Tolouse's Story A Sonic the Hedgehog Story by Kris Kelley This story is protected by copyright laws. Feel free to distribute this story, but the author does not allow any unauthorized alteration of the story or distrubition for profit. Part 3 Time went on, and the small band of refugees did the best they could to keep living. * * * The 23 survivors began to pool their knowledge together, and slowly, a village was born. The crude burrows they had slept in the first night became a complex system of underground rooms and hallways. They learned what plants could be used for food and medicine, and some of the people even had hunting skills. The hovercar had had the incredible luck of crashing near a small brook, so water was available as well. It was not the city life they had known, but it was one they could live. The hovercar's radio provided their only way of knowing what was going on. The hovercar's batteries were soon dead, but luck continued to help them, as one of the group fashioned a hand-cranked generator out of parts from the hovercar. By monitoring the Palace Guard and other radio frequencies that Jean had had access to, they learned what was happening to Mobotropolis, and it chilled them to the bone. Shirley realized that she would never see Jean again, and her heart broke even more. As the years went on, the refugees' life became routine. They tried to live as normally as they could, but it was in perpetual fear of being found. The slightest noise from above would send everyone scurrying underground, and nobody ever dared to venture far from the village. Nobody, that is, except for an energetic, young fox. Tolouse was the only child in the group, and he grew up quickly in the underground village. His mother had been hesitant to tell him exactly what had happened, but finally, she did. One night, when Tolouse was seven, she sat down with him and explained why they were living in the forest, why they were always hiding, and what she was sure had happened to Jean. Tolouse had listened, asking no questions. When she had left his room, he had crawled into bed, but sleep did not come until late in the night. He thought about what his mother had told him, and then he thought about his life here and the fear that seemed to dictate what to do. Finally, just before sleep came, he became determined to do something about it. He didn't know how, but he would find a way to help them. * * * Nearly nine years after their escape, Shirley and the others noticed that the transmissions they were picking up on the radio had taken on a new tone. There was talk of a band of "freedom fighters" somewhere in the Great Forest who were apparently putting up a good fight for Robotnik. Shirley could not see how such a thing was even feasible, but other villagers cheered the possibility of Robotnik being brought down, however remote that possibility was. Some time after these new developments occurred, the transmissions ceased all together. It was reasoned that they were probably being scrambled now, to keep these "freedom fighters" from picking them up as well. Tolouse, who was now 13, had heard about the transmissions, too. Almost immediately, he knew that this was his chance to help his mother and the villagers, the way he had wanted to do for six years now. He wanted to find this place, this "Knothole" that was mentioned in the transmissions. He wanted to see Robotnik pay for taking his father and making his mother fear for her life almost daily. He wanted to be a freedom fighter. "You want to *what*?" Shirley asked. "Mother, everyday I look around here and I see us living like prisoners because of that...jerk, Robotnik. I want to do something about it. I want to find this Knothole place and help them fight him!" "Tolouse, think! Robotnik has taken over the entire civilization, on both continents! Do you really believe that a small group of people can put up a war against somebody like that? With all his robots and technology to back him up??" Tolouse looked away in frustration. "But we're not even trying! You won't even let me walk out into the forest on my own. I'm sick of just sitting here when something could be done about it. Anything!" Tolouse turned towards her. "Mother, I don't want to live like this!" Shirley looked at her son. He was no longer the frightened baby she had fled Mobotropolis with, all those years ago. A tear came to her eye. "How would you even know where to go?" Tolouse sighed. "I don't. But the more I think about it, the more I want to at least try. Please, Mother." Tolouse looked into his mother's eyes. "I've got to try." Shirley knew that her son's mind was made up. The tears came freely, now. "Okay, Tolouse. Okay." She hugged him as tightly as she could. The next day, before the Mobian sun had risen, he was gone. He had packed some food and had said one last goodbye to his mother. Then, looking out into the Great Forest, he began walking. Shirley spent most of the day in her room, crying. She had lost her husband to the cruelty of Ivo Robotnik. Now, she feared that she had lost her son as well. Part 4 Tolouse lay with his head resting on a fallen tree trunk, looking at the night sky and the stars that managed to poke through the dense growth of the Great Forest. It had been