Sonic the Hedgehog: The Storm by Serinthia & Bookshire Draftwood the author will accept questions and comments at the following addresses: this work is protected under copyright law. the author grants his permission for free, unaltered distribution of this work through any medium. Any other use including the sale of this work for money is not allowed. based on characters created by Service and Games (SEGA) Inc and Archie Comic Publications Inc. Todd appears courtesy of Craig Fox. Story: May 12, 3235, 1:35pm GFT: The Great Forest The clouds were thick and dark in the sky over the Great Forest. The skies had been dark and cloudy for a couple days as though a storm front of some kind had suddenly decided to roll in faster that normal. In the village of Knothole, it had not gone unnoticed. Princess Sally had been observing Bookshire and Rotor going back and forth first to Rotor's hut then to Bookshire's then back again so much she finally decided to figure out just what was going on. It took awhile, but she finally tracked both of them down at Bookshire's hut where the two were pouring over figures and charts and maps. Rotor was the first to notice her. "Oh, hi, Sally," Rotor said. Bookshire blinked and looked up. "Good afternoon, Sally," he said. "Well, here you two are," Sally said "For the last few days you've both been caught up in something big, and I think it's about time you shared with the rest of us." Rotor looked over to Bookshire who shrugged. "Well," Rotor began "Bookshire and I have been noticing an increase in the cloud activity all over the planet. Reports from other freedom fighter groups describe similar activity. That mainly being lots of dark grey clouds slowly beginning to cover the planet." "We've been analyzing all the data and we're slowly coming to a grave conclusion," Bookshire added. "And what conclusion is that?" Sally asked, a little nervous. "Have you ever heard of a global hurricane?" Bookshire asked. Sally thought about that a moment. "I'm not sure I have," she said. "Well," Rotor said "We all know what a hurricane is. This is simply a hurricane on a global scale." Sally blinked. "A hurricane that will strike the entire planet in one hard blow," Bookshire said. "How hard?" Sally asked. "Well, aside from the fact that it hits the whole planet," Rotor said "we've figured that it'll probably be about triple the power of a normal hurricane." "That's based on reports from other times in Mobian history when it's actually happened," Bookshire said "However, some of those reports may be inaccurate." Sally shuddered a moment. "How could such a thing occur?" she asked. "Well, the basis behind it is a bit confusing," Bookshire said "It seems that there's only been three of these things in all of the recorded history...usually during some kind of environmental unbalance." Sally hmmm'd "Well, Robotnik's been pumping all that pollution up into the skies for years. Maybe the planet's just getting fed up with it." "That's our theory also, actually," Bookshire noted "However, no matter what is causing it, one thing remains." "What's that?" Sally asked. "When it hits," Rotor said "We MUST be ready for it." May 12, 3235 2:15pm GFT Sandra Nightweaver was sprinting across the ground as fast as she could go. The plain she was running across was wide and long and it would be a couple more days before she finally made it to her destination. One of her sources had informed her about the global hurricane only a few hours previously. After a quick inspection of her current hideout, she knew it would be destroyed by the sheer power of the hurricane. So, she reasoned, she needed to find temporary shelter before she headed for one of her alternate hideouts in the Great Unknown. The unfortunate part about that was there was only one Mobian she knew between where she was and the Great Unknown that could give her shelter. That would be Jack Richsword, one of Mobius' last great aristocrats. She had done several jobs for him over the years both before and after Robotnik seized control, and had, consequently, gotten to know him well enough to know that he wasn't honest or upstanding in any way shape or form. She paused in her run for a breather and looked over towards the mountains where Jack's hidden mansion sat, then up towards the dark, angry clouds. For one brief moment, she considered weathering the storm by herself. Jack could be dealt with however. She wasn't sure if she could deal with the storm. As soon as she felt rested enough, she began her run again towards the mountains in the distance. May 12, 3235 3:30pm GFT Packbell had his synthetic hands full to be sure. The analysis Robotnik had ordered on the weather told him what Packbell's own analysis had told him a week ago. The global hurricane was coming and Robotropolis had to be ready for it lest, the storm wipe out the city entirely and bring Robotnik's reign to a halt. As much as Packbell would love to see that happen, that wouldn't leave much for him to rule afterwards. At the moment, he was supervising the halt of construction on the Doomsday machine. It had been under construction for a couple weeks already, so there wasn't too much to fortify, which was always good in Packbell's book, especially considering his feelings about this whole concept. At the very first command meeting he had had objections to it's success and he made his feeling very clear to Robotnik. Still, Robotnik had already allocated the resources, and he wasn't about to turn back. Packbell had stormed out of that meeting fuming. He found it to be quite a miracle that Robotnik didn't discipline him in any way. Still, he was beginning to feel that the time was slowly coming to the point when Robotnik would finally be crushed by someone...either him or the Freedom Fighters. As he commanded the SWAT-bots about, he considered what he was going to do to weather out the storm. He'd probably go hide out in his hidden base for awhile, in fact. He really didn't want to be around Robotnik right now for some reason. He was quickly finding it to be barely tolerable to be in the same room with that man at all. Oh well, he thought to himself, he'd work things out eventually. Then finally crush all his enemies and make preparations to rule the universe. Lightning crashed across the sky just then, causing him to jump slightly in surprise. He looked up at the sky and grumbled. How could such a thing happen anyway, he thought. He wished he knew. In fact, there was someone on Mobius who DID know. May 13, 3235 2:45am MCT (5/12/35 3:45pm GFT) All the way on the other side of Mobius, where night was at it's peak, there was a dark and mysterious place known as the Mystic Caves. It was a place known throughout Mobius as a place of mystery and magic. Also, it was known as a place that one should never go into because no one ever came out of there once they entered. A lone figure walked slowly along the old wooden walkways that traced their way through the deepest recesses of the caves. He wore a shimmering white cloak outlined with blue trimming along the edges. The hood worn over his head made it hard to tell w hat manner of creature he was. Although, if one were to look very close they might swear he was a black and white ferret. As he made his rounds, he stopped every now and again to light the candles that had been placed here and there along the walkway. "Cyrix?" The figure stopped and looked up from what he was doing. He turned from his work to see a white furred female feline, wearing a dark blue leotard and a thin, full-body