The story on the name "International Brotherhood of Warlocks and Trolls" ... God only knows. It wasn't a calculated choice, it just kind of came to me. You know how you'll have a group of maybe 40 auto mechanics in Kenosha get together to form a union, at it'll instantly be "The International Brotherhood of Automotive Maintenance Engineers"? I'm sort of riffing off of that. What the name is saying, is that if somebody wants to get self-righteous, and start tossing those labels around, we're going to embrace them, and affectionately make them our own.

I'm reminded of a story that holds that when Mohammed fled from Mecca, he and his followers were called "muslims", which, at the time, meant "traitor". When they returned, instead of growing angry at this act of spite, on the part of their former tormentors, they said "If you wish to call us 'muslims', fine, we are muslims. But now, 'muslim' means 'one who loyally submits to the will of God'. "

I do not know if this story is true, but if it is, this act showed true wisdom, and the strength that lies in having a good sense of humor. I think that fictional or not, this is a good act to emulate. So, henceforth, a 'warlock' is somebody who refuses to surrender his will and conscience to the whims of others, and a 'troll' is somebody who deflates the self-important with well-needed mockery. "So mote it be", as some would say. "Lighten up, Binky" is how I would put it.

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