You're about to leave this site for Usenet, a place which can only be termed a cesspool. No cute attempts at ironic exaggeration are being made at this point, the place is simply unpleasant. If you follow these links, assume that you will run into mindlessly gratuitous profanity and other pointlessly offensive material. By choosing to follow these links, you forfeit any right to complain to our provider and be taken seriously because you really and truly have been warned.


This starts with somebody going by the name of "CalypsoBlue" posting an announcement of the existence of the Conservative Pagan Webring. This post didn't make it into the Googlegroups archives (nee Dejanews). I'm guessing that it was removed in response to some of the abusive replies seen on these threads. I then posted an anouncement of my own, as I was the ringmaster after all, after which I encountered the unprovoked flaming you see on these threads. The tone of this was not in the least way unexpected, because it was not in the least way unusual. But, 3500 visitors did find their way to our ring that day, and so any temporary irritation was more than adequately compensated, no thanks to the regulars on these newsgroups.

This page is part of The Almond Jar, the homepage of the Shrine of the Sleeping Gods.