lighter blue cloak. "Yes?" Cyrix said as he lit another candle. The word was quite clear, but it was often hard to tell if he was actually speaking, or if he was mentally projecting it somehow. "Have you seen what's been going on outside?" asked Amthis. "Quite clearly thank you," Cyrix replied "Why does it trouble you?" "A global hurricane could severely damage the planet and the magical forces that reside in it," Amthis said. "I tend to disagree," Cyrix said softly "Such things only occur when the environment of nature and magic as a whole need to be rebalanced. The one called Robotnik has created quite an imbalance of the forces. This is natures way of restoring evening the playing field." Amthis blinked and thought about that a moment, her tail swishing slightly as she thought. "Keep studying, young one," Cyrix said "One day you'll understand. Perhaps not for a couple centuries...but one day you WILL understand." Amthis nodded quietly and bowed in respect before leaving Cyrix to his work. As he worked, he heard to voices of the others in his mind. "The creatures of this world will be unprepared." "They WILL be ready, they need only time to prepare." "And how can this happen. None can prepare for such an event." "If help is given, then they will be ready," Cyrix thought. "But we are sworn not to interfere." "But what choice have we?" "We always have choices," Cyrix thought "I intend to go out and at least observe their preparations." "As you so choose, Cyrix, but caution is advised." "Naturally," Cyrix thought. With that he shut the voices out of his mind and continued to quietly, move down the walkways, lighting candles. Once he was done, his form seemed to vanish from existence. May 13 3235 10:00am GFT "Alright," Sally said "Let's review the plan one more time and make sure we haven't forgotten anything." She was standing in the meeting hall with the others, going over a plan of action. "Alright, Bookshire and Rotor will be supervising the construction of underground shelters, getting as many of them done as they can. We need to be able to fit the whole village below ground before the storm hits." Bookshire and Rotor nodded quietly. "Bunnie and Antoine will be rationing our supplies , stocking each shelter as it is completed with enough rations to last at least as long as the storm which, by Bookshire's estimation will last at least ten hours, and quite possibly longer. Sonic and Dulcy will be scowering the forest, bringing in any Mobians who happen to be living in the area so that they can have shelter also. Todd and Tails, please act as communications between the teams, and me, carrying messages and making sure everything's getting done as soon as possible. Any questions?" Everyone looked at one another. No one seemed to have any. "Alright. We've got about twenty four hours before this thing breaks, so lets get moving." Everyone broke and moved to get their tasks done as fast as possible. May 13, 3235 4:45pm GFT Sandra had arrived at the cave entrance to Jack's mansion a few minutes ago and was now standing at the front door, knocking as loud as she could. She figured she had about twelve hours before the storm hit and there was no place else to go, she figured it was this or nothing. After a few moments, the door was answered by one of Jack's attendants, a large male wolf with grey fur. "Can I help you?" he asked Sandra. "Tell jack that Sandra's here to see him," Sandra ordered. The attendant looked unimpressed and went to inform his master. After a few more moments, he came back and ordered her to follow him. As Sandra was led through the house to where ever Jack was currently relaxing, she saw all the familiar decorations, some of which she had stolen from others just for him. As they went up the stairs and walked down the hall of the second floor, she made note of the dark atmosphere in the home. Just how Jack liked it as she recalled. The one thing that she absolutely despised about Jack was that he was something of a light drug user...and Sandra often wondered how it was that he was even still alive. Soon, the attendant led her to a large set of double doors and escorted her through. The room inside was filled with dozens and dozens of pillows, cushions, sheets and other soft materials of all kinds. Soft music filled the air as well as a sweet smelling odor which Sandra identified as Orcium...Jacks drug of choice for intoxication. Jack himself, a muscular, pure white rabbit, was seated near the back of the room, propped up on several pillows. Sandra grumbled angrily to herself...why on Mobius was she here anyway... "Sandra!" Jack exclaimed with joy as he spotted her "How goes it these days? Still not cutting your fur, huh?" Oh yeah, Sandra thought, just how he'd want it. "No, I'm not as much of a slut as the girls I always seem to see you with," Sandra snapped. "At least their good in bed," Jack said, taking a puff from the long cigar he was smoking away on "And just what is it that brings you around, anyway?" "Well," Sandra said "As much as I hate to admit it, I need a favor from you." "A favor?" jack grinned "The great Sandra needs a favor?" "Don't make this harder then it has to be," Sandra said. "Yeah, yeah, right," Jack said "Anyway, what's this favor?" "Well, in case you haven't noticed, there's a storm brewing outside...big nasty one too," Sandra said "I need a strong place to weather it out." Jack grinned slyly. Sandra rolled her eyes. "On your knees," Jack smirked. "What?!" Sandra snapped. Jack giggled "I'm kidding. Of course, you can stay. But I reserve the right to request anything from you while you're here." "Anything?" Sandra said "What do you mean anything?" "Just what it says," Jack said "I ask you to do one thing while you're here and you do it. It will be an activity of my choosing that must be carried out in the fashion that I specify. If you refuse, it's out into the storm with you.." Sandra thought about it for a moment. She didn't want to be here, but she didn't really have much of a choice. "Deal," she said "But you just watch yourself around me." "Oh, of course," Jack smiled "My attendant will show you to your room...unless, of course, you'd like to stay and have a quick smoke?" "I think not," Sandra said firmly. She turned abruptly and headed out of the room and waited for the attendant to follow. May 13, 3235 4:45pm GFT Packbell's private shuttle landed quietly in one the main shuttle bays in Robotropolis. After disembarking, he reported immediately, as per his orders, to the main command center. Upon entering, he announced his presence to Robotnik by giving Snively a rough push to one side as he entered. That little snot was always getting in the way, he thought. He'd have to do something about that sometime. "Ah yes, Commander," Robotnik said levelly "I trust that the shutdown was successful?" "Indeed, Sir," Packbell answered shortly "All foundations have been fortified and the area cleared. The structure should survive the storm." "Excellent, Commander," Robotnik said "Now, once the storm passes, you can get it back up and running, and then command it yourself." Packbell blinked. "I beg your pardon?" he said carefully. "You will command the Doomsday project along with me, Packbell," Robotnik answered. Packbell decided tactfulness, as much as it wasn't deserved, would be the best course of action. "With all due respect sir, I really would rather not," he said "I have made my objections towards the project quite clear to you numerous times." "Packbell," Robotnik sighed "You need to see the big picture. You