... or "demipagans", if you prefer? Yes, absolutely. I did not, by any means, invent Demipaganism. Mayan Traditionalists have been practicing a form of it for centuries. I'm not even sure that I was the first to coin the word. I rather doubt it, actually, given the obvious roots. Nor is the Shrine the newest of these groups (at least, not in its first incarnation). The desire to learn from all of our religious past (and not just those parts that are currently fashionable to think about) is a natural one that has occured to many of us, independently.

The Northern Gnostic is the homepage of another Synchretic Traditionalist, this one a Norse, rather than a Graeco-Roman Traditionalist. There, you will find links to a number of other Synchretist pages. This is a trend we like, and we hope that we'll be seeing a lot more of it.

A few other links:

  1. Santeria - the religion that some of the people on alt.religion.asatru want you to believe that we're practicing. Santeria is a religion which "orginated in Cuba as a combination of the Western African Yoruba Religion and Iberian Catholicism", as this page at the University of Virginia explains. A brief overview of the history and beliefs of Santeria is provided, along with a few links, some of which still work:

    1. Santeria, A Practical Guide to Afro-Caribbean Magic
    2. Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye
    3. The ReligiousTolerance.org page on Santeria
    4. Henke's Orisha Page
  2. Vodoun sites listed on Yahoo

    (I'll sort through these later, if I decide to continue work on the religion section of this site)

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