This is a fairly new webpage (Feb. 19, 2001), so very little is up, so far. What we do have, so far, is the start of a discussion of why we do things, the way we do. Why do we require our members to sign up in pairs, instead of as individuals. The answer lies in the balancing of ritual necessity, and the practical need to see to it that the membership can be at ease.

There is also an article that explains what it is that we mean, when we say that the Gathering lies in the Dionysian, instead of the Apollonian strain of Classical Traditionalism. This article, like the other, is still being written, but you can take a look at what we have written so far.

Question :
"I notice that you say 'Traditionalist' or 'Hellenist' instead of 'Pagan'. What's the difference?"
Answer :
Primarily, it's a cultural one. Yes, we're polytheists. However, "Paganism" is starting to mean more than that, these days. It's starting to refer to a combination of occult practices and New Age philosophy.

We have little interest in the former and reject the latter, especially its support for moral relativism. The values and much of the way of life you see here, however unconventional by the standards of early 21st century Anglo-American society, are deeply rooted in established tradition, thus the term "Traditionalism".

We would like to refer to Traditionalism as being a branch of Paganism, but until the distinction between Paganism and Neo-Paganism becomes clear to the general public, it is best to hold off from doing so.

Hellenist is short for "Hellenic Traditionalist", though some Hellenic Neopagans call themselves that, quite misleadingly.

Question :
"Is this group for Hellenists only?
Answer :
Yes, and no. Would we limit attendance at a festival to Hellenists or to some small "enlightened" group, as some "temples" have been know to do? No. A festival should be festive. We want to see a good crowd.

But we should keep in mind that for some of us, the fun and games serve a religious purpose as well. The Gathering hierarchy will be Hellenist, its efforts offered in service to the gods, and as a gift to the community.

Question :
"Why was this on an adult server? Were you planning on putting up pictures of Pagans doing tawdry sexual things, you oversexed heathen degenerate?"
Answer :
I guess that would be as opposed to an undersexed Christian degenerate? No matter. No, there will be no pictures of people "going at it". In fact, it is unlikely that there will be pictures at all.

Your presence at the Temple is a confidential matter. It is for this very reason that we don't archive posts on our announcement list. Should one of our members offer an invitation, that invitation is not saved for the prying eyes of the narrow minded, in the future. Photography would tend to compromise that confidentiality.

We have had this page hosted on an adult server, before, if for no other reason, than because one can not get the free website providers to say, precisely, what it is that they mean when they say "adult content" as opposed to "mature content". The use of an adult server spared us any unpleasant surprises in that area. The material you see here is fairly inoffensive, so we decided to store it on the technically superior servers you see it on, now. But more explicit material would have to be hosted elsewhere.

Question : " Is there any place to go for more information?"
. Answer : . But, of course!

Click here to return to our announcement list, unless you'd like to visit the page of our sister group, instead, maybe visiting the Lupercalia discussion, where you read about some of the thoughts behind the decision to create the Gathering as a distinct group.

Our thanks to the Witches'Voice, for being broadminded enough to list us, and eGroups, for hosting our events announcement list.