need to have a greater vision than just the short term..." I've a better, greater vision than you'll ever have you bloated toad, Packbell thought to himself as Robotnik rambled on. "...and when you do, you'll be just as good as me," Robotnik finished. "Thank you sir, but I MUST decline," Packbell said firmly. "Commander, I'm giving you a direct order!" "And I'm giving you one, Robotnik," Packbell said, his anger flaring slightly "I will NOT participate in this folly! This is a doomed project, and I will not be a part of it. I will always be loyal to you Robotnik, but I say now, that this project WILL fail! Now then, if you need me for anything other than that damned project then you can find me out and about doing my job. Until then don't even think of bothering me!" Robotnik's eyes glowed an angry red and Snively ducked for cover. However, even when it seemed like his anger was about ready to explode as Packbell stormed out of the room, he somehow seemed to calm and relax. He sat back in the command chair and sighed heavily...wishing his son would just work with him on this project. It was the first thing he ever wanted to share with the android and Packbell had turned him down. So be it. Robotnik wouldn't punish him. It was time he let Packbell find his own way in life. May 13 3234 5:00pm GFT The clouds covering the planet grew darker and wetter by the hour. Winds picked up and lightning crashed through the skies at random constantly. on a high mountain, a form seemed to resolve itself out of nowhere and looked down on the great expanse of forest are in front of him. Cyrix surveyed the Great Forest with the trained eye of wisdom and experience. Even though he was so very high up, he could see quite clearly the activities in every location. In the village known as Knothole, activity was at it's strongest. "What's up, Book?" Todd asked, as he approached the tired looking raccoon. "Well, I think we're in good shape. Rotor and I have got a lot of people working on just enough underground shelters for most of the village. The few that remain can hole up in my house. Todd blinked "Your house? But it's just a hut. Would it be safe." Book smiled "That's right, you're still new here so you wouldn't know. Actually, the hut part of it is just sort of a welcome and visitor type room. The rest of my home is ten feet under the ground." "Oh, alright, "Todd smiled "I'll go let Sally know." "Good," Bookshire replied, and let her know we've only got a couple hours left, so people should start packing into these shelters as soon as possible." "You got it, Book," Todd said as he hurried off to find Sally. May 13, 3235 5:00pm GFT The room Sandra found herself in was quite beautifully decorated. It consisted of a beautifully crafted rug that covered most of the hardwood floor. A large king sized bed with the softest sheets and comforters she had ever felt, and an ornately carved dresser with some soft, silk robes and gowns within. At one point she even considered trying one on, but decided against it, since she didn't want to get too comfortable in this place. She moved now, to look out the fortified window that overlook a nice waterfall outside. Since the falls fell right over the mansion, seeing any of it's windows would be nearly impossible. That probably explained why the place was never invaded by Robotnik. It's only entrances were by cave, and it's only windows were hidden behind a waterfall. After a time, she became bored, and decided to go take a look around the house and see if anything had changed. The house looked much like it did the last time she was there. Ornate decorations, most of which had been stolen by her when she was working under contract from Jack, decorated most of the rooms and halls. At one point she found herself in a large art gallery of sort in which hung several different and valuable painting of all sizes. Many of those, she had stolen for him also. In fact, there really wasn't very much in the whole house that truly belonged to him. As she looked around, she noticed a mediums sized painting sitting on a nearby easel with a cloth draped over it. Out of curiosity, she walked over and lifted up the drape to look at it. It was a beautifully painted work of a beautiful vixen with black fur in a rather seductive position. Sandra paused a second and looked closer. It was her. "You like it?" a voice startled her from behind. Jack was standing not ten feet from her. "Its...nice," Sandra said uncertainly. "Yes, I had a painter who was looking for a place to hide out for awhile do it for me while he was staying here," Jack said "Think he eventually got captured and Robotizized, but, oh well." "Some comfort," Sandra said bitterly "So what do you want?" "Just you," Jack said and stepped closer. Sandra got on the defensive. "Don't you even think about it," Sandra growled lowly. "Why not?" Jack said with a grin "It's no secret I've always wanted you, and now I will." "Not in a million years, Jack," Sandra growled. "Nope," Jack said "Tonight. That is my one request. One night with you. I'll be by your room at 8 tonight. If you're there wonderful, if not, I hope the storm doesn't drown you." Sandra growled in frustration when she realized her position. The loud clap of thunder outside just then only fortified the knowledge. Unless she wanted to brave the storm, she didn't have much choice. "We'll see," Sandra said evenly. "Good enough," Jack said "Just remember, you refuse and my attendants will show you the door." Jack left and Sandra growled as she turned around and put her fist right through the picture. May 13 3235 5:10pm Packbell ran down the streets of Robotropolis, trying to make it back to the personal stronghold he built at the far north side of the city. Thunder and Lightning crashed overhead and the first drops of rain began to fall over the city. The androids legs ran faster and faster. He would've taken a shuttle, but the atmospheric turbulence was too great for even him to control. Let Robotnik take whatever risks he would. The Death Egg wasn't 100% stable and the android wasn't about to trust it.. He ran faster, feeling the rain now begin to pour down against him. It was three more minutes before he made it to the stronghold. He was soaking by the time he got there, but at least, after he had firmly bolted the door behind him, he was safe. May 13, 3235 5:10pm GFT The wind whipped around and in between the trees of the Great Forest picking up speed with each gust. In Knothole village, all the inhabitants were packing into the underground shelters as fast as they could, while Sally, Sonic, and friends all piled into the underground section of Bookshire's house. Bookshire and Todd were standing on a high rock near the edge of the village, watching the storm waiting for signs of it's final breaking which would be the signal to bolt up everything and pray you're already inside. "I hope we weather this alright," Todd remarked as the two scanned the skies. "We've taken all the precautions we can, Todd," Bookshire said "Hope is all that's left." A bolt of lightning slammed down into the forest nearby and the wind picked up dramatically. Todd was the first to feel the rain start. Without hesitation, he turned over his shoulder and called out at the top of his lungs. "Here it comes!!!!" He and Bookshire were off the rock in a second, hurrying back to Bookshire's house as fast as they could go, while Mobians in every shelter, slammed their doors shut and bolted them securely. By the time, Bookshire and Todd made it to Bookshire's