Sonic Chronology:
The Great War

The Thirty-Third Century:

3206-- Day 134: Colin "Snively" Kintobor, Jr. born.
--Sonic 105- "Data File 5"

321x – Julian Kintobor, an ambitious graduate student at the “Mojo Kubert Institute” is pursuing his doctoral thesis. He builds a giant ape robot, but when it is activated, it goes berserk and runs off.
-- Sonic 17: “Gorilla Warfare”. Robotnik jump started the robot with a lightning bolt from a storm on it's way to Hill Valley, but I somehow don't think the year was 1955. The name of his school was included just for fun; it comes from mini-series issue 2, where it was the “Mojo Kubert School of Super Villainy” - however, that story is non-continuity.

321x – Nathaniel Beauregard Morgan leads a team of Overlander scientists trying to develop a clean, efficient power source – the Power Ring. One of the scientists, Julian Kintobor, sabotages an experiment, causing an explosion. Morgan is blamed for the explosion, and is exiled from Megalopolis.

Morgan wanders the land for a while, before coming upon a party of Mobians, including King Frederick. Frederick invites Morgan to join the Kingdom of Acorn.
--Sonic 65

321x?-- Sonic 66: “And Then There Was One” - The Origin of Ixus Naugus
--The art suggests Prince Maximilian is a child at the time.

321x?-- Prince Maximilian bonds with the Source of All on his 10th birthday.
--Sonic 58- "The Living Crown".

321x? -- The overlander Regina (the future Iron Queen) is born into a family of Technomancers in Mega-Central. As she grows, she learns to control electronics through magic.
-- Sonic 202: "A Loneley Girl's Story"

321x? -- Prince Maximilian, age 11, is betrothed to Alicia.

*Nate Morgan develops the Power Ring, starting a pollution-free industrial revolution for the Kingdom of Acorn. The city of Mobotropolis becomes a high-tech garden paradise. Nate later becomes a teacher in Mobotropolis.
--Sonic 65

* Prince Maximilian, age 18, marries Alicia.

* King Frederick steps down, and Prince Maximilian assumes the throne.


* Naugus and Kodos conspire to start a War between the Kingdom of Acorn and the Overlanders, and to blame it on Nate Morgan. In disgrace, Morgan leaves the Kingdom, hiding his Power Ring Generator in a pool in the Great Forest.
--Sonic 65

*The Great War begins:
Kodos attempts to kill Naugus, but Naugus escapes into the Zone of Silence. Kodos prods the growing conflict along a bit more by having the emissaries sent by each side to negotiate peace killed and their bodies sent back to their leaders. War begins.
--Sonic 73- "Tales of the Great War" part 2

* The Technomancer Cult in Mega Central are arrested for practicing Magitek. Most are executed, but Regina is sentenced to exile due to her age. She fails to find refuge with the Mobians of the Acorn Kingdom. Instead she wanders the world for years before reaching the Dragon Kingdom and meeting Jun Kun, the future Iron King.
-- Sonic 202: "A Loneley Girl's Story"

*Nate Morgan makes it to the Southern Tundra, where he befriends a yeti-like “Mutate”.

*Robotnik's exile:
Julian Kintobor begins work on a weapon to win the war – the Ultimate Annihilator. When it is discovered that he has been experimenting with it on Overlanders, he is arrested and sentenced to death. He escapes, and eventually is taken in by the Mobians.
--Sonic 50, Sonic 72, Super Special 6

3216-- Antoine De'Coolete born.


    *Prince Elias Acorn born

    *Rotor the Walrus born

*Kodos disappears:
Sensing a kindred spirit, Kodos attempts to recruit Kintobor in a plot to take over the Kingdom. Kintobor plays along at first, then uses Naugus' portal-device to banish Kodos to the Zone of Silence.
--Sonic 74- "Tales of the Great War" part 3

*Julian is promoted to Warlord, taking the place of Kodos.
--Sonic 76- "Tales of the Great War" part 4. Date uncertain, but before marriage of Jules and Bernadette.

*Locke has a vision of the Future. He begins making plans to genetically engineer his son to be powerful enough to defeat the coming threat.
-- Knuckles 25


    *Day 146: Princess Sally Alicia Acorn born. She is delivered by Doctor Quack.
    -- Sonic 101- "Data File 1" gave date of birth 186/ 3220. However, as Sonic 9 & 11 showed Sally's birthday to be shortly before Sonic's, I have given her birth an earlier date. Doctor Quack mentioned delivering her in issue 43.

    *Day 162: Oglive Maurice "Sonic" Hedgehog.
    -- Sonic 112- "Data File 1" gave date of birth 162/ 3220. Middle name reveled in Sonic 0. "Sonic" revealed to be a nickname in Sonic 53, but true first has not been officially revealed. Name of "Oglive" from early American Sonic merchandise and promotions.

     *Day 251: Knuckles the Echidna born.
    --Date of 251/3220 from Sonic 112- "Data File 2". Information on birth in Knuckles 16 & 25.

    *Elias's disappearance
    --Sonic 64- "The Mission", Knuckles 20 & 21

    *Bunnie Rabbit born


    *Elias's childhood
    --Knuckles 21


    *Knuckles' childhood
    --Knuckles 16

    *Hope Kintobor born
    --two years before the Overlander trek to the stars, assuming the trek began just after the end of the Great War.

3222 - 3223:

    *Sally's childhood
    --Super Special 11- "Ascension"

    *Knuckles' apprenticeship begins
    --Knuckles 20, Sonic Vs Knuckles- "Fathers and Sons"

    *Monkey Khan's origin
    --Sonic 86- "Haunted Past" Part 1

    *The Final Days of the Great War
    --Sonic 77- "Tales of the Great War" Part 5; Sonic 78- "Tales of the Great War" Part 6

    *Bernadette roboticized
    --Sonic 79- "Tales of the Great War" Part 7

    *Sonic Super Special 9: “My Secret Guardian
    Sally meets Knuckles
    --Also, Knuckles 21

    * In Mercia, Mighty's parents are imprisoned for thievery. Mighty and his baby sister are likely placed in foster care. Mighty encounters Mammoth Mogul, who grants him the power he seeks to free his parents. However, Mighty's new strength proves to not be enough, and it causes others to think of him as a freak. He leaves Mercia and begins a life of wandering.
    -- Sonic 185: "Needful Things". The date is not given, but the art implies Mighty is less than five at the time. Furthermore, as the Armadillo parents seem to have been imprisoned by legitimate law enforcement, it would have happened before Mercia fell to Robotnik.


    *Day 235: Dulcinea "Dulcy" born.
    --Sonic 107- "Data File 8"

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