1. "Why are you so focused on questions like these?"

Because painful experience teaches me that they will be asked, and there are some things that none of us here wish to encounter. We don't want either the puritanical or the perverted to drop by. One might argue that they're two sides of the same coin, the pervert doing what the prude forbids, but in such an ugly fashion as to make it unpleasurable. (The puritan, conversely, in instilling guilt where it doesn't belong, makes the healthy satisfaction of one's needs seem perverted, making the next unpleasant step seem a natural one). We, however, are not going on that trip. Life is to be enjoyed. We invite those who feel otherwise to keep it to themselves and their therapists, who are paid to deal with it.

If you aren't like that, we hope that you'll find this is a selling point. We're going to make the effort to keep people like that away so you don't have to cope with them, either - and that is a rock hard promise.

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