Run with the Fox A Sonic the Hedgehog story by Kris Kelley This story is protected by copyright laws. Feel free to distribute this story, but the author does not allow any unauthorized alteration of the story or distribution for profit. Author's comments, "thank you"s, and the usual legal formalities... Hello again, and welcome to my second Sonic (and Tolouse) story. Thanks go to Alan White, Chris Squire, Pete Sinfield, Dan Ramos, David Pistone, Craig Moore, and "Sally" for story inspiration. "Hiya!"s go to all the FurTooniacs: Tails, Orwin, Vision, Tyro, and whoever else needs one. :-) Please send any comments or suggestions to: All characters depicted herein are the creation and property of Service and Games (SEGA) and/or Archie Publications and/or DiC except for the following: Tolouse: created and owned by Kris Kelley. Bookshire and Packbell: created and owned by David Pistone. Song lyrics are from "Run with the Fox", written by Alan White, Chris Squire, and Pete Sinfield. (c) 1981, published by Topographic Music. Historian's Note: This story begins exactly "Tolouse's Story" left off. Part 1 Now the season, now the question Time to breathe a moment's grace For the hunter, and the hunted Take the time to break the pace! Are you hopeful, are you haunted By the Ghost of Christmas Past? Face the future undaunted Step aside or take your chance! * * * "So you want to be a Freedom Fighter, huh?" "Yes. I do." Sonic studied Tolouse, looking him up and down. Tolouse stood very still, not knowing how and if he should move. Suddenly, Sonic smiled and slapped him on the back, surprising Tolouse. Sonic laughed. "I like ya, bud! I don't know why yet, but I like ya! So, how'd you know about us?" That got Tolouse talking, and he spoke rapidly. "We had a radio, and we heard talk, and I decided that I should find you, and---" "Whoa, slow down there, bud!" Sonic interrupted. "Why don't you start from a place I can understand. Like the beginning!" Tolouse and Sonic sat down on the forest floor, and Tolouse told as best as he could what had happened. Sonic listened, seeing the fox move from tears to anger, hearing his voice move from cracking with sorrow to iron-cold with determination. Then, the story was over. Tolouse sat pawing the ground, and Sonic looked at him. Sonic then smiled to himself. I just know he'd make a great Freedom Fighter, he thought. Tolouse finally broke the silence with a question he hesitated to ask. "So. Will you let me join?" Sonic stood up. "Well..." Sonic wanted to say yes, but he knew he better check with a certain someone, first. He studied Tolouse for a second more, and made certain his earlier thoughts. "C'mon, get up, bud!" Tolouse got up, a look of hope on his face. "Here, you better let me carry you. We'll get there faster." Tolouse look confused. "Huh? Faster...?" Sonic smirked, holding his hands out. "You bet! Come on!" Tolouse let Sonic pick him up. "Where're we going?" "Knothole! Hang on!" Sonic began building momentum. "Hang on? Hang on to wha---" Tolouse's last question changed to a scream in utter surprise and a grip for dear life as he experienced his first ride from Sonic the Hedgehog. * * * Sally heard a knock, and got up from her seat, setting Nicole down on a table. She opened the door and saw a familiar hedgehog with a familiar smirk on his face, and an unfamiliar fox who looked like his life had just flashed before his eyes. "Hey, Sally! I've got somebody for you to meet. This is Tolouse." Tolouse caught his breath and nodded politely. "Hello." Sally returned a polite "Hello," and asked Sonic to step inside. "Who is he?" "I found him in the forest, where he'd been following Bookshire. Listen, I think you should talk to him." Sally remembered Bookshire's earlier visit, and figured this must be the results of Sonic's search. "Uh-huh," she said, somewhat curious. "And why is that?" "He wants to join us. Hear 'im out." Before Sally could reply, Sonic motioned Tolouse inside the hut. Tolouse stepped in, a little nervously. "Tolouse, this is Sally," Sonic pretended to clear his throat and then said with a deeper voice, "Princess of the House of Acorn!" Sonic chuckled, and Tolouse blinked in astonishment. Sally dismissed the grand title. "Please, Sonic, you know I'm just 'Sally' here." Then, she looked at Tolouse, who looked at Sonic as if for a cue. "Tell her what you told me, Tolouse." He then walked towards the door. "I'll be runnin' around outside." When he closed the door, Sally turned and looked at Tolouse again. "So, your name is Tolouse?" Tolouse spoke as confidently as he could. "Yes. I want to join the Freedom Fighters." This was not the first time Sally had heard this. "I see. Why do you wish to join?" Tolouse told her the story he had told Sonic earlier that morning. * * * Tolouse paced about in Sonic's hut, wondering what they could be saying. What if they won't let me join? he thought. They have to! They just have to! Sonic and Sally continued talking in Sally's hut. Sonic was convinced that Tolouse could help in the cause. Sally wasn't so sure. "Sonic, I sympathize with him completely. I've lost my father too, you know. But we've got quite a few in Knothole asking to go on missions already, and you know we can't just take anybody. Does he even realize what can happen if a mission fails?" "I think he does, Sal. Besides, there aren't many people I know that seem as sure about it than he is. Most of them I already call Freedom Fighters!" Sally sighed. "Well, what can he contribute? You've got speed, Bunnie has strength, Antoine---" Sonic smirked at the recent