We've optimized most of this site for Lynx (at the expense of its appearance) in the interests of wider accessibility. We invite the reader to visit the Sunrise Press web page, when it is up, with the caveat that it will require the use of a graphical web browser. To answer a frequent question, yes, the Sunrise Press is owned by one of the contributers here, and no, we will not tell you which one.

Natural question : isn't this a commercial page. Answer : God, don't we wish it was! The Sunrise Press is a VERY small company, run more as a labor of love, than for its very modest earning potential. In fact, the writers are mainly the friends of the owner, at this point.

"But, aren't you selling something for money?", someone might ask. Yes, that would sound like a nice idea. It's all well and good to talk about disseminating ideas, but some of us think that one should do more than talk, and won't apologize for the small income they earn as a result of the labor they earn by doing so. Some disagree and then wonder why they can't pay the rent. It's a personal choice, which way one goes, and we definitely like the non-bankruptcy option better.

Go figure.

Having said that, we'd like to mention that the only income being made off this page is from commissions off of the books and other things purchased by those going directly from this site to amazon.com or barnesandnobel.com or elsewhere, and from the sales on our own company web site, once these links are established. So, no, we're not going to put our own advertisements on a religion page, if that was what you were wondering.

(click here for our main page)