CAPTURE THE FLAG A Sonic the Hedgehog story by Daniel J. Drazen Pause for bourgeois legalities: "Sonic the Hedgehog" and other characters and situations in the following story are copyrighted trademarks of Sega Incorporated, Archie Comics and/or DiC Productions. Permission to reproduce this specific material is granted by the author, unless you try and make a buck off of it, in which case drop me a line at first. I may be a grown-up cartoon fan, but I also know my way around Title 17 (the Copyright Law) of the U.S. Code. (c)1995, Daniel J. Drazen. Chapter 10 "We're dead!" Bunnie began to whimper. "Stop it, Bunnie!" Sally whispered, for she had rejoined the others. "We can get out of this." "You got a plan?" Sonic asked. "As a matter of fact, I do. The Willow Tree Diversion." "Time out, Sal!" Sonic whispered. "This ain't no game!" "Sonic, that's what I wanted to tell you! Look out the window." Sonic edged toward the window, keeping to the shadows of the room. Sally stayed next to him. "Isn't the street from here to Uncle Chuck's workshop about the same size as the southern meadow?" "Yeah, sort of." "And the door is exactly where the willow tree stands." "Hey, yeah! And that mailbox is about where the old stump is!" "That's what Julayla was trying to show me: that I've been rebuilding Mobotropolis all along, carrying it in my mind. Even when we were playing Capture The Flag, it was our way of practicing to take Mobotropolis back. And now that we're here, we just have to remember how we practiced it." "You think this'll work, Sal?" Rotor asked. "With one or two modifications, it should work perfectly. Sonic, check to see if the alley behind these houses is clear. Bunnie and Antoine, you'll be running the play." "Can I help too, Aunt Sally?" "You bet, Tails!" Sonic said. "Sonic, he's too young to be taking chances like that!" "News flash, Sal: we're ALL too young! Besides, we've been working on a little...surprise." "Ah, here come my SWATbots now," Robotnik said as two hover units landed. Their doors opened and two SWATbots emerged from each craft. "Snively!" "Yes, sir." "Deploy the SWATbots along both sides of this street, two to a block. Have them search every...." Robotnik's instructions were interrupted as he looked down what he thought was a deserted street. Something moved. It was small, about the size of a young fox, and it moved fast. It darted out of a doorway and then darted into another one just a few feet down the street. "Did you see that, Snively?" "Yes, sir." "Then send the SWATbots after it!" "At once, sir." But before Snively could do so, another figure -- this one more like a young rabbit -- emerged from yet another doorway in the same block of row houses. Once more, it ran a short distance before ducking into yet another doorway. "I'm...awaiting your orders, sir," Snively said with some nervousness. "There appears to be more than one intruder, and they're moving away from Sir Charles's house. It could be..." Robotnik let his sentence go unfinished as the first figure emerged from a doorway. "Never mind strategy; AFTER THAT INTRUDER!" Robotnik, Snively and the SWATbots began to give chase on foot. The figure disappeared into the shadows of yet one more doorway. As Robotnik approached, still another figure emerged from the last doorway. Robotnik's eyebrows shot up in surprise. It was a young hedgehog, perhaps about ten years old. The child strode to the middle of the street, put his hands on his hips and addressed Robotnik: "Hold it right there, Buttnik!" "That's 'ROBOTNIK', you impudent brat!" "That's what I said, 'RoBUTTnik!'" "I know you," he said slowly, "you're that nephew of Sir Charles Hedgehog, the one who got away from me. I remember you VERY well," he said as he massaged his roboticized left arm, a painful reminder of their first encounter. "Where have you been hiding?" "That's for me to know and you to find out. NOT!" "Why you fresh-mouthed upstart!" "Hey, if you want a piece of me, come and get me!" Robotnik drew closer to the young hedgehog, who made a point of crossing his arms and whistling nothing in particular. He showed no fear, and this infuriated Robotnik all the more. Robotnik could have been more apprehensive, but suddenly all he could think of was settling an old score by getting his hands on the boy. Robotnik wasn't ten feet from Sonic when the hedgehog yelled out "NOW!" Sonic looked up and Robotnik followed his gaze. Something was hovering in the air about 30 feet above