If I only had a heart... By Pat Carson * * * In a quiet, comfortable living room on Mobius, in a glass-like dome near Knothole, two foxes engage in friendly conversation over a glass of ale. Not an uncommon sight, but these particular foxes were certainly not common at all. "So, I've observed Alicia..." said one fox, about average size for Mobian foxes, wearing only a gold amulet bearing the symbol of his home world, Keld'yr. "She seems to be getting along with the others quite well." The other, much taller fox nodded in agreement. His features were thin, yet strong, and he was dressed entirely in black. "Yeah, I agree. She's come in handy to them, especially since David's been stuck on his recon mission." He sipped his Agracian ale. "Still... There _is_ something missing..." "Hmm?" queried Vision, raising an eyebrow. "Well," said Joseph, leaning back into his chair, "I've talked with her a few times. her personality's fine, if artificial, but there's nothing behind it. She's just a robot. Not like talking to a flesh and blood person at all." "This is true," Vision replied, leaning back as well. "Most 'people' don't get their daily meal from a power outlet, either." "Yup," said Joseph, taking another sip. "Pretty hard to fit into a society of organics like that." He put his ale down and rubbed his muzzle thoughtfully. "Too bad she didn't have my AI tech in her." Vision nodded. "Yeah, that plus the emotion routines we Keld'ani have made... Android tech..." He then grinned. "You thinking what I'm thinking, J'hosesophae?" Joseph grinned as well, drumming his fingers together. "I think it's time Alicia received an upgrade." Vision smiled. "Goodbye robot, hello android. Your AI and android tech, our emotion and psi routines... Definitely would bring her one step closer to life." "Definitely," said Joseph. "perhaps improve her weapons, give her a defense system too..." Vision shook his head. "Let's just stick with giving her a real mind and a better body. That other stuff she should ask for on her own." Joseph frowned a bit. "Hrm... I suppose you're right..." he drummed his fingers together again. "Question is, will she go through with any of this? Would Sally and the others allow it?" "I think so," said Vision. "I'll handle that end." "Then it's a plan," said Joseph, and they both raised their glasses, taking a sip afterwards. Joseph then chuckled a bit. "Ur'thaean and Keld'yrian techies working together... Who would've thought?" * * * Princess Sally was walking back to her hut after a meeting with Sir Charles. The number of SWATBots spotted in Robotropolis had increased, giving her cause for concern; She wondered if someone was activating them, and if so, who. The thought of another would-be conquerer plaguing Mobius again was too disturbing for words. "Princess Sally?" said Alicia as she strode up from the forest. Sally smiled, putting Charles' report out of mind for a while. "Hello, Alicia. Anything to report?" Alicia shook her head. "Fortunately, no. I haven't seen any SWATBots ever since my... fall." "That's a relief..." said Sally. "Sir Charles told me that the SWATBot activity in Robotropolis has increased. We should keep up the patrols, just in case." Alicia nodded. "Of course." She then paused. "There _is_ something else, though..." "Oh?" said Sally, "What is it?" "Well..."Alicia paused again. "I did come across this odd squirrel... He said his name was Vision..." Sally chuckled. "Yes, I know him. He helped us out a while back, when Robotnik was still around." She then told Alicia the story of the time when Vision helped the Freedom Fighters destroy the power source that he acquired. "I see," Alicia replied. "Well, he told me something interesting... He said he and Joseph could... Improve me." "Improve you?" Sally raised an eyebrow. "How so?" Alicia sat on a tree stump. "Basically, they could change me into an android. Instead of the pre-programmed personality I now have, I would have feelings, emotions of my own. I would also be more... lifelike. I'd be able to transform food and drink into power for myself, allowing me to eat and drink, and I would have sleep cycles like you and the others do... Vision said I might even be able to bear young." Sally listened to all of this, sitting down as well, and rubbed her head. "Wow... That's a pretty tall order... Still, both he and Joseph do have the technological means to pull it off..." Alicia nodded. "True, but what this could mean... I wouldn't be a robot anymore. If they succeeded, I would no longer be under anyone's control, even yours. It might affect my ability to serve you and the other Freedom Fighters." Sally nodded, and mulled this over a bit. She then smiled and hugged Alicia. "Alicia, none of us