CAPTURE THE FLAG A Sonic the Hedgehog story by Daniel J. Drazen Pause for bourgeois legalities: "Sonic the Hedgehog" and other characters and situations in the following story are copyrighted trademarks of Sega Incorporated, Archie Comics and/or DiC Productions. Permission to reproduce this specific material is granted by the author, unless you try and make a buck off of it, in which case drop me a line at first. I may be a grown-up cartoon fan, but I also know my way around Title 17 (the Copyright Law) of the U.S. Code. (c)1995, Daniel J. Drazen. Chapter 1 The sun was setting on the Great Forest. They knew they didn't have much time left. Sonic the Hedgehog didn't like all this sneaking around. The direct approach had always worked for him...well, almost always...and he preferred it to stealth. But he knew that the objective would soon be in sight. A short distance away, hidden from him, Sally lay in waiting. For her, there was only one objective: stop Sonic at all costs! Rotor and Bunnie were nearby as well, paused and waiting for some cue. At the moment, Antoine was lost. "Why am I always to be given such unuseful directions?" he thought to himself. "If I was not knowing for better or for worse, I would be saying to myself that I am trying to be avoided!" The light began to fail as night closed in. The others would have to act soon, he knew, and he intended to be in on the action. But it didn't help if he was lost. Not daring to call out and give himself away, Antoine began slowly backing up. There was a hint of an autumn chill in the early evening air and the floor of the Great Forest already had a few dead leaves which, if stepped on, could give away Antoine's position. As he moved back, he brushed against the trunk of a young tree. It bent just enough to release a branch that had fallen from another tree overhead. The groundfall struck just next to Antoine. "Help! Help! It is the invasion! We are doom-ed!" Out of sheer terror, Antoine ran. It didn't matter to him at the moment just where he was running to. He darted straight ahead and plunged through a bush. As he did so, he fell to the ground. In his fall, he grabbed at something--a small square of red cloth tied to a stick. "Antoine!" Sally yelled. He looked at the object in his hand. "I have done it? Yes! Yes! I am *triomphant*!" "Aw, man!" Sonic groaned. The others began to come out of hiding. "Bunnie!" Sally snapped, "you were supposed to go for it!" "No way, Sal!" "Yes, way!" "You said Ah was supposed to run interference for you!" "I said ROTOR was supposed to run interference!" "I thought I was supposed to be guarding the flag!" "Some kind of guarding, if you let Antoine get it!" "Now waiting a minute! Princess or non,...." And soon everyone was talking at once and the scene looked like an argument among a group of ten-year-olds. Which was only fitting, since they WERE a group of ten-year- olds. Chapter 2 Few Mobians had ever heard of Knothole, and fewer still knew its precise location. That knowledge had been reserved for a handful of members of the King's court. The idea of an alternate command post had occurred to King Acorn and several of his advisors during the Great War, at a time when there was a very real threat to the safety of Mobotropolis. Yet with the easing of that threat, the King appeared to lose interest in the concept. The truth, however, was something else again. He began to conceive of the proposed royal redoubt in the peacetime role of a retreat--a protected place where he, his family and selected members of the court could go to get a different perspective on things or simply to relax. Taking only a few into his confidence, he suggested modifications in the already-secret project. While the King was to be credited with the location of the site (which he had stumbled upon in the Great Forest in his youth while exploring), it was Sir Charles Hedgehog who had planned the site as a base of operations, and then modified the plans for more peaceful purposes once the tide of battle had turned. Truth to tell, the layout and planning of Knothole was more to Charles's taste than the war-work that had kept him busy and that had earned him his knighthood. Knothole had many things going for it even before the first pieces of timber were joined together. Located deep in the Great Forest in a slight depression, it was amply covered by foliage so as to be virtually invisible from the air. There were several small clearings within walking distance that could act as landing sites for hover units. There was farmable land close by (equally well camouflaged) and a river ran along the site. Access to it through the Great Forest was almost impossible unless one was aware of the network of trails and paths that would take one to it. To bring any ground vehicle to the site was impossible; it could only be reached on foot. This, as much as Charles's own aesthetics, dictated that the design for Knothole be one of rustic simplicity. As much of the material as possible would come from the Great Forest itself, with some items brought to the sight (in secret) from the city. Work had progressed to the point where a half-dozen huts of various sizes were finished as the Great War drew to a close. But then there was a new development to cope with: one that called himself "Robotnik." Before his own capture, Charles had managed to arrange that a handful of children and two adults be secreted in Knothole. The two adults were women, staff members of the royal household. Rosie, nanny for the Princess Sally Alicia, was an obvious choice. Sally was, after all, heir to the Mobian throne and was a natural candidate to be hidden away in Knothole. The other adult had been recently retained to be Sally's tutor: an older feline named Julayla. She was reserved and, to those who didn't know her, somewhat intimidating. What was intimidating was, in fact, her patience and circumspection. Unlike the open and affable Rosie, Julayla seemed at times to be playing a perpetual chess game--sizing up moves, reviewing and plotting