addition to the Freedom Fighters. "Yeah, why'd we pick him, anyway?" Sally sighed. "He's been here as long as we have, and he's studied all the military strategy books and files we could find. He comes up with a good idea every now and then, you know." "Sure. About as often as Rotor cleans his equipment shed!" Sonic snickered at his own joke. "Too cool, too cool." "Sonic, I'm serious. Every person you and I pick has something to give to the cause, and they know what they face. Are you sure Tolouse is up to that?" For a rare moment, Sonic became as serious as Sally was. "Sally, I think he is. But you know something else? I don't think he's really planned for anything else. Think about it. He's spent half his life thinking about it, and wandered around in the forest for three weeks trying to find us. He'd still be out there if he hadn't've seen Bookshire." Sonic's and Sally's eyes met. "I'd hate to be the one to tell him no." Sally sighed, still uncertain. "C'mon, Sal! I'll take responsibility for him." Sally couldn't help but laugh. "Oh you will, hmm?" Sonic brightened up. "You betcha!" "That would be a first!" "Hey! So, will you let him?" * * * Tolouse was sitting on Sonic's bed when he heard the door open. He quickly got up and anxiously asked, "So?" Sonic looked at Tolouse, his face revealing nothing. "Sally wants to see you again." Part 2 Tolouse walked slowly over to Sally's hut, anxious. When he got to the door, he took one last look at the village that was Knothole. He sighed and said to himself, "When I leave this hut, I'll either be a Freedom Fighter ...or I won't ever come back." Then, just before turning around and knocking on the door, he breathed deeply and said, "Well, it won't be because I didn't try. I am *not* going to mess this up!" Taking one last deep breath, he knocked on the door. "Come in," said a pleasant voice. He did. Sally looked up from where she was seated. "Tolouse. Sit down." He did. For a few minutes there was silence, and Tolouse's heart pounded against his chest. But he made himself keep still, and he locked his gaze with Sally's. I am *not* going to mess this up! Finally, Sally spoke. [[Author's note: Tolouse has been sworn to secrecy about the conversation that took place between him and Sally. Therefore, this story has been edited for the public. Sorry :-).]] Sally looked at Tolouse once again, and then smiled, very faintly so Tolouse would not notice. Then, she got up and looked out the window. "Tolouse, do me a favor. You must promise not to tell anyone about these questions or your answers." Tolouse nodded. "I promise." Sally turned back around. "Can you, on oath as a Freedom Fighter?" Tolouse's eyes shot up at her. Sally chuckled. "Well, if you're going to be a Freedom Fighter, prove to me that I can trust you like one!" Tolouse got up and stood tall. "Princess Sally, I promise you that I will not tell anyone about your questions." Sally smiled, and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Welcome aboard, Tolouse." Tolouse's mind flew in one thousand different directions at once, and his body threatened to do the same, but he held his composure and said, "Thank you, Princess." Sally chuckled again. "Please, like I told Sonic, just refer to me as 'Sally'. You see, the reason I want you to not say anything is so I can use these questions again, with other potential Freedom Fighters. Understand what I mean?" Tolouse nodded. "I do." "Good. Now, do me another favor will you? Help me play a little joke on Sonic." Tolouse blinked. "A joke?" Sally giggled. "Well, even I can have a little fun every once in a while, especially where that hedgehog is concerned." Sally grinned. "Will you help me?" "Sure, I guess. What do I do?" "Stay here while I walk out and tell him that I've decided you should not be a Freedom Fighter. Then, I'll let him come in, and you play your part. Then we'll spring it on him together!" Tolouse thought about it. "He...won't mind...?" Sally giggled again. "That hedgehog is always playing jokes on people. He'll just be getting a dose of his own medicine." "Uh, okay. I can do that." Sally smiled. "Thank you. Just wait here, okay?" and she was out the door. Right as the door closed, a loud "YES!!" could have been heard within the walls of Sally's hut. * * * "You did, huh?" "I am sorry, Sonic, but I think he took it well. I told him he was welcome to stay at Knothole, but I just don't think he's ready to be a Freedom Fighter yet." Sonic shook his head, but said nothing. Sally spoke up. "Why don't you go and talk to him? I'm sure he could use the company." "I guess," Sonic said, and walked towards Sally's hut. He didn't hear Sally's faint giggle coming from behind him. * * * Tolouse looked up as Sonic came in, and did his best to hide his excitement. He got up and pretended to look wistfully out the window. "Hey, bud. Sally, uh, told me." "I guess," Tolouse said, making sure to put a note of sadness in his voice. "C'mon, cheer up, Tolly! You can stay here, and someday, maybe..." Oh, I can't hold on any longer! But right as Tolouse turned around, Sally entered the hut. "Gotcha, Sonic," she said, and giggled. "Huh?" Sonic turned to Tolouse, confused. Tolouse burst out laughing. Sonic turned back to Sally, more confused. "But I thought...hey! You tricked me!" "That I did, Sonic," Sally said. She looked at Tolouse. "Sonic, meet our newest Freedom Fighter." Sonic looked at Tolouse, who was beaming with pride. "All right!!" * * * Later that day, Sonic and Tolouse sat under a tree, talking about themselves and listening to the wind rustling the