Freedom Fighters are under anyone's control, we do what we do because we want to. Being a robot is _not_ a pre-requisite. You... you now have the opportunity to have a mind, and a heart, of your very own, something we all have. I wouldn't dream of taking that opportunity away from you." "So then I have your permission to go through with this?" Alicia asked. Sally smiled, holding Alicia's hand. "My permission, and my blessing, Alicia." "Thank you, Sally," Alicia said. "After this is over, I'm sure I will be very grateful to you." Sally giggled at that. "Well, if you have any trouble dealing with these new emotions you'll have, I'll be right here to help." "Thank you, again," Alicia said as she stood up. "I should go to Joseph and tell him I'm ready." Sally smiled and nodded. "Of course." Alicia turned and made her way to Joseph's dome. Sally shouted after her, "Good Luck!" She watched Alicia walk off, and sighed as she thought to herself, "She's coming so far... To think I was about to throw her away when Rotor first found her..." She got up and made her way home. * * * Alicia walked over to the large, glass like dome that Joseph made his home. As she approached the door, a voice spoke up. >> Greetings, Alicia. You are expected. << With that, the door opened. She walked into the living room, and the voice spoke again. >> I am Bahb, Joseph's AI. Joseph and Vision are awaiting you in the lab. If you'll please follow the SpyGlobe, it will lead you to them. << A SpyGlobe came out of nowhere, and moved. Alicia followed the SpyGlobe as it led her to the turbolift inside the room. Once in, the lift sped down many floors; Alicia wasn't sure how many, their pattern somewhat erratic. She concluded that this was the disorienting effect the owner desired. The lift finally slowed to a stop. The doors opened, revealing a nicely sized laboratory, and two foxes awaiting her arrival. Joseph smiled, putting down the tool he was fiddling with. "Hey there, Alicia. Welcome to my humble laboratory." Alicia smiled. "Hello, Joseph." She then looked at the smaller fox, wearing a Keld'yrian amulet. "You must be a friend of Vision's?" Vision just grinned. "You could say that..." He then glowed brightly, changing into the same squirrel that Alicia met earlier. Alicia blinked. "Oh, yes... Sally told me of your ability to change form." Joseph just smirked and poked Vision's ribs. "You'll have to excuse my friend here, he's a rather shifty character." Vision let out an 'erf' at the poke, and retaliated with a poke to Joseph's stomach, grinning. "That's _Mister_ Shifty character to you, bub." he then turned to Alicia. "I take it you've made a decision?" Alicia nodded, and said, "I'm ready." Vision and Joseph shot knowing glances at each other, then turned to Alicia. "Allrighty then. This way," Vision said, gesturing to a console in the lab, "If you please, M'lady..." * * * Sally sat at her desk, looking over some notes she had stored in Nicole, when she heard a knock at the doorway. "Who is it?" A familiar voice replied, "Only your number one hedgehog." Sally chuckled. "Come in, Sonic." Sonic strolled into the hut, up to Sally, and hugged her warmly. Sally smiled and returned the hug. "Mmm... So, has my 'number one hedgehog' heard anything new lately?" Sonic broke the hug, his face looking more serious. "Uncle Chuck told me about all the SWATBots popping up in Robotropolis." Sally nodded. "I know, he told me as well. He thinks that something... or someone... is reactivating them." She looked at Nicole briefly, then back at Sonic. "Sonic, you don't think...?" "Nahhh..." Sonic waved his hand non-chalantly. "I'll bet they just forgot ol' Robuttnik's gone, that's all." Sally sighed and closed up Nicole. "I hope that's all it is, Sonic. just the thought of those things walking around worries me..." Sonic responded with a warm snug from behind, causing Sally to relax a bit. "It'll be cool, Sal," he said reassuringly. "They come around here, we'll just juice 'em and reduce 'em. Especially with David coming back soon, and with Alicia on our side..." He the looked up. "Say, where she been, anyway?" Sally smiled a bit, leaning back into Sonic. "Oh... She's at Joseph's, being worked on." Sonic blinked and looked at Sally. "Huh? She's not damaged, is she?" "No, Sonic..." Sally giggled and turned to wrap her arms around Sonic's shoulders. "She... Well, Vision and Joseph are going to change her into an android." "Whew..." Sonic sighed and relaxed into Sally's arms. "For a sec, I thought she..." he then looked up. "An android?" "mmHmm..." Sally replied, smiling. "She'll actually have a mind of her own. She'll even be able to feel emotions, like we do." Sonic just blinked at that. "Wow... Joe an' Vis can