house, the rain was already pounding down hard on both of them. Bookshire slipped and fell in the mud in front of the house, but Todd was there to pick him up and they both made it inside, and down the stairs without any other incidents. As they hurried downstairs and bolted the bottom door, Sally came up to them. "Is everyone indoors?" she asked. Bookshire wiped some of the mud off his face with a cloth nearby. "As near as we can tell, your highness," He said. "Yeah, we barely had time to get in ourselves," Todd said, as a clap of thunder over another was heard outside. "Alright," Sally said "Bookshire, once you're cleaned up, see about the Communications between the shelters. Make sure it's working. Todd, go help Bunnie in the kitchen reviewing the food supplies in here." "You got it," Todd said as he hurried off. As he did, he vaguely wondered where Tails was, but figured he was around somewhere. Bookshire meanwhile decided to step into his bathroom a minute to take a shower to wash off all the mud. May 13, 3235 5:40pm GFT The storm raged mercilessly on all sides of the planet, exploding thunder, lightning, wind and rain over every part. Among all the chaos, deep in the Great Forest, unaffected by it, Cyrix walked quietly. He could sense that most had gotten into relative safety before the full effect of it had hit. Still, there would be some casualties. That was inevitable. Since nature was trying to rebalance itself, then it would take some lives in the process. As he walked down one of the paths not too far from the Village called Knothole, he sensed a small life form somewhere nearby. Odd, he thought. He hadn't been expecting any life forms to be around outside in this area. "Go and investigate," said a voice in his head. Cyrix acknowledged it silently and moved to see what was happening. Todd had finished going over the food supply with Bunnie and approached Sally. "Have you seen Tails around anywhere?" he asked. Sally thought a moment. "No, actually," she said "But I'm sure he must be in one of the other shelters." "Could we find out?" Todd asked "I'd feel better knowing for sure. Sally nodded and they went to see Bookshire in his computer room. "Book, have you got the communications software working?" Sally asked. "Yes, actually," Bookshire replied "In fact, it just came up a minute ago. We can communicate with all the other shelters." "Could you send out a message and see if Tails is in any of them," Todd asked. "Of course," Bookshire said as he began to type the message "But I'm sure he's in one of them somewhere." Ten minutes later, all had come back negative. "No one seems to know where he is," Bookshire said. "Then he must still be out there somewhere!" Todd exclaimed "I'm going out to find him. "Todd no," Sally stated "It's too dangerous out there." "The Princess is right," Bookshire said. "I don't care," Todd said "I'm going out there to find him, if I have to search through the entire storm." Todd ran from the room with Sally and Bookshire close behind him. As he raced out the door, Bookshire came up and bolted it shut again. Sally looked in the direction of the door for a minute before speaking. "I hope they make it alright," she said. "So do I, Sally," Bookshire said "So do I." May 13, 3235 6:00pm GFT Tails had been lost for an hour. He had originally come out to find Sonic, but had gotten lost in the process. When the storm started to hit, it was lucky that he found an overhang in the ground by the Great River to hide under. The only problem was that the water level of the river was slowly starting to rise and Tails figured he'd have maybe an hour before he ran out of ground. The wind and the rain weren't helping either. The small fox was cold and wet and shivering. He had tried calling for help but knew no one would hear him. With as dark as it was getting, Tails quickly began to believe that it would be too dark to get home and too dark for anyone to find him. Todd crashed through the woods as fast as he could, calling out Tails' name as loud as he could. He was already soaked to the bone, and the wind would blow him around in any direction it felt like. It was so hard to keep his ground at times, he almost fell several times. The situation was getting desperate. Todd knew Tails might not be able to survive long in weather like this, and he also knew that he, himself, might not be able to either. He refused to give up the search, however, and continued onward through the forest. May 13, 6:25pm GFT The storm had been raging outside the mansion for awhile now. Sandra paced nervously around her room quietly. Jack had made it clear that if she didn't sleep with him, she could take her chances with the rain. Neither choice was very positive. She was no virgin to be sure, but whenever she chose to mate, it was on her terms, no one else's. To be practically forced into it was something she had always refused to have happen to her. He'd be coming into the room in about an hour, and then she'd have to make her decision. She left her room and went back down to the gallery to look out the window. The storm was raging at its complete fullness. the information she had, suggested to her that it would be over for hours, or even days. If she was forced to go out into it...she didn't know if she would be able to survive. On the other paw, there was Jack. A rich, stuck-up drug user who always wanted to get her in his bed since the day they had met. Should she sleep with him? Well...a couple minutes up to a half hour at most of being uncomfortable compared to a couple hours or days of toughing out the rain. Could she swallow her pride? Or would she take her chances with the rain. She had an hour to decide. May 13, 3235 7:00pm GFT Todd crashed through the brush of the forest constantly. He refused to give up until Tails had been found. He paused by a tree and tried to catch his breath amidst the pounding rain and blasting wind. He looked around through the dark aimlessly, still calling Tails' name out as loud as he could. Suddenly a light appeared. Todd blinked. It was a soft, blue ball of light floating off in the distance. For a moment, Todd wasn't sure what he was really seeing. In fact, it took him a couple more minutes to realize that the light seemed to be beckoning him somehow...and he had an irresistible urge to follow it. So, without another question, he followed the light. He stumbled through the rocks and brush of the deep forest, following the light which always seemed to stay the same distance ahead of him. Tails was practically floating in the intense rain that continued to crash down on him, even under the overhang. After a couple minutes, he got an intense urge to make a run for it, no matter, how dangerous that would be. Abandoning his hiding place completely, he gathered up the last bits of his strength and charged out into the forest, tripping and slipping several times, crashing through bushes, and brush, and getting snagged on branches and sticks and twigs. The rain and wind slammed into him from all sides, battering his young body until it was covered with cuts and bruises. Todd ran faster and faster, following the glowing ball of light unquestioningly, barely feeling the wind and rain pounding down around him constantly. Finally, as all of his energy was about to vanish, he tripped over something and slammed down into the mud. He jumped up quickly and turned around to see what it was he tripped over. "TAILS!" Todd cried out as he picked the small, barely conscious fox up in his arms and holding him close, no completely