Sonic the Hedgehog: Happy Solstice by Bookshire S. Draftwood the author of this work will accept questions and comments at the following address: based on locations created by SEGA, Inc, and by DIC, Inc. Todd appears courtesy of Craig Fox Dedication: I'd like to dedicate this particular piece to the closest friend in the world to me, Craig Fox. We're spending this Christmas (96) in Chicago where I hope to see my first white Christmas. Still, even if I don't, at least I will spend it with the one who means more to me than any other. Definition Reference: GIN - Global Information Network Story: The cold, chill winds of winter whipped gently through Mobitropolis and the Great Forest. The time of Solstice was coming and everywhere one looked there were signs of the season. Brightly decorated red and green ribbons strung their way around building and landmarks and even the Castle where the king ruled. Even outside the capital, the Mobians were all getting ready for the Solstice. In fact, in a medium-sized village at the edge of the Great Forest, everyone was busy going back and forth. Some were hurrying to catch the shuttle to Mobitropolis where they did much of their shopping. Others were decorating the buildings around there and setting up for local events and celebrations. It was truely shaping up to be one of the best Solstice's ever. One of the public shuttles swept in from Mobitropolis and set down at it's stop. Among the many Mobians that departed from it, one was a rather pretty vixen with soft red fur. She wore a thick cape over her normal attire of a conservative blue dress to shield her better from the icy cold, and she carried a bundle of packages she had gotten while she had been out. After the shuttle departed, taking a new group out to the city, she paused to get her breath and look around. Things always look beautiful in the village around this time, she thought to herself. This year would be especially wonderful. As she gathered up the packages and headed for her next destination, she thought back to all the things that had happened that year. The most notable was that her walking nightmare of a mate left. Took a bit of force, but he did. The fact that she hadn't seen him since was a good sign. Her son, Todd, was growing and developing just as a carefree child ought to, and it would truely be the first Solstice they had together in complete happiness. Soon she arrived at the local arts & crafts store where she had to pick up one last thing before she went home to see her son. "Well, good evening, Cammy," the shopkeeper, a portly walrus, said as she entered "Busy Solstice shopping?" "More or less," Cammy replied "These are just assorted decorations for the cottage just in time for the decoration contest." "I didn't think you were into the commercial side of the holiday," the shopkeeper noted. "Oh, I'm not. I just thought it might be fun for once," Cammy said "Besides, with my mate gone, I can do as I please now." The shopkeeper nodded. "Yes, I'm glad to see you're not with him any more," he said "He certainly wasn't very good for you." "That's an understatment," Cammy replied "However, on a more pleasant note, have you any stuffing? I need some for Todd's gift." The shopkeeper nodded. "You know I always do," he said as he went and got some "I always keep it in store for you. You make quite a few things from scratch these days." "Yes, well, my mother always said that replicators were overrated," Cammy said "Sure they give us everything. But there's nothing like working on something yourself to give you a better sense of pride and accomplishment. If fact, I only use my food replicator for base ingredients when cook. I make the actually food myself." "A traditionalist to the end," the shopkeeper smiled "Too bad there aren't more like you around. I'd do better business. Anyway, that'll be 14 mobiums even." Cammy happily paid for the item. "Well, I'm of for home then," she said "Have a very merry Solstice." "You also," the shopkeeper smiled. Cammy left the shop and headed across the village to a more quiet part set a little out of the ways from the mainstream where she and her son made their home. Cammy's home was indeed a nice one. A study cottage of the old materials, brick, wood, ad plaster. Out in villages like this, such buildings were common, unlike the space-age materials of the building in metropolises like Mobitropolis. The cottage had a small, neatly trimmed lawn. Nothing too big for Cammy to manage. There were two windows in the front of the house in one of which was a Solstice tree. It had yet to be decorated, but Todd and her would take care of that. She went up to the front door and let herself in, depositing the packages in a chair nearby and taking off her coat and scarf, hanging them on the coat hanger by the door. "Todd," she called "Are you home?" "Mommy!" came the happy