leaves. Sonic looked over at Tolouse and smiled. "You're in, bud." Tolouse sighed. "I'm in." Tears of joy once again began to well in his eyes. Sonic couldn't take such a display of emotion. "Hey, ease up!" he said. Finally, he got up and stretched. "Come on. Sally and I are gonna talk to you tomorrow about what we do. But first thing's first. We gotta get you some place to live, and I want ya to meet a few people!" He thought for a moment, then started back towards the village. "Follow me, I know just where you can stay. Si's old place!" Sonic stopped right when the name 'Si' left his lips, and he remembered what Sally had warned about failed missions. He sighed as his mind went back to a couple of months ago, when such a mission had resulted in the loss of a friend. "Tolouse?" "Yes, Sonic?" He studied Tolouse once again. "This really what you want?" Tolouse felt more certain with each passing second. "Yes, Sonic. I've waited my whole life for this." Sonic saw the look of certainty in Tolouse's eyes, and his spirits lifted again. "Well that's good, bud, 'cuz you're gonna be in for quite an adventure! Let's go!" Part 3 One week later. Tolouse lay on his bed, thinking about what had occured during the days since Sally had told him he was accepted as a Freedom Fighter. He had been told many things. He had seen how the Freedom Fighters and the rest of the villagers lived and worked. And, he was finding a place for himself... * * * ...A Freedom Fighter leaves no detail unnoticed... ...Sonic and Tolouse walked through the forest. "Remember, Tolouse, use your eyes, ears, nose, everything. But don't start using one so much that you ignore all the others. You're gonna hafta rely on all of them all the time..." ..."Found her!" Sonic ran up beside him. "Good work, Tolouse!" Sally got up from her hiding place. "Yes, good work. Tell me, Tolouse, how did you find me? I was completely hidden from view." "I saw where you had stepped on leaves, and then when I was close, I noticed your scent." Sonic said, "There, you see? You hafta use all the senses all the time. You did great!" Tolouse smiled, proud... ...A Freedom Fighter does not ignore any possible sign of danger... ...Tails jumped. "Ah! What is that?" Sonic had suggested that Tolouse and Tails spend some time getting to know each other. What Tolouse didn't know was that Sonic and Tails also had a plan of their own, and this was another test for Tolouse. Tolouse looked in the direction that the noise was coming from, and was a little scared himself. He thought that perhaps it was just a forest animal, but his life had taught him never to be too sure of anything. In his old village, everybody would have been underground by now. He looked at Tails, and tried to sound confident. "Uh...wait here Tails. I'll check it out..." Tolouse began to cautiously approach the area of the noise...but then he stopped himself... ...A Freedom Fighter never puts anybody at unnecessary risk... ...Wrong answer, Tolouse, he thought to himself. Looking at Tails again, he said, "Come on. It's probably nothing, but I don't really know. We'll go back and tell the others." Suddenly, a blue streak broke out of the forest from where the noise had occured, and stopped right in front of Tolouse and Tails. The streak formed itself into Sonic, who stood there smirking. Tolouse jumped in surprise, and Tails giggled. "Right answer, Tolouse," Sonic said. "You win again!" "So that was...aww, I should've known!" Tails piped up, "But you didn't know, Tolouse. You can't take chances when you are with somebody else. Right, Sonic?" Sonic gave Tails a high-five. "Right, big guy!" "Advice that you should follow yourself, Sonic Hedgehog." All three turned around to see Sally. "Aww, Sal, I never take any chances. I always know what I'm doing." Sally rolled her eyes, and said, chuckling, "Of course you do." Tails giggled. Sonic shrugged and said, "Come on, big guy, race you home." "Okay, Sonic," and they were off in a blur of legs and tails, while Sally and Tolouse decided not to try and keep up as they walked back to the village... ...Most importantly, a Freedom Fighter stays calm in the face of danger... ...Tolouse and Sonic sat in the look-out post the Freedom Fighters had constructed near the southern edge of the Great Forest. Sonic handed a pair of binoculars to Tolouse. "You see that?" Tolouse looked through the binoculars at the horizon. Through them, the city came into detail, and he shivered. "Yes." "Robotropolis, where Ro-butt-nik lives. Pretty scary just to look at, isn't it?" "Yeah, it is." "Well, you can't stay scared, bud. Some day you are going to be with us on a mission there, and you're gonna hafta make yourself stay unscared. Understand?" Tolouse looked at the horizon, the city a small dot once again to his un-aided eyes. "Yes, I understand." "Good. Now, how do you like it up here?" "What, up here in the tree? It's okay, I guess." "Glad you like it! That's your first mission: you have sentry duty tonight." "Huh??" Sonic chuckled. "Like Sally would say, I'm just full of surprises." Tolouse look bewildered. "Uh, tonight?" Sonic laughed. "Don't worry, all you gotta do is stay up and watch. If you see anything bad looking, just use this box to call Sally." Sonic handed Tolouse a com-link. "Think you'll be okay?" "Yeah, I guess. Just wish I had known a little ahead of time." Sonic laughed again. "I told you you were in for an adventure. And adventures don't keep schedules." As he started to climb down, he said. "Oh, Tolouse, I'll be back to check up on ya. Don't fall asleep!"