do that?" Sally nodded. "Yes, and she'll even be able eat, drink, sleep, and do the other things that we take for granted. She'll be more.. well, alive." "Whoa..." Sonic said, beaming. "Cool... Way past cool!" he hugged Sally tight, then got up. "Wait'll everybody hears about this!" "Sonic," said Sally, "I'm not sure everybody else should know about thi..." She felt the sudden rush of wind, accompanied by a 'whoosh' and a blue blur heading out of her hut, and slumped a bit. "...ss... Just yet." She leaned against her desk and sighed. "I hate it when he does that..." * * * Joseph unplugged a cable from Alicia's back and said, "That should do it. A full download of your programming and your memories. All we need to do now is to study the data and make it compatible with the artificial brain we've developed. Vision added, "We will keep said memories confidential, of course." Joseph nodded to this. Alicia nodded. "I understand ." Vision smiled. "Ok, this might take a while, so have a seat, m'lady, while we work on the final stage." "Of course." Alicia sat in a nearby chair, and watched as Joseph and Vision studied data, went over programming, made adjustments, altered parameters. Joseph mentioned a few possible modifications, "for future consideration," during the course of all this. She waited patiently for about an hour and a half, when they both nodded to each other, and turned to her. Vision smiled and said, "It's time," and held out his hand. Alicia smiled and took the offered hand. She asked, as Vision and Joseph led her to a glass chamber built into the lab, "After I change, what will I remember of this?" Joseph opened up the chamber, and said, "You'll remember feeling like you do now, blacking out for a second or two, then waking up feeling different." He then gestured towards the open chamber. "Time for the final step." Alicia walked into the chamber, and watched as the glass closed around her. Joseph walked to the control panel, and spoke in his own language, < Bahb, prepare transmorph sequence, execute on my mark. > >> Working... Program ready, J'hosesophae << Vision looked into the chamber and smiled at Alicia. "Nervous?" Alicia smiled back. "Not yet." Joseph chuckled, then said, < Bahb, execute > >> Executing. Accessing Alicia unit. Initiating shutdown. << The last thing Alicia saw before blacking out was Joseph and Vision observing her from outside, concernedly. * * * It wasn't long before everyone gathered near Joseph's dome, having heard of Alicia's "improvement". Sally was there as well, thinking to herself, "They were bound to find out sooner or later..." She then cleared her throat and announced, "Ok, everyone, I know you're all anxious to see the 'new' Alicia, but we shouldn't crowd her when she comes out." Sir Charles nodded in agreement. "Sally's right. Alicia will be dealing with emotions for the first time in her life. It wouldn't be good for her if she was overwhelmed." The crowd murmured, agreeing. Tails walked up to Sally and asked, "You think they really can change her, Aunt Sally?" Sally fuzzled Tails' head. "I'm sure they can, Tails. They have the technology available to them." "You bet!" Sonic added. "They got the tools and the talent, lil' bro. Alicia's in good hands." Sally smiled, then glanced back at the dome. She thought to herself, "I just hope she can handle her new gift..." * * * Darkness... What a new mind, a new soul awakens to, what all beings first awaken to. With that darkness comes questions... Am I still in the lab? Are they finished yet? Oh my, did something go wrong? I'm worried... worried... I _am_ worried, aren't I? A familiar voice broke this train of thought. "You can open your eyes now, Alicia." Alicia did so, squinting a bit, adjusting to the light of the laboratory, finally centering her sight on Joseph and Vision. She stepped out of the chamber, cautiously. "Did... Did it work?" Vision smiled. "I think the fact that you're asking that question shows that it did." Joseph nodded in agreement. "The transformation went as smooth as silk." "Good..." Alicia replied, walking around the lab, touching the tables lightly, feeling them, her green eyes filled with wonder.. She came across a mirror and saw her reflection, gazing at it, her hand coming up to feel her own face. "Amazing... Everything's the same, yet so... different." "You're looking at life through new eyes, Alicia," said Vision. "Figuratively as well as literally." "Things may seem a bit overwhelming to you now," added Joseph, as he shut down his equipment, "But you'll adjust. It'll just take some time." "Of course..." said Alicia, still studying herself in the mirror, feeling many different things at once. "Incredible..." >> If I may interrupt... << Bahb