strategy, seeking an overview of the situation. She let few have access to her mind and heart; eventually only Princess Sally would have that distinction, and she found Julayla to be as kind as she was wise, as tender as she was shrewd, as empathetic as she was observant. This complex character served as a balance to the simple straightforwardness of Rosie. Not that Sally or any of the other children (who were all friends of hers) could appreciate any of this when they first arrived in Knothole as refugees. For they had just seen their families and their world destroyed. They were a diverse group of children, all of them about 5 years old. Yet at first they reacted to their new situation in the same way. It began with a reluctance to talk about what had happened. The pain of watching the arrival of the SWATbots, of seeing parents, relatives and friends being captured and turned into soulless mechanical caricatures of what they had once been, was too much for their young minds. The children pushed the scenes from their consciousness by day, only to have the memories trouble their dreams at night. In the beginning, the woods around Knothole were filled in the evening with the sound of screaming as one or another of the children found themselves haunted by their dreams. As the children realized that Knothole had become for them a safe place where Robotnik's SWATbots weren't going to intrude, they began to display differing styles of adapting. Rotor, a young walrus, was thought at first to be the most serious potential troublemaker. He seemed most at ease when he was destroying things. It drove Rosie to distraction, but Julayla counselled patience. That patience was rewarded when, during one trying stretch when Rotor had spent three straight days taking things apart, he methodically made the rounds of the demolished objects and put them all back together in less than a day's time. In some cases, they worked better than before. Julayla explained that Rotor's mechanical aptitude was part of his way of coping with the situation: demonstrating some form of mastery over a world gone mad. She encouraged him in his interest in things mechanical and electronic. It was a different matter when dealing with Bunnie, a close friend of Sally's and the only other girl among the children. A child of the southern provinces, she had no use for the formalities and mannerisms of the royal court. If she didn't care for your company, she'd just as soon make a face at you than politely tolerate you. Yet this also gave her a free-and-easy happiness that was delightful to behold. She was extremely conscious of the natural world around her, and especially so of her own body. The women did the best they could with Bunnie, hoping against hope that she would grow out of some of her more excessive behaviors by the time she began to mature. It was with Bunnie in mind that Rosie and Julayla declared the hut where the two girls slept to be Off Limits to the boys. If Bunnie was hard to deal with because she had not been exposed to court manners, Antoine was even harder to deal with because he had. The young fox was the son of a minister in the King's diplomatic service; as a result, he had virtually from birth been exposed to the ways of the court. In Knothole, he clung to those ways with a fierce tenacity, as if he had personally been charged with safeguarding those habits and customs even if there was no royalty. Yet if he was loyal to those traditions, he was also so convinced of the rightness of his loyalty that nobody could tell him anything. It could be almost impossible to correct him. In time he even refused to correct his speech--an atrocious mangling of the language by someone who was not a native speaker. He would back down when he had to, but only to the grown-ups; he stubbornly held his own against the other children and, despite taking his share of lumps as a result, refused to yield. Julayla wondered if there were any way to sift through the chaff of arrogance to isolate the loyalty beneath. Of all the children, perhaps the easiest to understand was Charles's nephew, Sonic Hedgehog, and that made him all the more exasperating to deal with. He was very straightforward in his approach to life. Unfortunately, in his quest for the immediate, he would sooner take a shortcut than not. It showed in his schoolwork, for all the children had to spend their mornings in Knothole's dining hall, which doubled as a classroom where Julayla did the best she could with improvised materials. It was hard to say whose patience was put to the test more during these sessions, Sonic's or Julayla's. Somehow, Sonic needed a steadying influence, and he found it in, oddly enough, a new arrival to Knothole. It was when Sonic was about 7 years old that he disappeared from Knothole one day. This in itself was not unusual; he was prone to making himself scarce when he didn't care for what was happening. Yet it was almost dusk when he returned without any explanation as to where he had been, without apology, and with a small child in tow. It was a fox cub, little more than a toddler. Yet this fox cub had not one, but two, tails. Nobody knew how he could have been born with two tails; the consensus was that he had been *in utero* when Robotnik's systematic destruction of the planet and his crash program of industrialization had begun to poison the air and sky of Mobius. The only other clue to his identity was the name "Miles Prower" written on the inside of one of his shoes. Sonic finally admitted what had happened: on a surreptitious journey back to Mobotropolis, he had seen a fox couple, husband and wife, hide the cub inside a dumpster just before being apprehended by SWATbots. Sonic had waited until they had been taken away, then retrieved the cub. Sonic never admitted it in so many words--it would not have been cool for him to do so--but it was clear to everyone that Sonic's heart had gone out to the little cub from the first. "Tails," as the fox cub came to be called, grew into an active and happy child, apparently