Q.1   Why will the name of Major Aziz Bhatti be written in letters of gold ?


Ans.  His name will be written in letters of gold because he laid down his life in the defence of his country Pakistan.


Q.2    When and where did he fight ?


Ans.   He fought in 1965 war on the Lahore front.


Q.3    What was his reply to his commanding officer?


Ans.  He asked his commanding officer not to recall him for he did not want to go back and would shed the last drop of his blood in the defence of his dear homeland.


Q.4   What lesson do you learn from the martyrdom of Major Bhatti ?


Ans.  The martyrdom of Major Bhatti teaches us that we must always be ready to sacrifice our lives in the defence of our country.


Q.5   What was the award won by Major Aziz Bhatti ?


Ans.   He was awarded Nishan-e-Haider, the highest military award of Pakistan. He was also awarded Sword of Honour and the Norman Medal.


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