spoke, >> There seems to be a crowd gathering outside the dome. << "" Joseph replied. "Someone must have spread the word. Looks like you're a celebrity, Alicia." He looked up. "Should I shoo them off?" "What?" Alicia looked up from the mirror. "Oh, heavens, no... They're worried about me, I should go see them." Joseph shrugged. "As you wish." He opened the door to the turbolift and led Alicia inside, with Vision following. They went up to the living room, and made their way to the door. "Vision?" Alicia said, fidgeting a bit. "I think I'm nervous now..." Vision smiled and put his hand on Alicia's shoulder, an act which seemed to remove some of that nervousness. "You'll do fine, Ali. I'm sure you will." He then reached over to open the door. "Your public awaits, m'lady." Alicia composed herself, then nodded. "I'm ready." * * * The crowd, which buzzed with conversation earlier, fell silent as the door to Joseph's dome opened. Vision stepped outside and announced, "Ladies and gentlefurs, I present to you the cutest android this side of Mobius, Alicia!" Alicia stepped outside, and blushed a bright red at all the oohs and ahhs she received. She smiled nervously as she walked up to Sally. "Well, I did it..." Sally smiled and hugged Alicia. "Yes, you certainly did." She then looked Alicia over. "How do you feel?" Alicia returned the hug, smiling. "It's... hard to explain... I'm feeling so many things right now... I never imagined it would be this way..." She looked around at everything in wonder. "I think... I think what I mostly feel is..." She then paused, as a new feeling arose within her, a physical feeling, one of the need for sustenance, the need to fuel oneself. She rubbed her stomach a bit as she said the best word to describe this feeling, "...hungry?" Most everybody chuckled at this, and Sonic stepped up. "Hungry, eh? Well, hold onto your boots, Ali, an' I'll take care of that in a Sonic second!" With that, he sped off in a blur, startling Alicia a bit. "only a second had passed before he returned. "Here ya' go, Ali, straight from Uncle Chuck's kitchen to you!" he said, as he offered Alicia a plate full of... "Chili dogs, Sonic?" said Sally, folding her arms. "Hey, c'mon, Sal..." Sonic shrugged. "It's the first food she's gonna eat! She should have the dubious honor of making it Uncle Chucks famous chili dogs!" Sally rolled her eyes. "If you say so, Sonic." Sir Charles chuckled at this. "Well, she better not eat too many, else she might get her first case of heartburn." Alicia giggled a bit as she accepted the plate. "Thank you, Sonic..." She picked up a chili dog and looked at it a bit, studiously. She then sniffed at it, noting the scent, and finally took a bite. Everyone watched as Alicia took that bite, the first bite of food in her existence. She chewed for a bit, closing her eyes and focusing on the taste, the warmth, the whole experience. A smile crept up on her face as she finally swallowed, feeling the food travel down to her stomach. "Well?" asked Sonic, "What'cha think?" Alicia continued to smile as she opened her eyes and looked at him. "I like this... These are wonderful!" The crowd buzzed again, and Sonic gleefully said, "Yesss!" Sally responded with "Oh brother," rolling her eyes. As Alicia polished off the chili dog, Joseph and Vision stood by the dome, watching. "Not a bad job, if I say so myself," said Joseph. "I agree," said Vision. "We do good work together." he looked at Alicia, who was on her second chili dog. "The rest is up to her now. She's got a good future ahead of her." Joseph nodded as they both made their way back inside the dome. "I hope she lets me do those other modifications I had in mind..." Vision smirked as he opened the door. "Just try not to get too far ahead of Mobian technology, Joe." Joseph muttered, "Yes, dad..." as they walked in, closing the door behind him. Alicia was working on her third chili dog, explaining how her 'brain' functions to Sir charles, and completely enjoying the attention she was getting. Sally watched Alicia devouring the dogs and shook her head, smiling. "I think you've created a monster here, Sonic." "Nahhh..." the hedgehog replied, "I just gave her good taste in food, Sal, that's all" Sally chuckled and ruffled Sonic's quills a bit. "Let's just hope chili dogs aren't the only thing she knows how to cook, unlike a certain hedgehog I know." "C'mon, Sal..." Sonic replied, "What else ya gotta know about cooking?" Sally was about to respond when she heard Alicia hiccup after her third chili dog. Alicia looked a bit worried as she did a self-diagnostic. "Oh my... There seems to be some glitch in my food intake system... I should see Joseph and Vision and have them..." Sally giggled as she