... * * * A knock sounded on Tolouse's door. When Tolouse opened it, he saw Sonic standing there. "Hi, Sonic. What's up?" Sonic looked him in the eye and said, "We have a mission, bud." Part 4 The Freedom Fighters had to choose their missions carefully. They didn't have the supplies nor the people to pursue a war with reckless abandon, and because each mission involved a huge amount of risk, they had to make sure that what would occur if they were successful was worth it. If they were successful. A while back, Bookshire and Rotor had managed to force a link to the Robotropolis Main Computer Core, but even with that source of information, they had to be cautious. Packbell, Robotnik's android commander, knew of the link, and was constantly planting false information in the computer files, hoping to trap the Freedom Fighters. It was false information that had led to a failed mission where Bunnie was partially roboticized. That was not something the Freedom Fighters wanted to have happen again. Now, however, there was enough reliable information to be had, and Sally decided it was time for another mission. That evening, all who would be involved with the mission were gathered in Sally's hut to go over what would take place. There was Sally, Sonic, Bookshire, Bunnie...and Tolouse. Sonic and Tolouse were the last ones to appear. As they stepped through the doorway, Tolouse saw the somber expression on everybody's face, and he knew it was for real this time. He sat down in a chair offered to him, breathing deeply in an attempt to calm his nerves. Sonic sat next to him, and then the room quieted as Sally got up to give the details of the mission. She set Nicole down on the table and said, "Nicole, display the coolant treatment plant." The small computer beeped in reply, and soon a holographic projection of one of Robotnik's city structures was floating in front of the gathering. Sally stood beside it. "According to information Bookshire was able to retrieve, all of Robotnik's factories use a coolant system to keep the machines from overheating. However, the coolant formula that he uses is very unstable, and must be constantly recycled. Here," Sally pointed to the hologram, "is where that takes place. If we succeed in disabling the treatment plant, all of Robotnik's factories will be off line, until he gets the plant repaired or rebuilt. This means there will be less opportunity for him to search for Knothole and other forest refugees, which means we have succeeded in buying valuable time." She hesitated before saying softly, "Time that could quite possibly allow us to find a way to beat him once and for all." She cleared her throat and continued in a normal voice. "The plant follows a schedule. Every day of the week coolant is brought in from different parts of the city for treatment and recycling. We've found out that many of the factories that normally have their coolant recycled tomorrow are undergoing reconstruction, so this is our best opportunity to disable the plant. "Now, here's the plan: I will see to any security measures that need taking care of, and Tolouse will be with me, standing guard and helping if necessary. Once I give an okay, Sonic and Bunnie will go inside and plant the explosives. Any questions?" There were none. "Okay. Sonic, Bunnie, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that even though the plant won't be as busy as normal, there will still be worker- bots and Swat-bots all throughout the plant. Please be careful. And, Tolouse..." Sally smiled. "This will be your first time going with us to Robotropolis. Are you ready?" Tolouse tried to remember a time when he felt more scared, and he did. He had been four years old, and he and his mother were fleeing Mobotropolis. But, this was what he was here for. "Yes. I am." Sally nodded. "Good. Okay, everybody, try and get some sleep. We...have a long day set for tomorrow. Good night." They all got up and gave their polite good-byes. As Tolouse approached the door, he was tapped on the shoulder. He turned around, and saw Sonic. "Well, bud, this is it. How ya feelin'?" Tolouse was not going to lie. "Scared as heck." Sonic nodded. "You'd be crazy not to. Don't worry too much, though. After all," Sonic elbowed Tolouse's side, "you got the *easy* part. Just stand beside Sally and look around." Tolouse swallowed, trying not to sound too uncertain. "Okay. I'll do my best." "That's the spirit, bud. Okay, go home, get some rest. Big day tomorrow." Sonic waved good night, and Tolouse waved in return. Tolouse spent most of the night lieing in bed, wide awake, thinking of his mother and the rest of the underground villagers, thinking of his new friends at Knothole, and thinking of tomorrow's mission. This is it. Here we go... * * * Early the next morning, the mission began. Sonic did his usual service as transportation, and soon they were all standing in the junk yards outside of Robotropolis. After that, they walked towards the treatment plant. Soon, the plant was towering above them. Sally handed Sonic and Bunnie com-links and pointed to the rubble of a collapsed building. "You two hide over there while I figure out a way in. Tolouse, follow me." Sally spent the next few minutes looking over the outside of the structure, hoping to find a way in that would allow for the least amount of tinkering with the security systems. Tolouse followed closely, ready to do anything he was told. * * * Dr. Ivo Robotnik sat in his command chair, drumming his fingers as if he were bored. Snively, of course, knew better. Whenever he saw Robotnik like this, it was usually soon