mindless of the surrounding wind and rain. Tails could only moan softly, half-conscious as Todd held him and tried to shield him. Todd looked around in the darkness. He needed to find some kind of shelter for the both of them, but there was none to be found. Then, there was that light again. It apparently hadn't moved since he tripped. Now, it moved again and headed back in another direction, soaring through the darkness. Todd got up on his feet and ran after it, mustering every last drop of his strength as he held Tails close as he ran after it. May 13, 3235 8:00pm GFT Sandra paced back and forth in her room, her tail swishing side to side as she thought deeply about what was to happen. In the end, she was beginning to realize, she didn't have a choice. She'd drown quickly out in the hurricane, and there were no other option. She heard the door open behind her, and Jack enter. He wasn't wearing anything other than a sly smirk as he looked her up and down. Sandra stood stalk still as Jack walked slowly up to her, and began to circle around her, gazing along her body like a predator deciding how best to devour it's prey. She jerked slightly when she felt his paw stroke slowly down her back for a moment and along her tail. After a moment he moved back in front of her, and grinned as he rubbed that paw slowly up and down her side. "Well, well," Jack smiled "This will be fun." Sandra growled. "Don't make this harder than it already is," she glared. "Harder?" Jack grinned "Hardly." He grinned and stroked his paw up to her neck and slowly slid it down her front, down over her breasts, down over her firm abdomen, down, down... The next moment, Jack collapsed to the floor, howling in pain, the result of Sandra delivering one hard kick straight to his crotch. Jack tried to call out for his servants, but the total pain emanating from his groin robbed him completely of his voice. Sandra smirked a moment, then reached under the bed and pulled out the ropes she had found there earlier (Jack was really into mating and ropes) and hauled him up where she tied his wrists and elbows hard behind his back. Jack tried to kick out at her, but she swept his feet quickly, sending him falling backwards onto his tail. She quickly tied up his legs as tight as possible and stuffed part of a pillow cover into his muzzle and used another rope to tie it snug into place. Once the pain began to fade, Jack glared murderously at her as she stood him up again. Before he could react, however, she suddenly seized him and shoved him forward towards the wall where his head slammed into it head first and he slumped to the floor, unconscious. Sandra smiled to herself as she walked over and casually locked the door. Jack probably told his servants that he didn't want to be disturbed for the night. Since there was no way he could get to them to have them throw her out, she had the whole night in the room completely free...well, except for Jack. But then, she was going to have some fun with him. May 13, 3235, 8:30pm Sonic was pacing around nervously in Bookshire's living room while Sally tried to console him. "They've been out far to long," sonic said in agitation. "I'm sure they're fine, Sonic," Sally said "They're both two tough foxes." Sonic smacked his fist into his hand resolutely. "Tough or not, I'm going out to find them!" Sonic announced. Before Sally could say a word, Sonic was out the door and into the night fast than the eye could see. Todd had been running with Tails for some time, following the blue light that bobbed ahead constantly. Todd was losing strength rapidly against the hard winds and rain and he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out. As he ran, the wind rains pounded down even harder, forcing his eyes closed even more protectively. Suddenly, it stopped. Todd jerked to a halt and blink his eyes open. The light was still there in front of him and it was illuminating the inside of a small cave in which he was standing. After shaking the water from him a second he gently laid Tails down on the amazingly still dry floor of the cave and took off the shirt he was wearing to wrap around the small cub to give him some warmth. The small blue light was still there, he noticed. Then it seemed to fade. For a split second, it seemed as though there was somebody in a white cloak carrying the light...but then it was gone, leaving Todd unsure if he had even seen anything at all. He turned back to Tails and held him close to him, moving him back further into the cave, away from the fierce rains. They'd be safe for the moment... Sonic, meanwhile, ran through the forest as fast as he could looking for signs of Tails or Todd...then he tripped... May 14 3235, 1:00am The rains still pour and blasted outside the mansion. Sandra relaxed gently on the bed happily watching Jack sway gently upside down from the ceiling fixture to which she had hung him up. "You know something, Jack you always were kind of a geek," she remarked "Makes me wonder why I ever worked for you. Still this has certainly been fun." For the last few hours, she had swayed him back and forth and around in circles as he hung from the fixture, taunting him and teasing him in a few different ways. Normally she wouldn't have been so cruel, but, frankly, he deserved it. She laid there for a minute more then decided on a new torment. She got up and walk suggestively up toward Jack and let the underside of her Tail brush over his muzzle. He shivered uncomfortably. Goddess, she thought to herself, this bastard can't get enough. She rubbed her tail over his muzzle a few more times and decided to let him swing there for awhile with that sultry, seductive scent in his nostrils and no way to satisfy himself. Returning to the bed, she lay down quietly and slowly began to drift off. Jack didn't have the skills to get out of the knots she had tied, so she could sleep in comfort. She dosed off still watching jack try and make futile attempts at escape. May 14 3235, 2:30am Packbell had sat at his terminal working during most of the storm. With the storm raging about the planet at the moment, it was hard for him to do anything else, really. Going outside for any reason would be futile. He review the Robotropolis mainframe access records for what must've been the thousandth time that night...literally. He had started monitoring it a number of months before when he realized that the Freedom Fighters could hack it with some special program that, as of yet, Packbell had been unable to prevent. At the very least, he figured, if he could find out who, exactly, was hacking the system, at least that would be something. However, thus far, whoever it was, was making sure not to leave any traces or their presence behind. "Computer," he said in a VERY bored tone. The computer sprung to life awaiting the commander's orders. "List every Mobian citizen on record who's death or robotization is not confirmed and of those, list how many have enough knowledge to hack the mainframe." For the dozenth time, the screen display roughly a hundred names, all of which Packbell had seen before. He was able to cross some of those names off though, having captured and killed them himself off the record. That left about seventy-five. He examined the names more closely and thought and actually took the time to think back through his memories. He sat there for numerous minutes when it suddenly clicked. "Computer," he said "Of these, list how many can write virus programs." The computer complied and the list was cut down immensely to only two