said, "nothing's wrong, Alicia, you just hiccuped. It happens to all of us." Alicia blinked. "It does?" "Yes, it does," replied Sally. "You've nothing to worry about." Alicia felt relieved at this, then giggled a bit. Then she started to laugh at herself for being so worried about such a silly thing. Everyone else soon joined her, the whole group laughing joyously. * * * Somewhere else on Mobius, in a darkened room, another android, one with a much darker disposition, was studying data from his latest experiment, making plans, when he paused. A strange feeling came over him, one of foreboding, as if he could feel forces aligning against him, _something_ out there arising which could threaten everything he's worked towards... After a brief pause, Commander Packbell dismissed the feeling. He had no room in his black heart for such intangible, paranoid fears. he resumed his task, to plot, to plan... * * * The crowd had dispersed after a couple of hours, and a few more of Sir Charles' famous chili dogs. Alicia felt tired, another feeling she wasn't used to. She had said her goodbyes, and went to her hut. She walked in and found her chair next to her old recharging outlet, as always, but there was something else in the room that wasn't there before; A nice, warm looking bed. Curious, she walked up to the bed, finding a note attached to the pillow. Sitting down on the bed, she took the note and read it: Alicia - Something told me you would need this from now on. :) Sweet Dreams! Sally Alicia smiled warmly, touched by this generosity, when suddenly she heard a knock at the door. "Come in," she said, putting the note down. The door opened, and Tails walked in, smiling. "Hi!" Alicia smiled back. "Hello, Tails. What brings you here?" Tails walked up to Alicia and sat on the bed next to here. "I just came by to give ya something." "Oh?" asked Alicia. "And what would that be?" Tails grinned and said, "This!" He then wrapped his arms around Alicia and hugged her warmly. "I kinda figured you'd be able to enjoy it now." Alicia blinked briefly, then smiled and returned the hug, a feeling coming over her that could best be described as "warm and fuzzy." "Thank you," she said. As she hugged Tails, an odd sound came from deep in her; something which could best be described as a "murr." Tails blinked, looking up. "You're murring like a fox." Alicia giggled. "I am... Hmm... Something tells me this was Vision's doing." Tails giggled as well, and moved into Alicia's lap, snuggling in. "This means you're happy, huh?" Alicia snugged Tails back and nodded, murring away. "Yes... I feel so..." She searched for the best word to describe her feelings, then cuddled Tails warmly as she found it. "...Alive" * * * Alicia found herself standing in a field, soft green grass swaying in the breeze. She looked about in wonder, feeling elated, seeing all this life around her, birds singing in a tree nearby. A small, adorable bunny hopped up, near her feet, and looked up at her, it's nose twitching. She smiled warmly, and reached down to pet it. Before she could so much as touch the rabbit, however, she found herself being pulled away by some unseen force, lifting her off the ground. it pulled her away from the field, and she watched in panic as she saw the landscape rushing beneath her, away from her, becoming darker and more ominous the farther she went. She came to an abrupt stop in a dark room, some form of laboratory, cold and lifeless. Dread began to fill her as she looked around, noting the machines about, and the large glass tubes hanging from the ceiling, looking as tho they could contain an average sized Mobian. She gasped, as she realized with fear what this machine was; Designed to transform warm, living beings into cold heartless machines, it could only carry one name: Roboticizer. A door slid open, causing her to turn towards it. She saw a figure walk through; a human. A rather large, imposing human. The human strode up to her, his yellow cape flowing behind him, and glared down at her, twirling his moustache with a hand that looked more robotic than human. "Well, Robot 374-XY," said Ivo Robotnik, his eyes glowing a sinister crimson red, "Why haven't you located Knothole for me yet?" -- Alicia woke with a gasp, finding herself in her hut. She looked down and found Tails sleeping in her lap, cuddled up to her. She gently rubbed his head, looking at him, remembering the dream she just had, then remembering everything that happened when she was first created by Robotnik. A feeling of dread went through her as the thought of what she almost did to him, to Sonic, to the other Freedom Fighters, so long ago. She gently picked up Tails and layed him on the bed, then quietly made her way