

Wennefer1, god's father, beloved of the god, sm-priest, prophet of Ptah, priest of the temples of Memphis2; son of Nesnunuer3 by Isitemakhbaet4, chronology unknown5, father of Nesnunuer-Wennefer6 by Isitweret7.

[1] PP IX 5658. Gr: Onnophris. Ý

[2] Louvre 328. Ý

[3] Louvre C316, Louvre 328. Ý

[4] Louvre C316, Louvre 328. Ý

[5] He is named on Louvre C316 as an officiant and was thus an adult before the death of his probable great-uncle Ahmes in 183. Ý

[6] Louvre 328. Ý

[7] Louvre 328. Ý

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