followed by Robotnik jumping out of his chair as if struck by some great inspiration, and soon yet another factory or another technologically-wonderful toy or another fearce weapon to be used against the Freedom Fighters was being built. Well, Snively thought to himself with sarcasm, the old goon will be *quite* happy with this latest development. "Sir?" "What is it, Snively?" "I am pleased to report, sir, that the factories you requested additions to..." "Yes?" Robotnik interrupted, leaning forward. "They have been finished ahead of schedule, sir." Robotnik stood up, excitement coursing through him. "That is wonderful news, Snively. Well, get them running! Establish the links to the power generators, the water plants, the coolant plant..." "Preparations are being made, sir," said Snively, feeling more arrogant with each passing moment. As if *I* need to be told how to run these things... "Excellent, Snively," Robotnik said, rubbing his hands together. "This is turning out to be a fine day..." He looked at Snively. "Well? Carry on!" "Yes, sir." Snively turned on his heel and walked out of the room. * * * Tolouse was hiding in the rubble, keeping his eye on the treatment plant and the area surrounding it. Sally had found a way in, and now, Sonic and Bunnie were somewhere inside, while Sally stood watch near their make-shift entrance. Provided that all went as planned, the only thing left for Tolouse to do was to wait until all three of them returned to the rubble. Of course, it was also his mission to warn them should anything approach the plant, even though there was not supposed to be activity until later in the day. Tolouse yawned and rubbed his eyes. When he opened them again, again, he saw three tankers making their way to the plant. "Oh, gods!" He quickly pulled out his com-link and said into it, "Guys, there's some tankers coming to the plant! They're coming from the..." Tolouse paused to look around and remember his directions. He never got a chance to decide on the right one. "FREEZE, PRISONER!" Tolouse heard a robotic voice say. He spun around and saw a Swat-bot holding a laser rifle to his head. He froze, the com-link slipping out of his hand and clattering on the concrete below. The Swat-bot called to another bot, and soon Tolouse was being escorted to the prison block. The com-link left behind came to life. "Tolouse, repeat that...Tolouse?...oh gods, Tolouse...? Bunnie, Sonic, abort the mission. Let's get out of here!" Part 5 "I tell you, I should have gone after him right then!!" "Sonic, we had to get out of there! With those tankers coming in, there would not have been any hiding place at all! There was no time!" "Yeah, but..." Sonic had to finish his sentence with a fist to the wall. He stood, shaking his head, and finally said, "Well, what's to stop me from going after him, now? I've got a power ring. All I've got to do is bust him out of the prison block, right?" Sally looked at Bookshire, who sat looking at his computer. "It doesn't look that way, Sonic," he said. "According to this, Tolouse has yet to be entered as a prisoner." "What??" Bookshire explained. "Robotnik has a system for keeping track of prisoners. Whenever a 'rebel' is captured, he is taken to the prison block, informed that he has been tried for treason and found guilty, and then his name is entered into the computer. Some time after that, he is roboticized and sent to work wherever Robotnik 'needs' him. I'm looking at those records now. Tolouse's name is nowhere to be seen." "So what does that mean? He could still be in the prison block, right, and just not typed in?" Sally answered. "That is a possibility, but there is no way to guarantee that, and you would spend too much time looking for him. For all we know he could have been," she swallowed, "killed right after he called us." "Or, he could still be alive hiding somewhere, right?! I want to go look for him!" "Sonic, please, listen!" Sally tried to comfort him, but her voice was cracking as well. "The odds of him being alive and hiding are...not enough to justify this. Right now there is nothing we can do. But..." and she turned to look at Bookshire, "as soon as he finds out anything, we will go find him." Sonic looked at Sally, but said nothing. Soon after that, he walked slowly out of Bookshire's dwelling. Bookshire sighed and said quietly, "Sally, I'll try everywhere. It may take a while, but there are some other files I can try breaking into that might help..." Sally mouthed a quiet "thank you" and turned to follow Sonic. * * * Some time earlier... Packbell paced around Tolouse slowly, calmly repeating his question one last time. "Now, I'll ask once more, and if you answer politely and honestly, there may be hope for you. What were you doing near the coolant treatment plant?" Tolouse trembled with fear, and he knew that he didn't sound convincing, but he wasn't going to betray his friends. "J-j-just walking around." Packbell glared at him, a stare that bore deep into Tolouse and threatened to make him faint. "Very well, I guess I will have to---" "Packbell! How is my favorite android today? I hear we have a new prisoner!" Packbell cursed silently, and turned to greet Robotnik. "Good day, sir. I was conducting interrogation of this prisoner." "Yes, something that you are quite good at. However, I have something else in mind today. Take the prisoner to my personal transport. I wish to...have a little talk with him." Packbell's basic emotions allowed him to experience surprise and utter disbelief. "Sir? Perhaps you would be interested in---" "Not