reply as a small kit ran into the room and lept into her arms hugging closely. Cammy hugged her child snuggly and fuzzled him. It may have been odd that Cammy left her son alone in her home when she went shopping, however, despite being only five years old, Todd seemed to know enough what was dangerous and what wasn't in their home. As she set him back down on the floor, she smiled. "And how is my favorite kit?" she asked. "I'm your only kit, mommy," Todd giggled. "Doesn't matter," Cammy smiled as she went to sit on the sofa in the living room "I still want to know how he is." "He ok," Todd said as he went an joined his mother "Just play alla day." Cammy smiled. Normally she'd correct his speech, but he was only five after all and still learning. "Well, that's good," she said "But now that I'm home it'll be different. After dinner, how about we decorate the tree, hmm?" Todd nodded vigorously. "Yep, yep!" he exclaimed "Wanna decorate it." "Then you shall have your wish," Cammy smiled and kissed her son "First, however, comes dinner. How does grilled chicken sound?" "Sounds wonerful, mommy," Todd said "I'll get the pans." Cammy hugged Todd. "Now, now," she said with a smile "You don't even know which ones I need. Come on, we'll go and do it together." She picked her son up and held him in her arms as she carried him into the kitchen and they got to work on their meal. As the two sat down to eat the meal they fixed, they talked as they always did. "Whad ya get in the city, mommy?" Todd asked. "Oh, things to decorate the cottage with, as well as the tree," Cammy said "Also a few things for you present." "What ya maing me?" Todd asked. "Now, now, Todd," she smiled "You know you can't see until Solstice eve. You can have one present then, but the rest wait until the morning." "Awwww," todd said "Don't wanna wait." "It's tradition, dear," Cammy said "Besides, it's worth the wait." "Oh, ok," Todd said "I'll wait." "Good fox," Cammy smiled. After dinner mother and son went into the living room to decorate the tree. It was a large, 7' pine tree with dark green, prickly needles and a firm strong base. Cammy got out her box of ornaments as well as some of the ornaments she had bought in the city and to two got to work. As the two decorated the tree, they sang lots of different song of the season. Todd loved to hear his mother sing. She had such a beautiful voice in his opinion, so it was quite natural that she made her living as a singer for one of the local quiors. It wasn't much, but it was always enough to live on. The two foxes had quite a decent life, and, therefore, much to be happy about. As they decorated, the only real mishap was Todd getting tangled up in the solstice lights, but Cammy was quick to untangle the playful kit, and give him a healthy tickling before returning to the decoration. When they were finished, the tree was all aglow with multi-colored lights and beautiful ornaments in the style of the Solstice season. Cammy put a few of the presents she had gotten for Todd underneath it and started a fire in the fireplace before sitting down wit her Todd to admire the beauty of the scene. "Well, Todd," she said "We got it all done. Just in time too. "It tomarrow isnt it," Todd said. "Yes, it is," Cammy replied "Tommarow is Solstice eve. The day after that will be the winter Solstice when the season changes. Todd looked at the tree and thought for a moment. "Mommy," he asked "Why we celerbrate the Solstice and not any of the others?" Cammy smiled. "Both of the Solstices and both of the equinoxes all have their importance, Todd," she answered "We must never forget that the other three exsist. The Winter Solstice is special to us for another reason." "Why that, mommy?" Todd asked. Cammy smiled. "That shall wait until tomarrow night," she said. "Why?" Todd asked. "Tradition, my son," she said "Only on Solstice eve can the reason be spoken." "Oh," todd said "Ok, I wait." "That's a good fox," Cammy smiled and kissed Todd's nose. Todd blushed softly in the light. Cammy hugged her son lovingly. "My little Toddie," she said "This will be the perfect Solstice." Later, after she had tucked Todd in for the night, she went to her bedroom and got out the stuffing she had bought as well as some other materials. She sat on the edge of the bed and smiled to herself as she began sewing. Todd would love what she was making. He would, no doubt, love all the presents she would give him also. She thought about the next day and the day after. Solstice was the happiest time during the year that she could ever remember. This year would be the best. The next day, Todd asked if he could go off exploring with some of his friends. Having done so in the past, Cammy gave her permission and he was off like a shot running down the street with a ferret, a feline, and a couple of foxes he had made friends with a few months ago. Cammy