them, something small and tawny-colored. It dropped a bright object which Sonic caught in a jump. The next thing Robotnik knew, the air around him was swirling around and he was knocked off his feet. Looking to where Sonic had been, he saw that Sonic had moved, in less than a second, the length of a city block. "Hey, slow poke!" Sonic taunted. "What's the matter, time for your beauty sleep? You NEED one, fella!" Speechless with surprise and anger, Robotnik picked himself off the ground. Snively was doing the same. The SWATbots that were with them, though, lay in pieces nearby. Robotnik scrambled back to his hover unit. "Get that hedgehog now, Snively!" "But Sir...." "NO BUTS! I want him and that ring he's carrying!" With Robotnik on board, Snively took off after Sonic in the hover unit as Sonic began to lead them a merry chase. No matter how fast Snively drove the hovercraft, the hedgehog on foot was always just a little bit faster. Robotnik didn't know how the boy did it, and he didn't care; he would have his answers when Sonic was caught. Robotnik also didn't know that the moment the hover unit left the scene, Sally and Rotor emerged from their hiding place in one of the row houses and ran back into Uncle Chuck's workshop. "Perfect, Sally! The Willow Tree Diversion never worked better!" "Let's just hope Sonic can keep from getting caught. Now, help me remove the power stone from this unit. Then we can meet the others back at the garbage dump." She placed her hand on the outside of the machine, then yelped and drew her hand away quickly. "That hatch is red hot! Looks like Sonic's Uncle Chuck didn't have his coolant problem solved after all." "No, he DID solve it!" Rotor said with sudden realization. "Now I know where I've seen this before: at the bottom of the pool back in Knothole. He must have built a water-cooled version and installed it in Knothole before Robotnik took over. This must be his prototype!" "But how do we get the power stone out so we can get it back to Knothole?" "The best way is to turn the machine back on. It'll probably overheat, malfunction and shut itself down." "Won't that harm the crystal?" "No, you don't have to worry about that." "Great!" Sally said as she threw the power switch on the machine. "What you DO have to worry about," Rotor added, "is the possibility of this unit exploding." "WHAT!?" "Some of those old components have gotten pretty unstable over the years; they could act as bombs if the unit overheats." "Rotor, how bad could it be?" "The worst that can happen is it'll take out a block or two." "A block or...!" Sally reached for the power switch. "Rotor! The switch is jammed; I can't shut it off!!" Chapter 11 "Don't lose him, Snively! I must have him!!" "Easy for you to say," Snively muttered under his breath, "you're not driving." Sonic was moving with a speed and agility he had never known before. Somehow, though, it all seemed so natural -- as if he had been born to do the impossible. Sonic was able to keep up a grueling pace and not feel any fatigue. He zigged and zagged down streets and up alleys, doubled back and slipped under conduits and bridges. He didn't want to slow down, not only because it might have meant his capture, but also because it felt so good to run. Snively, however, managed to stay on the young hedgehog's trail. He took some corners a little too sharply and he and Robotnik got knocked about in the process. Robotnik, however, kept his attention on the blue blur visible ahead of them. "Whoa, this looks interesting," Sonic thought as he found himself heading down a side street which turned into a dead end. An enormous skyscraper marked the end of the street. "We have him now, Snively! He's got nowhere else to go!" "Nowhere except up, Sir. Look!" Sure enough, Sonic wasn't about to let a little thing like a building stand in his way. He was on a roll and he just kept on rolling. He was running up the side of the building, propelled by momentum. Snively put the hover unit into a climb in the nick of time. "After him, after him! If that ring can enable him to do THAT...." Sonic was halfway up the building when he looked over his shoulder. Robotnik was keeping pace. "Man, this is getting boring!" he thought. In the blink of an eye, Sonic reversed directions and was running down the side of the building. He blew Robotnik a raspberry as he passed the hover unit. Snively quickly turned it around. "We're gaining, Snively!" Indeed, they were closing in on Sonic. They