May 1, 2002

You have three versions of this myth to choose from, right now : E. W. Budge's version from "The Egyptian Book of the Dead" (which includes "The Book of Coming Forth by Day", among other texts, albeit by somebody whose translations meet with little approval from the House), a fragment of a translation by Adolf Erman from "Life in Ancient Egypt", and a retelling I threw together in a speculative fashion, based on these two translations, which you shouldn't take too seriously, but which I had a little fun with. I have a lot of reading to do in this area before I can attempt something more serious, but I don't have the time to do it, at present.

Yes, I hope to expand my library to include better translations than these in the near future, modifying the above retelling accordingly, but keep in mind that maintaining this site is not my profession, and not my first priority. My studies and job search come first, as they should. Updates get done, as time allows, and not sooner.