today, Packbell, not today. I am in a rare good mood, and I intend to make the most of it. And I think this prisoner can help me." Tolouse wasn't sure if he should feel relieved that he was getting away from Packbell or even more scared that Robotnik apparently had special plans for him. He was numbly aware of the Swat-bots releasing him from the interrogation chair and leading him towards Robotnik's vehicle. Packbell continued to regard Robotnik with shock. "Sir, may I ask what you have in mind?" Robotnik sighed. "Just a little game I have had in my mind for quite some time that I wish to play. Today is the perfect day for it. Well, good day, Commander. Continue the superb work that you do." Packbell had one last thought concerning Robotnik as he watched him leave: "That confounded fool is going to make one mistake too many, some day. I will be there, waiting." * * * It was very seldom that Dr. Ivo Robotnik was in a good mood. Most of the time he was too busy planning some new way to add to the monoliths of Robotropolis, or he was finding something to destroy in frustration over a defeat at the hands of the Freedom Fighters. Today, however, was different. The factories that he had ordered rebuilt were now finished, a full three days earlier than scheduled, and now it appeared that some Freedom Fighter plan had been thwarted, for they had managed to capture one of them, and there had been no negative consequences. Yes, today was truly a good day. And when Robotnik was in a good mood, he had the potential to become more evil than even Packbell dared to hypothesize. It was quite fortunate, he thought to himself now, as he looked over the files that he had read and reread so much, that the prisoner was a fox. This made the game that he was about to play that much more enjoyable. "Swat-bots, bring the prisoner in." Tolouse was brought into the room, and ordered to take a seat next to Robotnik's workstation. "Greetings, prisoner. You know, I think we are going to get to know each other very well today, and I would prefer to have something else to call you. What should that be?" Tolouse looked at him in fright, but didn't know what else he could say. "T-Tolouse," he stammered. "Tolouse. Pleased to have you in my company...if only for a short while." Robotnik chuckled evilly. Then, he looked at the text that filled the workstation's monitor. "Tolouse, how familiar are you with Mobian history?" "I-I'm not...I..." "Oh do not worry, I would not kill you simply for that. Here. Allow me to enrich your mind. Did you know that, according to most research, foxes were the first species on Mobius to evolve into sentient beings?" Tolouse was too scared even to shake his head. What was going on here? Robotnik continued. "This, according to theory, occured nearly 3 and a half million years ago. I could go into the fascinating details that these files provide for each stage of evolution, but I do not see any need to fill your head with such useless information. However, one could begin to think that this is possibly the reason why foxes are the most populous of all the species on this planet, don't you think? Perhaps this is also why one got to be king of all civilization...if only for a few short months." Robotnik chuckled again, then continued with his lecture. "Now, what I will tell you next intrigues me even more. This same research that says foxes were Mobius's first intellegent animals, also says that humans were the last. Foxes became sentient 3 and a half million years ago, and humans only 2 million years ago. Well, that does not seem the fairest thing in the world, now does it? We poor humans seem to have gotten the short end of the evolutionary stick! Perhaps that is why humans like me intend to...make up for it, hmm?" Robotnik laughed and looked at Tolouse, who by now sat still with a dazed expression on his face, continuing to prepare for the worst, and continuing to see the worst put off by events he could not begin to comprehend. Robotnik was enjoying himself. But, he thought to himself, the best is yet to come. He typed in a command, and a new page of text appeared on the monitor. "Now, here is where it gets even more fascinating. During that time when your ancestors were apparently intelligent, but mine were not, there was an interesting practice that many ancient foxes took part in. It seems that when a group of foxes got together and decided they all wanted some excitement, they would find some poor unsuspecting animal, force it to run around while they chased it, and then finally corner and kill it. This was known simply as, The Hunt. And you know what? More often than not, the animals they hunted like this were the direct ancestors of humans! "Well, you can imagine how...unfair I thought all this was when I first read it. Imagine, a gang of foxes attacking a single, defenseless human. It makes me want to find some way to justify it all, to avenge those ancestors of mine who were wrongfully killed in this manner. And so, Tolouse, with your help, I plan on doing just that. You will represent your ancestors, and I will represent mine, in a new twist on the Hunt, which I shall call the Fox-Hunt. You will be the hunted, and I will be the hunter. Tell me, does this not sound like a great game to play, for not only does it pass the time, it also corrects the wrongs that out ancestors experienced so long ago. And..." Robotnik leaned forward and gave Tolouse a deep look that Packbell would have been impressed with. "I am sure that you find this much more appealing than...the roboticizer." Robotnik searched Tolouse's