three weeks since he had started his quest to find Knothole and the freedom fighters, and his luck had been minimal. He had grown tired and weak, especially since food had not been foremost on his mind lately. Now, as he stared off into space, a sense of futility was beginning to come over him, and he felt helpless. Soon, his mind began to wander, and memories crept up... ..."Honey, wake up!" He felt himself being carried up and out of bed. "Mommy, what's wrong?" "No time, baby..." ..."Shirley! Look ahead!" The whole world went sideways right after that. He had never felt so scared in his life...he started to cry... ...and then his mind wandered back even more... ..."Daddy!" Tolouse ran to his father's open arms. "Careful, Tolouse!" Jean said, laughing. "You'll wrinkle the uniform..." Tears began to well in his eyes. He had not thought of his father much during his time in the underground village, but now, the few memories that he had were coming to him vividly... ..."Okay, just one more button...there. Tolouse, you look splendid!" Jean presented his son to a mirror. Tolouse was dressed in a smaller version of the Palace Guard uniform. Tolouse beamed with pride, and his father smiled. "You'd make a fine Palace Guard, son..." ...and then, one final memory... ..."Mommy, where's Daddy?" "He had to work late tonight, baby. The King is throwing a big party, and your father has to be there." "Aww. Wish I could go to the party." Shirley laughed and picked her son up. "Oh, I just bet you do..." Tolouse wiped his eyes, but the tears continued to flow. Then, his eyes found a star up in the night sky, a star that twinkled a little more brightly than its neighbors, a star that shined a little more stubbornly through the thick network of tree branches. He focused on that star, and slowly, his determination returned. "I *will* find Knothole," he told the star. "You'll see." Tolouse then got up, ate some dinner, and found a place where he could sleep, safely hidden from anything overhead. Before sleep came to him, his vow had been repeated. "I *will* find Knothole." The next morning, Tolouse woke up to find the Mobian sun shining brightly through the trees. He got up and was about to try and scrape together breakfast when something moved out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see. Somebody was walking through the forest, about 50 feet away from him! Tolouse got up and moved quietly from tree to tree, trying to get a closer look. He saw a middle aged raccoon, walking with a limp. Tolouse considered calling to him, but the fear of the underground village had stayed with him, and he lost nerve. He decided instead to follow the raccoon, hoping against hope that maybe the raccoon could help him find Knothole. * * * Bookshire had been walking through the forest for about an hour when he realized he was being watched. Too many leaves had stirred without wind, and too many branches had moved to attribute to the usual forest animals. He decided to do some backtracking and throw his follower off before returning to Knothole. * * * Tolouse sat on a small boulder, growling with frustration. He had followed the raccoon for what seemed like an eternity, and then the animal had just disappeared. How was he ever going to find Knothole at this rate? * * * Bookshire went over to Sonic's hut and tapped on the door. The blue hedgehog and Knothole's resident folk hero answered the door and said, "Bookshire! How was the walk, bud?" "Listen Sonic, somebody was following me in the forest." "What? Who?" "I don't know but I think I managed to elude whoever it was." "I'll check it out. Be back in a Sonic-second!" Sonic began accelerating in place. "Wait a minute, Sonic, don't you think you should---" but Sonic was already off. Bookshire sighed, completing his statement: "---talk to Sally, first?" He shook his head and chuckled at Sonic's traditional impatience, and then made his way to Sally's hut. * * * Sonic made several quick searches of the areas surrounding Knothole, and something caught his eye. "Hmm, we appear to have us another fox!" He homed in on this new fox's location. * * * Tolouse was walking slowly through the forest, thinking about the raccoon he saw that morning, when a strange noise sounded behind him. He spun around and found himself face to face with a blue hedgehog. He jumped, scared and dumbfounded by the hedgehog's sudden appearance. Tolouse tried to speak but couldn't find his voice, so Sonic spoke first. "So, bud, what brings you to this neck of the woods?" Tolouse tried to speak again, and managed to stammer, "Who, who are you?" "Hey, I'll ask the questions, bud!" But after studying the frightened fox, Sonic decided that his name wouldn't hurt anything. "The name's Sonic, bud. You got one?" Tolouse's mind raced. Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! That was the name they kept hearing in the radio transmissions! He'd found them. He'd found the freedom fighters! Tolouse very nearly collapsed in relief, and his heart beat with excitement. Sonic stood, tapping his foot impatiently. "Well?" Tolouse finally found his voice, and with it his determination. "My name is Tolouse. And I want to be a Freedom Fighter." ---The End Tolouse's adventures will continue, in "Run with the Fox".