were almost on top of him. It was then, about fifty feet from the ground, that Sonic decided that he had better stop coasting and do some serious running. He pounded ahead, reached the ground and streaked away. The hover unit, however, was in virtual free fall. "Pull up, Snively! PULL UP!!" Snively worked the controls, but the underside of the hover unit scraped the street. That was enough to sent the hover unit tumbling with all the aerodynamics of a stone skipping across a pond. By the time the hover unit came to rest its shell was pocked and torn, its windows were smashed, and its contents badly shaken. "Snively," Robotnik panted. "Y-yes, Sir?" "I have decided that I am going to make it one of the supreme goals of my life to GET THAT HEDGEHOG!" Snively rolled his eyes. This did NOT sound like a worthwhile job description. Sonic raced back to the dump, where the others were gathered at their pre-arranged rendezvous point: the excavated remains of the slide. "Man, you shoulda seen ol' Buttnik eat my dust! I was..." "Sonic, not now!" Sally cut him off. "Get down!" It was only then that Sonic noticed that the others were lying prone on the ground. "Nap time already?" "Sonic, Rotor thinks that that ring unit is going to blow up!" "Say what?" "It's overheating and going unstable," Rotor added. I couldn't get the power stone out and..." "You mean that stone thingie is still in there?" "Of course, we...." "Chill, guys." And before anyone could say or do anything, Sonic took off toward Uncle Chuck's. "What are we to be doing?" "What CAN we do, Antoine?" Sally asked. "Sonic's gotten too fast for...." Anything else Sally might have said was drowned out by a deafening roar as the power ring unit exploded. In moments, the home of Sir Charles Hedgehog was engulfed in flames. The children stared at it silently. "Sonic?" Tails said in a hesitant voice. "That's my name, don't wear it out!" The children turned. There standing behind them, the power stone on the ground at his feet, was Sonic. Tails yelped and threw his arms around Sonic's neck. "Sonic!? How did you...?" "No biggie, Sal. I just yanked it out of there real fast. And from now on, "fast" is my middle name!" "This is what I was to be saying," Antoine sputtered, "about your unresponsibility and your utter fuelishness and your...." Antoine never got to finish his sentence as Sally touched him on the shoulder. For now they could all see that Sonic's demeanor had changed. He might have been careless when it came to putting his life on the line, but it was a more subdued Sonic who watched his Uncle Chuck's house -- the only home he had ever known before Knothole -- being consumed by fire. They watched for several silent seconds. "Come on," Sonic said quietly. "Let's go home." The children were subdued and apprehensive as they entered the Great Forest. But the farther they made their way, the louder and more animatedly they talked about what they had just done. All except Tails who quickly succumbed to fatigue. Sonic carried the cub in his arms the rest of the way back to Knothole. They also speculated as to what would happen to them if Rosie or Julayla ever found out. They each thought that they would be severely punished if either of the grown-ups found out about their experience, but they also all agreed that any punishment would be totally worth it. It was about two hours before dawn as the children neared Knothole. As they recognized that they were getting closer to Knothole, the children fell silent. Their luck had held in that they were able to get away undetected. If they could just get back and into bed before Rosie or Julayla learned of it, they would be home free. They edged toward the clearing. So far, so good: there were no lights on in any of the cabins. The children all made their way into the nearest cabin, which was Sonic's and Tails'. "How's Tails doing, Sonic?" Sally whispered. "The big guy's still asleep." "Good." "Ah can't see a thing, Sal. Think we can take a chance on lightin' a candle?" No sooner had she whispered these words than there was a hiss and a burst of light as someone at the far end of the room struck a match. The children froze as its light momentarily dimmed, then the light grew stronger as someone had lit a candle with it. That someone was Julayla. She calmly blew out the match; the children each caught the smell of burnt sulfur. Julayla stood up. "Julayla, I..." Sally began. Julayla raised her hand. "There'll be time enough for talk in