A few Pagan search engines definitely helped us get into the general search engine rankings, we're sure : AvatarSearch and AriadneSpider come to mind. Should we ever have updates to report, the list we'll probably be using has been provided free of charge by CoolList (and please try not to dwell on the name or the logo). As per some of your requests, we've redecorated the Almond Jar extensively. A number of the graphics you saw on this site came from feebleminds animated gifs and clipart.

We'd recommend that you pay a visit to the Stele, the homepage of the Omphalos, an informal Hellenic Traditionalist organization that we hope will continue. It is an excellent resources page that the webmaster somehow manages to maintain in the middle of what must be an impossible work schedule. Our thanks and, I'm sure, the thanks of the whole community, go out to him for his efforts. Many of the links to this site are provided by The Witches Voice, which serves as the primary Pagan web hub for the US, if not the planet.

Last, but not least, here's a page whose owner probably has no idea that the Almond Jar even exists and probably couldn't care less, but it is good reading for the "don't be so divisive, let's all be Pagan together" crowd". The issues raised hearken back to a time when far too many Wiccans were fond of barging into sweat lodges instead of symposia. They were doing unto the natives' cultural traditions as their ancestors did to the Native American's lands, at least one of the authors would seem to be arguing.

Some Readings on Cultural Appropriations,
Native America, and the New Age

You may notice that we're no longer listing any free e-mail services or url redirection services. This is with good reason, and our regrets if our endorsement of some of these places lead you into an inconvenience. They were extremely useful for a few years, but with the dot.com bubble burst most seemed to pick up a "why bother" attitude that remains to this day. We can no longer recommend using these services. Return to the Table of Contents on the main Almond Jar Page by clicking here.