outside. * * * Bunnie stood by the Power Ring pool, twirling a fresh new Power Ring on her finger a bit, before placing it in her belt pouch. She then yawned, stretching, and began to walk back home, having done her duty. As she walked, she heard what she could swear was crying coming from the forest. "Now, who'n blazes could that be this time o' night?" she asked herself as she made her way through the trees to investigate. She came upon the outline of a familiar ground squirrel sitting on a log, holding her head in her hands. "Sally?" she asked, then realized her mistake as she came closer, noting the stripe in the squirrels hair and absence of a blue vest. "Oh, Alicia, what're you doin' here this late?" Alicia looked up at Bunnie, tears soaking the fur on her face. "Oh, Bunnie," She said, sniffling. "I... um..." Bunnie sat next to Alicia, taking out a handkerchief. "My stars, Ali girl, yer a mess," she said, wiping Alicia's face. "What's got you all cryin' yer eyes hart all the way out here?" Alicia sniffled again, rubbing her nose. "I... I remembered what I was, when Robotnik first built me..." she said. "I remember it all, how I almost gave away Knotholes location, what I almost did to Sonic... How could I have done such things...?" "Well, I'll be..." Bunnie replied, "Sounds like yer feelin' guilty fer all that." She rested her real hand on Alicia's shoulder. "It's touchin' ya feel that way, Ali, but ya shouldn't beat yerself up fer what happened back then, 'cause ol' bot-breath was in control of ya. Shucks, you weren't even _you_ back then. Way I see it, t'weren't yer fault at all." "But I..." Alicia started to say, but then sighed and held her hand to her head. "No, you're right..." she said, blushing embarrassedly. "I should know all that, but this guilt just overwhelmed me..." She looked away, off into the distance. "Maybe I should have these emotion routines disabled... They could take control of me at the wrong time, and..." "Oh, nonsense!" Bunnie interrupted. "Everyone loses control once in a while. It's just a part of living." She held up her robotic arm, looking at it wistfully. "I remember, after this happened t'me, I cried fer hours, all locked up in m'room, not stopping fer one second." "Really?" Alicia said, looking back at Bunnie. "You always seem to deal with your current state so well..." Bunnie smiled. "Well, I did get a hold of m'self after a while. Couldn't stay in m'room forever, a rabbit's gotta eat, ya know." This elected a giggle from them both, then Bunnie sighed, looking at her robotic arm again. "It still hurts sometimes, thinking about it, but I just remain thankful that it was just m'arm and m'legs that this happened to, an' not the rest o' me. That, an' I'm always hopeful that this'll be undone someday, an' I can have m'beautiful bod back." Alicia nodded, then looked up. "I just hope I can learn to keep my emotions under control like that... It just seems so hard..." "Oh, I'm sure you'll learn," replied Bunnie, "Ya' just need to be patient with yerself." She snugged Alicia with her real arm. "Jus' promise me ya'll won't go turnin' yer emotions off on me." Alicia snugged Bunnie back and smiled. "I promise." "Good," said Bunnie, smiling. She then yawned and got up. "Looks like I'm overdue for some shut-eye. You comin' too?" "In a while," Alicia replied. "I've got some thinking to do." Bunnie smiled. "Ok, jus' don't stay out too late. It gets cold this time o' year. I don't want ya turnin' into an Alicia-cicle." Alicia giggled at that, feeling better than she did ten minutes ago. "I won't." Bunnie nodded and turned toward Knothole. "G'nite, Ali." "Good night," said Alicia. After a pause, she added, "And thank you, very much." Bunnie smiled. "Anytime, Ali, Anytime." With that, she went back home, leaving Alicia to her thoughts. She sat at the log for a while, then got up and walked out into the forest. This wasn't going to be easy, she thought to herself as she walked through the trees. These new feelings she had seemed so powerful, so overwhelming. She hoped she could control them; for her to lose control like that at the wrong time would be disastrous. If anyone came to harm because of her, she would never forgive herself. She wondered if it was like this for the others... A twig snapping in the distance interrupted Alicia's thoughts. She turned her head, wondering who else would be out here in the forest this late. She looked out, seeing nothing at first. The footsteps grew louder, then a voice, a metallic voice, said, >UNIT 237 REPORTING NO ACTIVITY IN THIS SECTOR. CONTINUING PATROL.