the morning," she said quietly, as she took the sleeping Tails in her arms and began putting him to bed. Rotor, Antoine and the girls silently drifted away. Sonic wanted to say something to Julayla, but couldn't. Julayla didn't say anything to Sonic as she let the cabin. That silent reproach hurt Sonic almost as much as watching his old home go up in flames. Chapter 12 Despite the early hour at which the children had gone to bed, nobody slept in that morning. They all gathered in front of the dining hall but didn't go in, except for Tails. He was as buoyant as ever as he raced from his hut. He even flew half the distance to the dining hall, since he figured that the secret was out. "Well, SOMEONE's in a good mood," Bunnie observed gloomily. "What to you think they'll do to us?" Rotor asked. "I don't know," Sally said. "Maybe it won't be so bad," Sonic suggested. "Right, Sonic," Sally shot back, "we only broke every rule in the book and then some! Well, let's get this over with," she added as she walked toward the door. As they entered the dining hall, Tails was already seated at a table with Julayla. Rotor volunteered to walk as close to their table as possible, in order to hear what was being said. He heard Tails happily recounting the events of the previous evening in one long run-on sentence: "...and then Sonic seen us when he came outside and Sally said for him to run so he runned away but real real fast and...." "So, how is it?" Bunnie asked. "It's bad, guys," Rotor said as he sat down at the table with the others. "I was listening to Tails just now. He's telling Julayla everything that happened last night." "How's Julayla taking it?" Sally asked. "Tails was making all kinds of grammatical errors, but Julayla didn't even stop and correct him once!" He put his head in his hands. "That's it: we're toast!" "How are you to be thinking of food at the time like this?" Sally was in no mood to say anything to Antoine just then, because they saw Julayla walking toward them. "Miles has told me what happened last night. Does anyone wish to add anything?" "I do," Sally said, her head bowed. "We should have trusted you, and told you and Rosie that Tails was missing." "But Sal," Sonic immediately said, "they'd have grounded us and we wouldn't have gotten Tails back." "Perhaps, perhaps not," Julayla said calmly. "But now you'll never know, will you?" This was enough to overwhelm Sonic's attempt at argument. While he and the other children contemplated this reply, Julayla went to the side cupboard where the school supplies were kept. She returned with paper and writing instruments. Sonic and the others anticipated that they'd each have to write something long and chastening one hundred times. Just for starters. As the children passed the materials around to each other, Julayla began unfolding large old documents: they were maps of Mobotropolis. "I want each of you to study the maps that I've spread out on the table. Write out any changes in the city that you noticed last night. Be as detailed as possible. You'll probably want to compare notes with each other." "What kind of crazy punishment is THIS?" Sonic whispered to Sally. "This is not your punishment, Sonic. You've already brought a very severe punishment upon yourselves. Until yesterday, Robotnik had probably forgotten all about you; today, he knows better and you've given him a reason to look for you. Yesterday you were children playing a game; as of today, you are in a war. There is no worse punishment that I or anyone else could possibly inflict." The children looked at each other silently. Bunnie looked at Sally and silently mouthed the word "war." "It'll be OK, Bunnie, as long as we work together," she said softly. Then, in a louder voice she spoke to the others, "OK, where did the trash heap begin? We know that it covered all of the playground where this park used to be...." "Sally," Julayla added, "your afternoon lessons will be held in my hut." The children waited with anticipation around the pool just outside Knothole. Everyone, that is, except Rotor, who was somewhere under the water. With the exception of Rotor, none of the children particularly cared for the water. They could swim if they had to, but there were more at home on the land. Especially Sonic, who couldn't swim a stroke. Rotor suddenly broke the surface, getting a breath of air. The others shook the water from themselves. "Stone's in, everybody! The machine started right up! If it's the same as