Sonic the Hedgehog: Character Profiles by Serinthia & Bookshire Draftwood The author of this work will accept questions and comments via E-mail at any of the following addresses: This is a list of descriptions of the three original characters that I created for my Sonic The Hedgehog stories. This document is provided for the reference of both readers and authors alike. Authors who wish to use any of these characters may do so without my explicit permission, however I do ask that a little professional cortesy be shown by not abusing them in any way, shape, or form. That is, do not potray them in a role that would be too far out of their character. Do not detail their history or past without consulting me. And above all do NOT kill them off, without asking me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Profile: 01 Name: Bookshire StormForest DraftWood Species: Mobian Raccoon Sex: Male Birthdate: July 12, 3200 Alliance: Great Forest Freedom Fighters Occupation: Medical Doctor, Great Forest Freedom Fighter Specialties: computer and medical technology Hobbies: Reading, scribing, network hacking Quirks: Tends to drum his fingers on things when bored, anxious, or thoughful Relations: Marion Draftwood (Mother), believed to be among Robotnik's workforce Bernard Draftwood (father), killed in chemical lab accident Sept 18, 3218 Sarah TreeRose (fiancee), killed during escape from Robotropolis attack force, Nov 2, 3225 Known to have been 75 hours pregnant at time of death. Summary: Bookshire is a middle-aged raccoon who, before the take over, was a student of medicine at Mobius' top medical academy, having gotten there through a scolarship program awarded thanks to a near perfect record in his biology and medical preliminary studies in high school. When he wasn't studying, most of his spare time was spent studying computer systems and networks and occasionally, some illicit hacking activities. He was fortunate enough to be vacationing down on the southern continent of Mobius when Robotnik took control of the capital city and slowly began to conquer the entire planet. Those at the resort hid there as long as they could before being discovered some six months after the coup. During the attack, Bookshire fled along with another raccoon named Sarah whom he had become romantically involved with. As they fled, through some mountains, they were caught in a landslide which crushed Sarah to death, and left Bookshire with both a broken leg and broken heart. Lack of medical attention at the time forced Bookshire to improvise a splint for his leg, but the bone never healed properly and he now suffers from a permanant, severe limp. After two years he wandered into the Great forest where he accidentally stumbled across Knothole. Julayla and Rosie, deciding Knothole could use a doctor of some kind, insisted that he stay with them. Since then, he has proven to be a valuable asset, tending to the children's medical needs and then when htey began the resistance, working with them to help crush Robotnik once and for all. Profile: 02 Name: Packbell Species: Android Sex: Male simulation Birthdate: March 18, 3225 Alliance: Julian Robotnik (temorarily) Occupation: Commander, 1st class, Robotropolis Central Command Specialties: offensive and defensive battle strategies Hobbies: robotizizing people, pushing Snively around, art, music Quirks: never uses an instantly lethal blaster shot unless he has to. Relations: Julian Robotnik (creator), current ruler of Mobius as of 3224. Summary: Packbell is the first android in the history of Mobius to be declared a fully functioning artificial lifeform. He possesses intelligence, self-awareness, as well as advanced emotions. He was a prototype designed by Robotnik just after the takeover, but the fact that the android turned out to be as smart as he was caused Robotnik to scrap the entire project. Since his initial construction, Packbell has grown and evolved in many ways, improving his own physical design several times over the years, incorporating more bio-technology into his exsisting system to sharpen his reflexes as well as allow him to partake of the finer things in life. He come to understand quite well how the world works and things it's produced. He looks forward to the day when he can kill Robotnik and Snively and take over the world, bringing to it a sense of order never before seen. Throughout the war, he has consistently proven his skill as a commander, raiding and destroying serval hidden rebel bases and villages, and, as of 3236, had been responsible the killing or robtizizing of over 500,000 Mobians worldwide. When he's not terrorizing rebels, he tends to brood in his personal quarters constructed in the main command center, or in a secret hidden base he had constructed in the northern mountain ranges. In the mountains specifically, his spare time is spent coming up with new strategies, or taking time out to apprciate more material goods that Mobius has of art, orchestral music, and occasionally the company of a good female. Profile: 03 Name: Sandra Nightweaver Species: Fox Sex: Female Birthdate: October 31, 3205 Alliance: No known alliance at this time Occupation: Global informant and spy Specialties: breaking into places, ability to get information out of anyone or anything Hobbies: mapmaking, spying, watching, seducing Quirks: slightly overactive sex drive, has her own unique view of herself Relations: Melissa Nightweaver (mother), robotizized December 14, 3224 Reginald Nightweaver (father), robotizized December 14, 3224 Summary: Sandra is a loner who, before the take over, made her living getting and selling information to whoever made it worth her while. She has even had brief run ins with the authorities before the take over. Now, in this time of rebellion, she has found that her profession has escalated and she has been known to do espionage and spy work for both the rebellion and for Robotnik. She doesn't care who is in charge so long as she's allowed to go about her business. When she's not spying, she's usually found around places such as the Mystic Caves, the Mountains of Peril, as well as several other locations. She is constantly on the move and contacting her for the first time has be known to be quite a chore.