regarding whether this is Sonic Prime continuity or when it might take place.

* Showdown With Eggman
    Sonic 198: "Phoenix-Down!"
    Universe 2: "Time & Again" - The night after "Phoenix-Down".
    Sonic 199: "Knocking on Eggman's Door" & Sonic Universe 3: "Old Soldiers" (pages 1-5) - The morning after "Phoenix-Down".
    Sonic 200: "Turn About is Fair Play" - immediately following "Eggman's Door".

* Off Panel: Sonic Universe 2

* Sonic Universe 3:
    "Old Soldiers" (pages 6+) - several hours after the end of the battle with Robotnik.
    Off Panel

* Iron Queen Invasion     Sonic 201: "Change in Management" & "Devotion" - A couple days after Sonic 200. Stories simultaneous.
    Sonic 202: "Dangerous Territory" - Immediately following Sonic 201.
    Sonic 202: "A Lonely Girl's Story" - shortly after "Dangerous Territory"

* Sonic Universe 4:
    "The Ultimate Lifeform" (except final page)- Not too long after "Old Soldiers", as they are carrying out the mission received there; however still long enough after for Omega and Shadow to have sparred several times.
    Off Panel

... To Be Continued...

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