names. Packbell examined both of them. One he had killed himself. The other name was unfamiliar... Bookshire StormForest Draftwood. Packbell stared at the name for a few seconds. "Computer, access the old Mobian Library files and give me everything you have on Bookshire StormForest Draftwood." The computer complied again and displayed the standard citizen information database: Last Updated: January 1, 3224 Birthname: Bookshire StormForest Draftwood Species: Raccoon (Grey Fur, Black Markings; Ht: 4' Wt: 145lbs) MobianID: 4589-6-4850BSD DOB: July 12, 3200, 1:35pm POB: Mobitropolis Medical Center (HospitalID 5996-H) Mother: Marion Acorn Draftwood (MID 2947-7-2384MAD) Father: Bernard Forrester Draftwood (MID 2305-8-8544BFD) Marital Status: Single Criminal Records: NONE Credit Rating: B- Address: 4536 South DragonFire Drive Mobitropolis, MB 44-33-5443 Occupation: General Practitioner/Surgeon in Training Edward C. Acorn Medical Academy & Hospital Medical/General Certification: 1a (Qualified) Medical/Surgical/Basic Certification: 1a (Qualified) Medical/Surgical/Skillful Certification: 3a (In training) Medical/Surgical/Advanced Certification: 5 (UN-Qualified) Next board evaluation: December 1 3224 Medical Records: See file #504-33295-687BSD Skills evaluation: Highly adept in fields of computer and medical science. Expected to obtain success in either the advance medical fields and/or AI, and computer theory fields. Superb machine language programming skills. Quick adaptability skills. Diagnosis skills will be of particular benefit in either field. END OF FILE Packbell read through the information swiftly. A somewhat medical expert with computer science skills. He MUST work with the Freedom fighters Packbell thought. There's no other way they could get patched up so fast. Packbell saved this particular file and made a note of it. He would have to find this raccoon...and destroy him... May 14 3235 7:00am GFT The storm had let up a bit an hour ago over most of the northern continents. It still stormed heavily in some parts of the world, by the rest was getting a break. Deep in the Great Forest, where the Great river ran, there was a huge patch of thick, deep mud. After a time...part of it moved. A small figure shakily moved and stood up with a soft groan as he thanked each and every god and goddess in Mobian theology individually and by name that his nose had stayed above the mud enough for him to breathe. Once he was standing, Sonic shook and wiped as much of the mud as he could off his body, praying that his quills wouldn't need any serious work to restore them to their wonderful sharpness and slick appearance. He turned around and spotted an area by the rapidly flowing river where a calm pool of clear water had collected. without a second thought, he dove in and got most of the rest of the mud off. After he finished cleaning, he got out and took stock of his surroundings. Now that the storm had temporarily broke, it should be quite a bit easier to find both Todd and Tails, assuming they somehow managed to find one another already. After shaking off the excess water, he revved up his legs and shot back into the depths of the forest to find them. Tails and Todd had both managed to sleep through the night uneventfully. they were both curled near each other for warmth. Todd was the first to wake, and, for a moment, couldn't quite remember what had happened. After a moment, though, he remembered all about the storm and how he had found Tails and got him to a safe place. He stood up quietly so as not to awaken the sleeping kit who needed all the rest he could get, and walked to the mouth of the cave to see how the storm was doing. He noticed that it seemed to have let up for awhile at least. The skies were still heavily cloudy and grey, but at least it wasn't raining. He soon began to realize that he was hungry and that Tails would be hungry too as soon as he woke up, so finding food would be a necessity of the utmost importance. He knew enough about forest survival to get by probably, so it was likely he could go out and get at least some edible fruits and other plants to sustain them both until they got up the energy to attempt finding their way back to Knothole. Looking back at Tails to make sure he was still asleep, he headed out. He wouldn't go very far, just far enough to get some food. May 14 3235 7:30am GFT Jack's butler went up to were Sandra had been staying to see if Jack was up yet. From the way his Master had been talking the night before, he doubted either of them would be up yet, but it wasn't the butler's business really. He was mildly surprised to find the door unlocked, but went in anyway. The first thing he noticed was that there was no sign of the vixen anywhere. The second thing he noticed was he master, swinging gently on the rope he was hanging from, dozing uncomfortably. He hurried over and woke jack up as he untied him and set him upright. "Damned that bitch," Jack grumbled as the butler finished "She's dead for sure. Where is she?" "Beg your pardon sir," the butler said "But it appears that she's nowhere to be found." Jack blinked and looked around. She must've slipped out while he had been sleeping. He walked over to the bed and found a handwritten note on the pillow she had been using. 'Wonderful evening. You're really a ladies' man, you know. We really ought to do this again sometime...maybe when Katrinus' Great Hell freezes over? By the way, that's a very nice emerald you had in your smoking room. I hope you won't miss it terribly. --Sandra' Jack growled and ripped up the paper as he turned to the butler. "Get some of the guards together and get out there," he ordered "Grab some weapons and blast that bitch into the next world. She couldn't have gotten far." "Yes sir," the butler said as he hurried out. Sandra sprinted away from the mansion as fast as she could go, heading towards her hideout in the Great Unknown. She knew Jack wouldn't let her go so easily and would send the guards after her. Still, it wasn't so bad. It was worth it for the emerald she carried in her paw. It would fetch a very handsome price on what little remained of the Mobian black market. She'd do quite well for some time off of it. She looked up at the clouds as she ran. The rain had stopped for now. she only hoped she could make it to her hideout before it started again. Of course, she also hoped she'd make it there before Jack's guards caught her too. May 14 3235 7:45am GFT Bookshire and Rotor were carefully examining the weather data they were getting from the satellite. The rain had stopped only temporarily, but there would probably be one last big jolt before, the hurricane dissipated later that night. "I hope the others are alright," Sally said as she looked over their shoulders at the data. "I'm sure they are," Bookshire said "Both Todd and Sonic have good survival skills, and Sonic's taught Tails quite a bit of what he knows. I'm sure they'll come back to us safe and sound." Sally nodded. "Well, in the meantime," she said "While we've got the chance, we should go outside and survey the damage thus far and see if there's any more reinforcement needed on any of the standing structures before the next wave hits." Bookshire nodded and transmitted the order to all the other shelters in Knothole. "In the meantime, Book," Sally said "Stay here and monitor the storm for signs of it sending down the next wave." "Of course, Sally," Bookshire smiled "I'll make sure you don't get wet." Sally nodded and left with most of the others to inspect the damage to