a. Our Main Christo-Pagan Page

Is "Christo-Paganism" hopelessly conflicted ? A little information about our Saturnalia festival observance. Jesus as the priest of the gods.

b. Jesus and Aphrodite

A discussion of the mutually complementary roles each play in a Christo-Pagan spirituality.

c. An aside of the Broader aspects of Love

Some discussion of the ethical issues raised in the preceding article.

d. A Non-Christic Counterpoint

Let's emphasize this: a demipagan path does not necessarily call for a belief in the Christian or Jewish god. Nor, for that matter, have values that we would consider to be Judeo-Christian been exclusively held and honored by Jews and Christians. A brief discussion of a contrary point of view.

e. Questions and misinformation

Clearing up some misconceptions regarding, and answering a few frequently asked questions about our particular "blended" path.

f. So, are we syncretists, or aren't we ?

Under construction. Considering whether our blended path should be regarded as a synchretic one. Is Jesus a new divinity, or merely a new face for an older divinity?

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