the machine in Uncle Chuck's workshop it should be producing a power ring any time now." As the other children gathered as close to the edge of the pool as they dared, Julayla touched Sally on the shoulder. The two of them moved away from the group and walked toward Julayla's hut. Once inside, Julayla began writing something on a scrap of paper which she then handed to Sally. "Commit this to memory. When you have done so, burn it. Leave no trace." "Why? What is this?" "It is a list of four settlements of refugees from Mobotropolis located in various parts of the Great Forest. These aren't their true locations: only the locations of drop sites where we leave the messages by which we communicate with each other. We wanted to keep from jeopardizing all of the settlements, so we devised this system. It's a good thing we did; one settlement, Birchwood, was discovered by SWATbots the other day and its inhabitants scattered." "There are others!? But why...?" "Why were you not told? None knew of the existence of the other camps except for one member of each, and even they did not know the precise location of the others." "But what were they doing?" "Surviving. Living in hiding. Living in fear. And waiting." "Waiting for what?" "Waiting for WHOM is more like it. They have no one to guide them, no one to formulate strategy and carry it out. I knew that the day would come when there would be a sign, a sign that we can begin to hope again. A sign that the time had come to begin resisting Robotnik. Your raid on Robotropolis last night was reckless and uncoordinated, but it was also the sign that I and the others had been waiting for. It was the sign that we finally have a leader amongst us." Julayla walked over to Sally and placed her hands on the girl's shoulders. Things got very still and cold inside the hut. Suddenly they heard the sound of cheering outside. The machinery at the bottom of the pool had indeed produced a power ring. With ring in hand, Sonic was tearing up the turf of Knothole. He was just a blur as he streaked around and between the buildings. And as he ran, the other children began chanting his name: "So-NIC! So-NIC! So-NIC! So-NIC!" Sally and Julayla watched Sonic's dashing about. Then Sally spoke, with a startling bitterness in her voice: "Yes, you've got your leader...." She said no more, choked back a sob, then ran from the hut. She ran across Sonic's path, and the sight managed to bring the hedgehog to a halt. "Chill, guys," he said to the others, "I'll be right back." Sonic walked around the corner of a hut. He saw Sally seated on a log, her face buried in her hands and her shoulders heaving. He quietly sat down a little way from her. Sally stopped crying and tried to adopt a formal appearance. "Tired of your adoring fans already?" she asked sarcastically. "Hey, Sal, you got too much class for that kind of a cheap shot." "I'm sorry," she sniffled. "I...I guess I'm just scared." "Scared of what?" "Sonic, everything's changed now! Julayla expects me to start acting like some kind of leader...and I don't know if I can." "What're you talking about, Sal? We found Tails, got Uncle Chuck's power ring machine working, AND got in and out of Robotropolis in one piece! And we did it as a team, thanks to you. All I did was run fast. You're a GREAT leader!" "But will the other Mobians feel that way?" "Say what?" So Sally told Sonic about the other camps hidden in the Great Forest. "Sonic we're talking about grown-ups here! Even if I am the heir to the throne, I'm still just a kid. Do you really think any grown-up would take orders from a ten-year-old girl?" "I would." Sonic said it so simply and sincerely that it surprised both of them. For several moments all the two of them could do was look at each other. For Sonic, it was as if he were looking at someone he'd never known before. His hand slowly reached over and took hold of hers... Suddenly the stillness of the moment was broken by a chorus of hoots and whistles. Bunnie, Rotor, Antoine and Tails were looking at them from around the corner of one of the huts. "Aw, man! Knock it off, you guys!" Sonic's face grew bright red, and Sally adopted that studied indifference which children sometimes mistake for maturity. And then the other four children began a traditional Mobian chant. It was a chant that further embarrassed Sonic and annoyed Sally, though there was a secret part of her that was glad to hear it. It began: "Sonic and Sally sittin' in a tree...." THE END