the village. Many of the huts had either been destroyed or, at the least, partially damaged. Walkways and paths that were once open and clear were now covered with almost every part of debris imaginable. Everyone began to examine their huts and check for damage to anything they hadn't been able to move into underground storage areas in time. Sally's desk was found in a tree near Bookshire's hut. Rotor's bed was half sunk in the power ring pool and his hut had a huge hole in the side of it. Bunnie's hut actually seemed to be somewhat standing except for a few holes and rips in the walls and roof here and there. Nothing inside seemed to have blown away. Sonic's hut was nearly crushed by a tree. Fixing that wouldn't be anything new however. Tails' room in Sally's hut seemed to be alright other than that it was quite thoroughly soaked through with water. As Rotor and Dulcy were trying to get Sally's desk out from the tree, Bookshire buzzed her com link. "Yes?" she said. "I think that storm's picking up speed again," Bookshire said from the other end "You'd do well to get everybody inside within the next two hours." "Got it," Sally replied "We'll be ready." Meanwhile, Todd had returned to the cave and found Tails weak, but awake. The two hugged warmly and Todd gave Tails some of the food he had found. It was mainly a collection of fruits and berries he had found on the ground, obviously blown out of the trees, but it was something. Besides, fruit was healthy. After breakfast, Todd debated with Tails if they should try returning to Knothole, or try to ride out the next wave in the cave... "TAILS!!!" Both Todd and Tails blinked and look out into the forest. "TODD!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!" "Sonic!" Tails cried excitedly. "Sonic!!" called Todd "Sonic, over here!!!" Sonic fixed the location of the voices in seconds and raced up to the cave where he hugged both Todd and Tails good and tight. "You both alright?" Sonic asked "How did you ever manage to find this cave?" "Long story," Todd said, thinking about that strange blue light "I'll try and explain later." "Right. Well, I don't know about you guys," Sonic said "But it's time to jam back to Knothole." "And with your speed, we ought to make it," Todd smiled. "Great," Sonic said "Grab on!" Todd and Tails both got a good grip and Sonic peeled out into the forest taking them with him. May 14 3235 8:30am GFT Sandra ran through the great unknown as fast as she could while still pacing herself enough to not run out of energy too fast. Jack's squad of guards had bumped into her and only some quickly thinking saving her neck. Now, with them undoubtedly in hot pursuit, Sandra ran for her very life. However, she wasn't alone... The guards had been pursuing for only a short time when they arrived at a very large rock formation. The head guard walked up and looked around to the other side and saw Sandra sitting down below, polishing the emerald that had been stolen. Very quietly, he had two of the other sneak around the sides of it. Before the vixen could react, they leaped out and opened fire. Each bolt slammed into her, throwing her back against the rock wall before she slumped down to the ground and lay still, the emerald falling from her grasp. The head guard ran up to the body and grabbed the emerald. "Perfect," he said "The boss'll be pleased. We'll just leave the body here. Let's got out of here before the storm hits again." The other's agreed and they retreated quickly back towards the mountains and the safety of the mansion. For several minutes, the still form of Sandra lay there...then it slowly faded away into nothing... Cyrix Mortimer was pleased. His illusion had worked well. The one called Sandra was safe for the time being. His foretelling told him of her importance. She may be a criminal now...but he knew it was of vital importance that she the months to come, the fate of the entire planet would depend on it... Sandra stopped when she heard the laser fire then silence. She listened intently for some time to see if there were any other signs of the guards pursuing her, then she took off running again. She still had a storm to beat. May 14, 3235 9:30am GFT In Knothole, the Freedom Fighters were working to brace the remaining structures as well as the could for the second wave. Bookshire and Rotor's calculations suggested that the storm would end around 8 or 9 that night so Knothole had to be reinforced as well as it could for the constant battering of high winds and hard rain. As Sally was double checking everything for the last time, she then heard the telltale sonic boom... Sonic raced into Knothole at top speed and virtually materialized in front of Sally before she could say anything. "I'm back!" Sonic announced as Todd and Tails let go of him and smiled. For just that moment, Sally's happiness to see Sonic again completely overcame her composure. Without a word, she ran to him, pulled him into her arms and began to give him one of the longest, deepest kisses she had ever given him. Sonic, was momentarily startled, but, not being one to pass up the chance, decided to go with it and actively hold the kiss as long as both were willing. Todd and Tails looked at each other and smiled. Todd politely cleared his throat and Sally slowly let go of Sonic and the kiss and tried to collect herself as she hugged Tails and Todd. "Yes, Sonic...good to see you back..." she began "Todd, Tails, are you ok? Maybe you should all go have Bookshire check you out..." Sonic smirked. Sally knew he would let go of this moment for the longest time and would be constantly reminding her of it for weeks... Tails and Todd grinned and nodded as they all went back to Bookshire's home and began to prepare for the next wave of rain and wind. Sandra looked up at the skies as she ran through the Great Unknown. She felt a small drop of rain hit her muzzle, and she knew she wouldn't make it to her hideout in time. She would have to bear the full brunt of the storm somehow out here in the middle of the nowhere. She stopped and look around. Nothing. The best she could hope for was to make it to one of the canyons and find a cave or overhang or something before she got too soaked. If her memory served, there was a canyon of some kind a ways to the north...maybe she could make it there... She took off again and hoped it wouldn't take her long to get there... May 14 3235 10:00am The storm started right on time. Packbell, safe in his private shelter was right again. In the previous two hours he had been able to get some relief supplies to his private base in the Dark mountains. That should give them a helping hand until he could get there personally after the storm and supervise the repairs that would most certainly be needed. Robotnik's headquarters had managed to survive quite nicely, damned the luck, and very few repairs were needed there. Packbell sat back in his chair and sighed. He hoped, one day, those freedom fighters would just finish him off. There was a good reason why he didn't just march into the death egg and murder the old bastard in his sleep. Mainly because, despite all the trust he had invested in Packbell...that only existed when his eyes were open. When Robotnik slept, he slept in a guarded chamber with password and vocal access that only he knew about and enough sensors inside so that if Snivelly or Packbell were to murder him, that information would be processed in the central mainframe and the killer wouldn't be able to gain control of the city. Therefore killing Robotnik was pointless