< Her eyes went wide as what finally came into view was not a person, but a SWATBot. Alicia hid behind a tree, as quickly and as quietly as possible, feeling a new emotion take hold of her: Fear. That fear held her to the spot, like an icy, restraining hand, and she did her best to not make a sound, hoping the SWATBot would leave soon. Thoughts raced through her head; Oh no, it's so big and scary, please, please don't come here... She suddenly heard the SWATBot change direction, and nearly gasped, as the footsteps seemed to be getting close to Knothole. Everyone's asleep, she thought. If that SWATBot got into Knothole, someone would get hurt, or worse. She should do something, but she was so afraid... She closed her eyes, and clenched her fists. Control. She had to get this fear of hers under control, the others were depending on her. Besides, she's fought a SWATBot before, and won. She summoned her will, took a deep breath, and stepped out from behind the tree. Powering up her finger laser, she cleared her throat. The SWATBot quickly turned and shined a light on Alicia. Raising it's weapon, it droned, >FREEZE! YOU ARE TO BE TAKEN PRISONER BY ORDER OF...< It never finished the sentence, it's head blown off by a well placed shot from Alicia's weapon. It stood motionless for a bit, smoke and sparks emitting from the neck, before toppling back, hitting the ground with a crash. Alicia let her hand go down, and breathed a sigh of relief. She walked over to the now defunct robot and looked it over. "Well, now, that wasn't so b..." She suddenly cried out in pain as a laser bolt burned across her arm. Falling to the ground, she grabbed her arm and moaned in pain; the laser just grazed her arm, and her self-repair systems were already on the wound, but this was her first experience with actual pain, and it hurt like hell. She heard the approaching footsteps of the SWATBot who had shot her. >FREEZE, PRISONER. ANY FURTHER RESISTANCE WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION.< She rolled onto her back and growled, as a new emotion, anger, came to the fore. She was mad, both at the SWATBot for shooting her, and at herself, for not thinking to scan the area for other threats. Well, she thought to herself, she was _not_ about to become this heartless machines prisoner without a fight. She groaned and writhed, waiting. The SWATBot approached Alicia and reached down to pick her up. In one quick motion, she grabbed the arm and pulled the robot over her, off it's feet. She then planted her foot into it's chest, and with a kick, launched it into the air. It flew right into a large tree, impacting it with a satisfying crunch, and fell to the ground. Alicia wasn't about to let the SWATBot get back up. Forgetting the pain in her arm, she sprang to her feet, and pounced onto the robot. Before it could grab her, she grabbed its head and, with a scream, tore it right off with her android strength. The SWATBot shuddered, sparking and smoking, then fell silent. Alicia panted, raising her head and scanning about for other SWATBots. Finding none, she got up, and looked at the robot head in her hands. "THAT was for shooting at me!" she shouted, throwing the head to the ground. She then rubbed her wounded arm, wincing, and proceeded to dust herself off. A sudden gust of wind from behind caused her to spin around, finger laser armed and ready. What she saw, however, wasn't another SWATBot, but a familiar blue hedgehog and a squirrel that looked vaguely like her. "Whoa!" said Sonic, "Chill, Ali, it's us!" "Oh, Sonic, Sally..." Alicia said, powering down her laser. "I'm sorry... For a second there, I thought you might be another SWATBot." "Man," said Sonic, looking at the two ex-SWATBots lying on the ground. "I'm sure glad I ain't one." "That makes two of us," Sally added, picking up the torn off SWATBot head. "We came as soon as we heard the laser fire. You seemed to have handled the situation well, though." "Yes," Alicia replied, smiling self-confidently, then looked at her damaged arm. "But not without a little roughing up." "Ouch," said Sally as she eyed the damage concernedly. "That looks painful. Are you ok?" "I will be," Alicia said, "After my self-repair systems take care of the damage..." She then yawned. "That, and I get some sleep." Sally nodded and yawned as well. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll have Rotor take a look at these wrecks in the morning." They all made their way back to Knothole, and each went to their respective huts. Alicia gently carried Tails to his own bed, then came back to her own, laid down, and closed her eyes. Drifting off to sleep, she mumbled to herself, "What a day..." * * * A new day arose, and Sonic, Sally, and Alicia were spending this hour of it in the Knothole Meeting Center. Alicia was enjoying another chili dog, and washing it down with chocolate milk, something else she was growing fond of. "Your arm seems to have healed itself very well, Alicia," said Sally Alicia nodded, swallowing her milk. "Yes. I'm just glad that's all the damage I took." "Well, ya sure dished out more then ya got," Sonic said. "Ya sure did a number on those SWATBots, Ali. Say, what were ya doing out there, anyway?" "Well," Alicia said, putting down her glass, sighing. "I woke up after a bad dream... I saw Robotnik in it." "Ugh..." said Sonic, wincing. "Yeah, I still see ol' Buttnik in my dreams sometimes." "Yes..." Alicia said, then continued. "Anyway, after that, I remembered what I was before, and the guilt I felt then overwhelmed me. I, as you would put it, lost it." She sighed. "Bunnie was there to help, though... I had doubts about my ability to control my emotions then, and considered having Joseph disable them, but Bunnie talked me out of it." "Good thing," said Sally, "It'd be a shame to have you become emotionless again." "Yes, it would," Alicia replied. "I was given this opportunity to be more alive... I'll just have to take the bad with the good..." She took another sip of her chocolate milk, then said, "Still, after the battle I was in, I've considered going to see Joseph anyway. He mentioned some modifications to consider as he and Vision were working on me." Sally blinked. "Modifications?" Alicia nodded, then smiled. "Nothing really drastic, mind you. Just something to give me a bit of an 'edge' in case I have to fight any more SWATBots." "Ahh," Sally replied. "Well, that would be good. Let's just hope you don't have to use these 'modifications' much in the future." "Um, I think she might have to," said Rotor as he walked into the center. "Rotor?" Sally said, looking up. "What do you mean?" "I've got some bad news..." he said, as he placed a SWATBot head on the table. "There wasn't much of the programming left in these SWATBots; it all seems to have erased itself somehow. I did, however, find a time stamp in this one." he paused, scratching his head, then said, "This SWATBot was put together five days ago." The others sat there, stunned. It seemed like an eternity, before Sally broke the silence. "Rotor, a-are you sure this isn't some sort of error?" Rotor shook his head. "I wish it was, Sally. I double checked. A lot of components in the SWATBot are new, as well." "Ohh, man," Sonic said, as Sally bowed her head. Alicia frowned, putting the rest of her chili dog down. She didn't feel very hungry anymore. "Um... I think I'd better go see Joseph right now." Sally looked up at Alicia and nodded. "Go ahead, Alicia." Alicia got up and excused herself. Rotor sat down and rubbed his head as Alicia left the center for Joseph's dome. Sally slumped in her chair. Sonic got up and put an arm around her shoulder. "It's gonna be ok, Sal..." Sally leaned into Sonic, resting her head on his shoulder. "It's what Sir Charles and I feared... It's starting again... Someone's making those infernal things again..." "Yeah," said Sonic, rubbing Sally's shoulder. What I wanna know is, _Who?_" * * * Who, indeed... At that moment, in a corridor, deep underneath the city of Robotropolis, a SWATBot made its way to a large control room, its footsteps echoing down the hall. it entered, snapped to attention in front of a chair in the center of the room, and spoke: >SWATBOT PATROL 42-Z HAS FAILED TO REPORT, SIR. ALL CONTACT HAS BEEN LOST. IT IS SPECULATED THAT UNITS 237 AND 238 HAVE BEEN TERMINATED.< "Hmm..." the figure in the chair replied. "It is as I expected. you can only expect so much performance from such a small patrol..." >SHALL WE SEND ANOTHER PATROL INTO THAT REGION, SIR?< "Not yet..." The figure waved a hand dismissively, a small human hand. "Give those Freedom Fighters some time to wonder... Wait three days, then send a four SWATBot squad there." >AS YOU WISH, SIR,< The SWATBot droned, then walked out. "Yes, let's pique the curiosity of those miserable rodents..." The human mused to himself, drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair. "It's only a matter of time before that cursed hedgehog and the others come, looking for the source of my brand new SWATBots..." "...And then," said Snively as he rose from the chair, smiling darkly, "They'll be _mine!!_" Snively's cackle echoed throughout the halls of his underground fortress. THE END? I think not... :) * * * Sonic, Sally, Rotor, Bunnie, Tails, Robotnik, Snively, and Sir Charles are Copyright 1997 SEGA, Inc. Commander Packbell is Copyright 1997 David Pistone. David_Prower is Copyright 1997 Shawn Wolski. Joseph is Copyright 1997 Joseph DeLaCroix. Vision and Alicia, and this story, is Copyright 1997 Pat Carson. This story may be freely distributed in it's unmodified form.