smiled and watched them go. After awhile she went inside to get the decorations and began decorating the exterior of the cottage liberally, not overdoing it as many of her neighbors had done. Simply a string of lights around the fringes of the roof and around the top of the fence surounding the house did very nicely in Cammy opinion. As she was stringing up the lights on the fence, she heard the vidscreen inside receiving an incoming call. She paused what she was doing and went inside to answer it. "Accept call, please," she said to the blinking screen as she came inside. The screen brightened and displayed the image of another vixen about Cammy's age. "Suzanna," Cammy said, recognizing her sister "Happy Solstice Eve." "Happy Solstice Eve to you, also," Suzanna responded "How are things going for you two up there?" "Wonderful," Cammy replied "The decorations are all up and the weather report on the GIN calls for thick snow tomarrow morning." "Perfectly timed, I must say," Suzanna said "Have you receive the presents yet?" "Which presents?" Cammy asked. "Why, the ones our mother and I sent you," Suzanna said "WE both sent them about a week ago." "Well, they haven't arrived yet," Cammy said "But I'm sure they'll be in the mail today. "Ever the positive one, huh?" Suzanna smiled. "Always," Cammy said "After this year, I have much to be positive about." "That's true," Suzanna said "I do wish I could be with you this year, but things are so hectic down here." "I know," Cammy said "Well, you'll make it next year, then you can see what cold is really like." "Frankly, fourty is enough for me," Suzanna smiled "I don't know how you manage to survive sub-zero temperatures." "Todd and I manage," Cammy said. "How is Todd anyway," Suzanna said "I would so love to say hi to him." "Todd's out with his friends right now," Cammy said "But I'll be sure to let him know you said hi." "I'm so glad he's doing well," Suzanna said "He's growing up very quickly." "I'm more aware of that than ever," Cammy said "He'll make a fine fox one day." "He certainly will," Suzanna said "Well, I need to get going. Robert needs some help with the groceries. Any way, you take care, and tell Todd that his Aunt loves him." "I will," Cammy replied "Happy Solstice Eve." "Happy Solstice Eve to you too," Suzanna said "Good bye." "Bye," said Cammy. The vidscreen clicked off. Cammy went outside to finish decorating the house. After she was done, she went back inside and finished her work on Todd's gift for that night. She was certain he'd enjoy it. She had always made it something of a tradition to give him a handmade little something on the Eve that he could sleep with that night. As she put the finishing touches on it, none could tell the difference between it and some replicated piece. Awhile after she finished, the mail came, and with it the packages from her sister and mother. She placed them under the tree as well as sampled the cookies her mother had sent. Todd finally came back around dinner time and was holding something behind his back. Before Cammy could question him on it, he took it to his room and hid it. "What was that?" she asked when he came back into the living room. "Jus' somethin' for you, mommy," he said with a smile "For the Solstice." Cammy smiled. For the first time, Todd had gotten her something for Solstice. What a touching gesture. He was learning to be a giving and respectful Mobian. He would, indeed, make a fine fox one day. After dinner that night. The two sat down in the living room and turned on the vidscreen again and tuned into the traditional address the king always made. One the screen, he appeared in his royal blue uniform and golden crown. King Acorn the XII, ruler of all Mobius. "Mobians of all races and species. Tonight is the Eve of the Winter Solstice. Over this last year many things have happened. Many good. A few bad. Even now as we celebrate life, the Great War with the Eastern Continents progresses onward. Still, as we work to bring total peace to the land once again, we must never forget that peace is what this holiday is all about. Everyone of us, each in his or her own way, celebrates this holiday with the thought that life is a precious thing. We all have our ways of being thankful that another year has taken it's turn and the world is well on it's way to the next. Now, I am happy to be able to announce that Julian, our War Minister, has succeeded in calling a temporary cease fire, at least for tonight, so that both sides of this conflict may celebrate in peace. This has come as a hopeful sign for all of us. I feel confident that soon it will be over, and peace shall once again rest upon the world of Mobius for all eternity. [Majority of speech cut since most people get bored with political addresses...I know I do] For now however, there will be no politics, no fancy speeches. Simply from my