and Packbell would just have to sit and wait for the right time... Sonic bolted the door to Bookshire's underground sections just in time as the rain began to pound down again. This time they were all safe and sound and could weather the storm without a care. Sandra didn't have it so good... May 14 3235 10:15am GFT Sandra ran and stumbled in the rain. It had been pouring down on her hard for countless minutes and she was already soaked to the bone and colder than she had ever been. She ran on, however, refusing to give herself up after how far she had gotten in surviving the storm. She was a true survivor, that much she knew. She'd make it somehow. Finally, she made it to the canyon. She made her way carefully down the side of it, trying hard not to slip from the pounding rains and wind and fall to her death hundreds of feet below. She tried to look around the rock face for some indications a hallow, but the rain continually blinded her so that finding anything would be luck at best. She continued to make her way along the narrow path practically etched into the rock face, holding on for dear life. The situation was getting worse. As she moved slowly along, she set foot wrong and felt herself slip. By sheer luck she grabbed onto the edge of the path as she fell and it jarred her to a stop. there she was, hanging from the edge of a rock face. Nothing but empty space between her and the bottom. After a few moments she mustered the strength from somewhere and began to edge along, one paw over the other. She wouldn't try to pull herself back onto the path, but instead, continued to hang off of it and make her way along. She had been doing this for an unknown amount of time before her feet actually touched something. Something hard. She couldn't be sure of what it was since her eyes were shut tight against the rain, but it certainly felt like ground. She let her weight onto it but kept her paw on the rack wall next to her to feel her way along. Carefully, one foot after another, she slowly walked and felt her way along the ground. After what seemed to be an endless time, she finally felt herself make her way into something that must be shielded because the rain was no longer pounding on her. All she felt was the wind which she could hear whipping around her still. She sat on the ground and rubbed her eyes clean of the water and blinked a few times before looking around at where she was. She was in a cave, which is what she had been looking for. She smiled to herself. She had survived. She went to the cave entrance and saw that, in fact, she wasn't at the very bottom of the canyon. In fact, it startled her to see that she was still at least a hundred feet up. Running along the front of the cave, however, and back up the rock face a ways was a very long, very wide section of rock, which must've been what she was walking on. Funny, she thought to herself. She hadn't noticed any long, wide paths on this side of the rock face as she had made her way down before the rain blinded her. She went back into the back part of the cave, finding it was, in fact, a tunnel. However, rather than explore it, she simply slumped down on the cool floor and rested, soon drifting into a light sleep from her exhaustion. May 14 3235 3:00pm GFT Sandra's first thought was that she wasn't where she should be. She had fallen asleep on a cave floor. Now she was resting in a soft bed in what looked like a room cut out of solid rock. She sat up and looked around. She recognized the artwork immediately. The Wolf Pack. She got out of the bed and stretched. It was then that she noticed the bars on the door... Damn, she thought to herself. Whoever had found her had recognized her. She was in a prison cell in the Wolf Pack's territory. Still, on reflection, it was worse than the storm. "I see you're awake." Sandra looked up and saw Lupe, the Wolf Pack leader standing at the door, on the other side of the bars. "Well, well," Sandra said "It's been awhile, hasn't it." "Yes it has," Lupe replied "And now that we've got you this time, we're not letting you get away again." "That's kind of pointless, you know," Sandra said. "No it isn't," Lupe said "You'll tell us where that Diamondium medallion is you stole from the tribe. And if it's not in your possession any more, we'll make you pay for it according to our laws." "Yeah right," Sandra said "We'll see." Lupe would have no more and walked away. Sandra had every confidence in her abilities of escape. She'd get out of there soon enough. Still, in the meantime, she could afford to waste away a day or two in prison. Beats the hell out of trying to survive out in the storm... May 14 3235 8:30pm GFT It was over. The storm was over. In Knothole, the shelters were opened up and the some of the freedom fighters came out to see what had happened. That hadn't been too much more damage seeing as how it couldn't have possibly gotten worst than before. Much repair work would be needed, but it was the biggest loss they'd ever suffered. No one had died, after all. They would stay the rest of the night in the shelters and then begin rebuilding the next day. Soon, Knothole would be back to the way it had been before, and things would be back to normal. They would continue to fight against Robotnik harder than ever, no matter how long it took. In Robotropolis, Packbell walked quietly through the city observing the damage. Afterwards he'd probably go to his Dark Mountain base for awhile to relax. Maybe for just the weekend. It would take some time to repair all the damage, but soon the defense against the freedom fighters would be back up to par. Robotnik would continue working on the Doomsday project, and, in Packbell's mind, the only thing that would ever be doomed, would be the project itself. He'd continue to plot and plan, while Robotnik continued to plot and plan the destruction of Sonic and the Freedom Fighters. Which, in some odd way, seemed to be how it should be to Packbell. Perhaps he needed to get out more. Sandra relaxed in the bed in her cell. She had already planned out her escape. It would work as it always had. She seemed to have wonderful luck tricking the Wolf Pack, which was how she had stolen that medallion in the first place. Then she'd go to her hide out elsewhere in the great unknown and check on damages before going back to her main hideout in the general area of the Great Forest. Soon, life all over the world would get back to normal. May 15, 3234 9:30am MCT (5/14/35 10:30pm GFT) The morning sun broke through the clouds over the mountains in which the Mystic Caves were hidden. Cyrix stood on a high peak watching life begin to return to the world. There had been some casualties in various places, but that was what had to happen. Nature was at peace with itself least for the time being. "Master?" "Yes, Amthis," he said as the feline approached him. "What happens next?" she asked. "The world heals itself," Cyrix said "And life goes on." "And nature is at peace again," Amthis said. "You are slowly coming to understand," said Cyrix. Amthis nodded quietly. "This was a good time for this," Cyrix said "The world needs to balance itself as much as possible now..." "Why?" Amthis asked. Cyrix remained silent. He was gazing up at the sky now, and Amthis knew better than to disturb him further. She quietly took her leave of him, returning to the caves while he continued to look skyward. The events ahead would be hard ones for the populations. Many deaths, Doomsday, and the coming of the Solaris. Mobius still had a long way to go. THE END