John Gets to Gloat

No, John didn't include a bibliography in either of his letters. The footnotes below lead to commentary on this material, such as it is. Here is his letter:

From: (address ommitted) Number: 443120
To: DEMIPAGAN Date: 10/14/01 10:45 PM
Subject: Your Site... Reference: None
Read: No Private: Yes
Conference: Private E-Mail Attachment: ATT1.HTML 3.96K
AddressBook: Add Sender Add Recipient View Mode: Standard Text Web

Em Hotep Antipasto! [henu]

I was drawn to your name, yet again, by the wonderful posts that you have plagued the House of Netjer forums with. It would seem that, however, Kai Imakhu AntyBast has deleted your posts (probably because you are a rude, idiotic, and ignorant man with no viable reason to post whatsoever other than to pretend that you know what you are actually talking about). (1)

Suffice to say that I have completely forgotten about you up and until this point.

Yes, Her Holiness knew far ahead of time that I have a criminal record. However, being the Spiritual Leader that She is, this makes absolutely no difference to Her so long as I completely understand the ramifications of such actions and the repartitions that I must make. As for anything else to do with my record: my dear friend, I make nothing up. As for you stating that hackers are not intelligent: I would believe, dear friend, that you might want to rethink what you have previously stated because now you are delving into a subject that I know much more about than you do. (2) If you would like for me to provide you with examples I may actually trouble myself to do so: I know many individuals who are much more adept than myself who would love to speak with you.

Granted that they may feel it is a waste of time.

I must remember, however, that the point of this email to you was not to "rant and rave" at you but to remind you of the Maxims of fact, let me summarize a great idea in my own words:

"Be small in words...if you think someone is foolish then you are just as foolish for acknowledging them."

Me--ROFL---I have a reason to be foolish. I'm 25 and I'm still quite immature.

So, please tell us, Antipasto: what is your reason?

In closing, please let me know if Another Media in Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom know anything about your website.

Also: I will be at a few of the Tawy House get-togethers ( If you believe that you are the type of individual that can speak his mind in public then please take the opportunity to publically humiliate me in front of people. (3) I'll even meet you in Chicago before I go to the retreats.

I'd like to see you face to face.

Ankh Djed Was,

"Pick up the receiver...I'll make you a believer...."

What is wrong with appeasing the occasional lunatic? How about the fact that by validating his psychosis, one reinforces it? Click here to return to "Groupthink in Action".

Antistoicus' Comments

(1) Keep in mind that this is the "man" who seriously argued that the ancient Egyptians must have known about electricity because they were smart enough to know how to build the pyramids (and that this is what he is talking about). Pretty darn strange, even by Internet standards.

(2) Yes, I could see that, because the surest sign that one is an expert about hacking is that one has been caught doing it.

(3) Note the persecution complex. Oddly enough, I didn't invite a paranoid schizophrenic to drop by for tea. Just as well, really, because according to John's own website, he later showed up at Tawy House with weapons, much to the annoyance of the clergy. His intentions were clear.

Why they would be surprised by this is a good question, as John had openly presented himself as a 'gangsta rappa' type street thug, and did nothing more than be the person he had presented himself as being on the boards, to the fawning praise of many of those present, who received nothing more on that day but that which they had been foolish enough to ask for through their own actions. John would later express considerable bitterness about the two-faced character of the response he got from the membership of the House, in his online journal.