family to all of you out there, Happy Solstice to you all. May the world of Mobius find the upcoming year of 3224 to better than ever." As Todd watched the King speak, he thought more about it. "Mommy?" he asked again "Why we celebrate the Solstice." Cammy smiled. "For hundreds of years, many great and wonderful things have happened during the times of the Solstice. Great things have even happened during the times of the equinoxes. If you were to look back into history, you would find that the city of Mobitropolis was completed on the Fall equinox. The original country of Mobius was established during a Summer Sosltice. Even the final signing of global peace between the nations into one unified world was done on a Winter Sosltice." "All of these great things have made this a time of celebration. All the wonderful things that happened throughout the year, especially those that happened during a solstice or equinox are all celebrated in one grand holiday. The Winter solstice." "But why winter?" Todd asked. "Because," Cammy said "To many people, the beginning of winter is an important symbol. It represents a kind of renewal. The winter season prepares the world again to be filled with new and bright things when Spring returns. The winter is a time to stop and realize that even though it's cold outside now, things will get better. For those who aren't as fortunate as us, or those who are having a hard time, the winter can represent the idea that things will get better, no matter how bad they get first. I guess, deep down, that's truely was the winter Solstice is about: Celebrating what you have, even if it isn't much. Things can and will always get better." Todd listened quietly and nodded softly. "Thank you, mommy," he said. "You're welcome," Cammy said "One day you can tell that to your children when you have a family." "Me?" Todd said "Naw...not ver getting mated." "Lots of kits say that, Todd," Cammy said "We'll wait and see. In the meantime, would you like your present for the night?" "Yes!" Todd exclaimed. Cammy smiled and went to her room to get it. She came back in a moment, handing it over to her son. It was a plushie. It was a handmade, stuffed fox with soft fake fur and a long bushy tail. It had a soft, white underbelly and velvety ears. "Oh, mommy," Todd exclaimed as he hugged the toy close "I's wonderful! thank you so much!" He hugged Cammy tightly and kissed her cheek. Cammy held Todd in her arms and nuzzled him motherly. "You're welcome," she said "Happy Sosltice, Todd." "Happy Solstice, mommy," Todd replied. "Wanna give you your present too, mommy," Todd said. "My present?" Cammy asked with a smile "Why, certainly." Todd gripped his plushie tightly and ran into his room. He came back a few moments later, and handed the plushie to his mother. When she saw it, she almost gasped. It was a flat, round blue stone, polished to shiny perfection that reflected the light as it hit it. "Todd," she said, amazed "Where ever did you get this from?" "Down by the river," Todd said innocently "Stuck in a ditch kinda in the mud. Had onna my friends clean it up for me." "This is beautiful," Cammy said as she looked it over "Thank you very much, Todd." Todd hugged his mom and kissed her cheek. "You're welcome, mommy," Todd replied. Mother and son hugged snuggly and smiled. Later that night, Cammy put Todd to bed. She tucked him in nice an snug with his brand new plushie whom he had already named Vixy and gently sang him to sleep. Her soft, dulcid tones lulled the small kit into a deep slumber that night. One filled with happy dreams of innocent childhood. Cammy got up and left her sleeping son and went to her room and slipped into bed also. In the morning they would open their gifts from their relatives and sing songs together and celebrate all that they had. It wasn't much compared to some, but it was certainly enough to be thankful for. Cammy, for her part, was most certainly thankful of the kit hat she had been blessed with. He would grow into a strong, fine example of a fox, and she hoped she would be around to see it. Todd slept soundly, dreaming of what he had to be thankful for. He had a mother that loved him and took care of him. He had friends that liked him and played with, and he hoped it would last forever. In the end, we all know it didn't, but we can also take comfort from Cammy's words...the meaning of the Solstice as it has been celebrated for centuries past: Things can and will get better. No matter how bad things may ever get for the creatures of Mobius in the times ahead, things can and will get better. And, as you and I know...they did. Happy Solstice from the creatures of Mobius. Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays. Always remember the things you have and never forget that life will always get better no matter how bad it gets... Such is the meaning of the Solstice