dazed face for a reaction, and finally got one. Tolouse fainted dead away. Part 6 Tolouse was curled up into a ball, paralyzed with fear. He was in Robotnik's private transport, and they were headed towards the Great Unknown. Robotnik had waited until Tolouse woke up again, and then continued to explain his 'game'... "...The ancient foxes that played in The Hunt usually relied on their nose to find their prey. Unfortunately, humans cannot smell as well as foxes can, and I have yet to master such technology for the Swat-bots. So, just to make this as 'fair' as possible, I have decided on this." He fastened a small device to Tolouse's wrist, locking it. "This is a homing signal." He chuckled. "Don't worry, dear fox, it is not a very powerful one. I still have to know your general location for it to work. Think of it as my sense of smell. And...think of this," he said, displaying a hover-scooter, "as my legs. Those ancient foxes could run much faster than their poor prey, and I intend on making this Fox-Hunt as close to the original as possible." Robotnik laughed loudly, and Tolouse's jaw dropped in grim fear. His mind screamed, NO!! But his voice would not work, and he could only stare at Robotnik in helpless, fearful silence... Tolouse felt the vehicle slow to a stop, and then he heard Robotnik step out. Soon, the door to the cargo hold slid open, and Tolouse felt the afternoon sun. "Here we are, Tolouse. Let the Fox-Hunt begin!" A Swat-bot forced Tolouse out of the cargo hold, and he stood on the ground, his legs trembling. "All right, now. Off you go, my dear fox." Tolouse could only stare, his heart pounding and his mind hopelessly confused by panic. Robotnik glared at him. "I am giving you a head start, fox. USE IT!!!" Those last words got through, and Tolouse found himself tearing off into the Great Unknown, running as fast as he could. Robotnik snickered darkly, then, remembering to make this as 'fair' and as exciting as possible, put his robotic hand over his eyes. "One-Robotropolis, two-Robotropolis, three-Robotropolis..." * * * "Sally! Sally! Open up!" Bookshire pounded on Sally's door. Sally finally opened the door, and she looked at the out-of-breath raccoon. "Yes, Bookshire?" "I think...I think I found something!" he huffed. "Robotnik's private transport left about a half hour ago, headed towards the Great Unknown." "Yes?" "According to the transport logs, it carried Robotnik, a Swat-bot, and a 'nonroboticized fox'!" Sally's eyes flew open wide. "What? Was it Tolouse?" Bookshire shook his head, still breathing hard from running. "I don't know. It didn't say. But Sally, whoever it is, they need help!" "Right. Sonic?" Sally called back into her hut, and Sonic was suddenly beside her in the doorway. "What's up?" "Robotnik's in the Great Unknown, and according to Bookshire, he's got somebody there!" "Who? Tolouse?" "We don't know, but you must find whoever it is before Robotnik is... finished with them." "Right. I'm outta here!" "Wait! Do you have a---?" They heard Sonic's voice say, "I've got a ring." But it might have been an echo, because by the time they heard the voice, Sonic was nowhere to be seen. * * * Oh gods, help me, HELP ME!!! Tolouse was badly out of breath, and he was blinded both by the spots that danced in his vision and by the tears that were soaking the fur of his cheeks. Still, he kept running, knowing if he didn't, he would never run again. * * * Robotnik climbed onto the hover-scooter. "It is time to hunt!" * * * Sonic tore through the Great Forest, the trees passing above and around him in a brown and green blur. "I've got to get to the Great Unknown!" He took out the power ring and held it above his head. The energy coursed through his body, and his mind shouted, "Faster! Faster! FASTER!!" BOOM!!! * * * Tolouse felt the energy draining from his body, but he forced himself onward. His mind had ceased all conscious thought several minutes ago, but the fear was still there, instinctively telling him to All around him spread the desolate plains of the Great Unknown. * * * Robotnik began flying wider and wider circles around the transport's location, waiting for the tracking device to start signalling Tolouse's whereabouts. "You cannot hide forever, my dear fox." The tracking device began beeping. "Ah, good." He accelerated the hover-scooter, paying close attention to the device. * * * Tolouse collapsed, his body refusing to go further. His chest heaved violently, his eyes were no longer working, and his body trembled from fear, exhaustion, and the cold, bitter winds of the Great Unknown. Why...why? * * * "HEDGEHOG, PRIORITY ONE! HEDGEHO---" The Swat-bot was soon lying in pieces on the ground. "Not today, metal-head, I've got a fox to rescue! Now...where is old 'Buttnik, anyways?" Sonic picked a direction, and soon was off, leaving Robotnik's transport vehicle and the dismantled Swat-bot behind. * * * Tolouse picked himself up, tried to run, and collapsed again about 20 feet from where he had been. His mind was trying to spur him on, but now there was another voice as well, a less optimistic voice. It's over, Tolouse. You tried...but it's over. * * * The device's beeping increased in frequency. "You are close, dear fox, and you are getting closer." Robotnik unlatched the laser rifle and held it one hand, his heart beating faster as he anticipated the climax of the Fox-Hunt. Yes, today is truly one of the best days I have had in a long time. * * * Tolouse refused to listen to that voice, and he tried to get up again. His legs refused to support him. Denying that fact, he