unscarred by any memory of being orphaned. He was doted on by Rosie, and treated like a plaything on occasion by the girls. Yet his own attentions were on Sonic. As he grew older he was constantly shadowing the young hedgehog, copying his speech and his mannerisms devotedly. The women worried that Sonic's ego was getting quite big enough, thank you, without Tails' hero worship. But of all the children, Julayla was at the moment most concerned about Princess Sally. She was developing in a natural, unstudied way. She had a sharp intellect made sharper by study, yet she was not bookish; physically, she was strong and agile, and at an age when she might have been physically awkward she carried herself with grace. But something was beginning to change, and the change was worrying Julayla. She could not yet sense what exactly, but it was becoming clear to her that a part of Sally--a very vital part--was dying. Chapter 3 The day's activities had been routine. The children had either awakened before dawn on their own or else were gotten out of bed by Rosie. They slept two to a hut: Sally and Bunnie in one hut, Antoine and Rotor in another, and Sonic and Tails (by mutual insistence) in a third. Rosie and Julayla knew that, when the children were a little bit older and stronger -- probably in the coming spring -- work would have to begin on additional huts to encourage independent living and to prevent personality clashes. Rotor was especially eager to set up housekeeping on his own, though the fastidious Antoine would have balked at the use of the word "housekeeping" in the same sentence as Rotor's name. It seemed the one thing of which Rotor was incapable. Spare parts and unrecognizable electronic components littered his half of the hut and drove Antoine to distraction. The children then went to have breakfast in the largest of the huts in Knothole: a general purpose building that served as both a mess hall and a classroom. Bunnie tended to arrive last, usually because she couldn't decide which color ribbons to use to do up her ears. After the breakfast dishes were cleared away, it was time for the children's schooling. At ten years of age, they were literate enough in the Mobian language, except for Antoine, though his grasp of the planet's history was almost as complete as Sally's. Sally and Rotor were more adept at mathematics than the others, and there was no question that Rotor outshone the others in mechanics. Bunnie worked to keep up with the others, finding botany to be her easiest subject. Sonic tended to lose interest in just about everything after the first hour of instruction. Though Tails would spend some time in the classroom in the mornings, he was basically playing school. By the time noon rolled around, Julayla would signal the end of class. From there, the children would tend to their chores, for Knothole still required a fair amount of maintenance. The huts and the bridge across the river had to be maintained, and that meant carpentry. Rotor was able to fashion tools for some of the tasks. The vegetable gardens that helped sustain them also needed tending. It was at this point that Sonic tended to make himself scarce. Not that he was lazy; as with his schoolwork, he simply got bored easily. But if Tails wanted to "help," Sonic would pull his share of the load without complaint. However Sonic might feel about a particular task, he seemed to want to set a good example for the adoring cub. Sally, however, would sometimes spend the afternoon in Julayla's hut. There they would review old volumes of Mobian letters and lore that Julayla had managed to save during the invasion, and the gaps in Sally's knowledge of the history of the House of Acorn would be filled in. As evening approached, everyone gathered in the main hut for the second meal of the day. Then before bedtime, there would be play outdoors (weather permitting). Lately, this had meant dividing up to play Capture the Flag, a game of which Sally never seemed to tire. Yet lately it seemed that nothing went right when they played the game. No matter what team configuration they formed, something would happen to bring the game to a premature halt. Either Sonic would ignore strategy and make some rash move that would give away his position, or else Bunnie would refuse to try sneaking through foliage for fear of ruining her ears, or else Antoine would find something new to complain about, or else Tails (who was too young to take part in the game) would give away Sonic's position by ignoring everyone else and walking up to the hiding place of his older idol. But this afternoon, with a slight nip in the air and the wind sounding through the trees, Sally seemed more than just lost in thought as she looked at the blank piece of paper on the table before her. "Your first question," Julayla said. "What happened on this date in the year 2275?" Sally said nothing and wrote nothing. "Did you hear me, Princess?" "I'm sorry, Julayla. It's just that...oh, what's the point?" She let the pencil she was holding fall to the table. Julayla rose from her chair and seated herself on the bench where Sally was seated. She knew better than to say anything right away. "Julayla, why am I doing this?" Sally eventually asked. "This would all make sense if I were going to rule Mobius one day. But it doesn't make sense." There was a pause. "What happened?" Julayla finally asked. "Last night, when I was in bed, I closed my eyes and tried to remember what my old room looked like. But I couldn't. I couldn't even remember the color!" She looked at Julayla, her eyes beginning to fill with tears. "I'm forgetting it, Julayla! I'm forgetting it all!" Sally threw her arms around Julayla and began to cry. Julayla said nothing and simply held her close. After a couple of minutes, Sally was able to regain her composure. "I'm sorry," Sally sniffled. "Don't ever apologize for caring too deeply, Princess. You may go now, if you want to." "Thanks." "And tell the other children that there will be no class tomorrow." To be continued...