Q: What's the deal with the last scene in "Bloodlines"? A: When it came time to write the final scene for my first attempt at a Sonic fanfic, "Bloodlines," I was stumped. The scene had Sonic, Tails, Sally, Bunnie and Sandy, but it just wasn't coming together in a satisfactory way. So I tried again, leaving out everyone but Bunnie and Sandy. At some point, the mental image of Bunnie planting one on Sandy popped into my head. This surprised nobody more then me! Sure, it was a bit of a shock, but I felt that that alone wasn't reason enough to drop the scene. So I left it in and have been answering inquiries about it ever since. Did this mean that Bunnie is gay? Not necessarily. You can't very well extrapolate sexual orientation from one behavior. As C. S. Lewis pointed out in The Four Loves, things could get ridiculous if applied to literature: "Hrothgar embracing Beowulf, Boswell embracing Johnson...and all those hairy old toughs from Tacitus begging for one last kiss before the regiment was broken up; all pansies? If you can believe that, you can believe anything." I felt in writing the story that Bunnie and Sandy would have bonded to a significant extent; both were partially roboticized, and they kicked some bot together. This was a way of portraying that bond forged through shared adversity; perhaps it was done in a way that made a lot of readers uncomfortable. But that's writing.