made himself run, and managed to stumble forward in a combined run and crawl. I don't want to die like this! I don't want to die... * * * Sonic stood on a small incline, worried. Robotnik and whoever he had brought out here (It's Tolouse, I know it! It's Tolouse!) were nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, his eyes made out a small detail, close to the horizon. He took out the binoculars from his back-pack. "THERE HE IS!!" Instantly the incline was abandoned. * * * The device's beeping had virtually turned into a hum, and Robotnik began looking around the area. Soon, his eyes found something, and he grinned an evil grin. "There he is." The hover-scooter changed directions and homed in on what his eyes were dead-set on. * * * Tolouse looked behind him, and saw Robotnik approaching. It's over, Tolouse... No!! Gods, please, NOOOO!!!! * * * Robotnik stopped the hover-scooter and dismounted. Slowly, methodically, he stepped forward, raising the laser rifle until it was aiming at his target. "It was a pleasant hunt, dear fox. And now, the culmination..." * * * "Oh no you don't, 'Buttnik!" Sonic didn't waste any time. He slowed down just enough to be able to grab Tolouse, then, again taking out the power ring, he began putting as much distance between Tolouse and Robotnik as he could. * * * Robotnik thought his eyes had played a trick on him. One moment, the fox was laying on the ground in front of him, and the next, he was gone! And what was that streak of bl---? His mind found the answer before it even completed the question, and soon Robotnik was turning bright red in pure, furious anger. "NO!!! YOU...BLASTED...HEDGEHOG!!!" After that, he temporarily lost the ability to speak coherently. * * * Tolouse was unconscious in Sonic's arms, and in his dreaming mind, Robotnik's rifle was still aimed at his head, frozen in time... Those eyes, those piercing, red eyes... Part 7 An ear-splitting scream filled the room. Sonic, Sally, and Bookshire turned around to see Tolouse sitting up, eyes shut tight and voice in full volume, in utter terror. "Tolouse! Tolouse! You're okay, Tolouse!" All three crowded around him, trying to stop the violent convulsions of his body. "Tolouse, calm down! You're safe! You're safe!" Slowly, agonizingly slowly, Tolouse's trembling ceased, and his eyes opened wide with shock. He looked around, not recognizing anything. Sonic leaned over. "Tolouse! It's me Sonic, your buddy! You're okay, pal!" Sonic...Sonic...oh, gods!! Tolouse seized Sonic and hugged him tightly, sobbing uncontrollably. Sally breathed a sigh of relief, and Bookshire nodded. "He'll be okay," he whispered to her. Tolouse refused to let Sonic go, and he cried non-stop for the next half-hour. * * * Two days later, Tolouse visited Sally's hut for a talk. "I am sorry, Tolouse. I..." She hesitated. "I don't know if I can say anything that will comfort you. Everybody at this village has a story to tell, about the pain they have suffered and the loss that they have experienced at the hands of Robotnik. Mostly it has been common understanding that comforts us. No words need be spoken." Tolouse nodded. The words were slow in coming out of him as well. "I...I have been doing a lot of thinking..." "And?" Most of the fear had subsided, but uncertainty had taken its place. "Since...I got caught and the mission had to be aborted...I was I still...a Freedom Fighter?" "Oh, Tolouse," Sally said gently, shaking her head and smiling. "You warned us at the plant when there was danger. Because of that, Sonic and Bunnie were able to get out of the plant before they were seen. I couldn't have asked for a better job from you. You are an honorable Freedom Fighter. But, Tolouse..." Tolouse looked up. "Having seen...what you have," she spoke, her voice almost a whisper, "I am concerned for you. Your experiences are very unique, and you have seen first-hand just how demented Robotnik is. I must ask: Do you wish to continue on as a Freedom Fighter?" Tolouse sat in silence, thinking. Sally nodded. "You don't have to answer today, and if you say no, there isn't a soul in this village who would blame you." But Tolouse had already made up his mind. He stood up and said in a voice with new-found confidence, "Sally, I wish to go on as a Freedom Fighter. I have dedicated my life to it." Sally looked back at him. "Are you sure?" "I am very sure." "Very well." She smiled broadly. "I did not want to say this before I knew for sure, but I am very glad that you will continue with us. You have more than proven yourself to the cause." Tolouse exhaled with relief. "Thank you, Sally." "Thank you, Tolouse. Now go on, scoot. Make sure Sonic isn't making a nuisance of himself somewhere." She giggled. Tolouse smiled, "Okay." As he closed the door to her hut, a shiver ran through his body. Those eyes, those piercing, red eyes... He shook his head, clearing it. That is in the past now, he told himself. And I am still alive, and I am still going to fight! "Y'all 'right, sugar?" Tolouse looked up and saw Bunnie standing a few feet away. "I'm fine, Bunnie. I am fine." * * * Let us live to tell our story Here on Earth and out in space Forward on the road to glory History records the chase! Across the ice of frozen lakes, run with the fox. Along the lanes a lover takes, run with the fox. Beneath the moon, a Christmas moon, run with the fox. And sing a tune, a lover's tune, run with the fox. Across the Bridge of Many Ways, run with the fox. Onto the plains where dreamers play, run with the fox. ---The End. The saga will continue, in "On My Mother's Grave".