From: ... [email protected]
Number: ... 478975
To: ...... DEMIPAGAN
Date: ... 2/27/02 8:15 PM
Subject: ... Antistoicus/John (name deleted)/House of Netjer Webboards
Reference: ... None
Read: ... 2/27/02 9:48 PM
Private: ... Yes
Conference: ... Private E-Mail
Attachment: ... None
AddressBook: ... Add Sender Add Recipient
View Mode: ... Standard Text Web Headers

Good evening. I am writing you both in regards to the recent incidents on the House of Netjer's webboards, as well as a series of letters which have been directed to the desk of the Nisut (AUS) in regards to the situation between you both.

I understand that there is considerable bad blood between you. It seems as though you both feel like the wronged parties. I am not writing in order to state a case one way or another in that regard. What concerns me, and what I would like to address now, is the inappropriateness of 1) publically carrying out this feud on my site's messageboards and 2) privately associating the name of my faith with said feud in any context whatsoever.

Let me be perfectly blunt: neither one of you is a member of my church or my religion. The public side of our webboards is designed for public access, so that's fine. What's not fine is using said boards as a staging ground for personal attacks or perpetuating a conflict that should be resolved in private like civilised adults.

The easiest thing for me to do, to resolve matters from my end, would be to ban you both from the system. However, I would be immensely disappointed were that to be necessary -- you both have considerable things to offer, and I don't feel that the obstacles here are insurmountable ones. Is there any way that the two of you can talk things out and come to some sort of armistice, if not a rapport? Would mediation help? There's simply got to be a better solution than the way things are right now.

As an aside, if either of you feel slighted by the way the House has responded to the situation, please accept my apologies. We are not perfect in any sense of the word, but we do try our best.

Ankh Udja Seneb (Life, Prosperity, Health),
Rev. Craig A. Schaefer, Hem Bast
Heri-tep Hem Netjer, House of Netjer

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